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This m file models an UWB system using BPSK. The receiver is a correlation receiver with a LPF integrator and comparators for threshhold selection.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.28kb Publisher : 海涛

This m file analyzes a coherent binary phase shift keyed(BPSK) and a amplitude shift keyed(ASK) communication system. The receiver uses a correlator(mixer-integrator[LPF]) configuration with BER measurements comparing measured and theoretical results. The bandpass and low pass used in the receiver are constructed using z transforms. -This m file analyzes a coherent binary phas e shift keyed (BPSK) and a amplitude shift keyed (ASK) communication system. The receiver uses a correlator (mixer-integrator [LPF]) config Education and other BER measurements comparing with measu red and theoretical results. The bandpass and l ow pass used in the receiver are constructed usi Vi z transforms.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.42kb Publisher : 王峥

This m file models an UWB system using BPSK. The receiver is a correlation receiver with a LPF integrator and comparators for threshhold selection.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 20kb Publisher : 海涛

This m file analyzes a coherent binary phase shift keyed(BPSK) and a amplitude shift keyed(ASK) communication system. The receiver uses a correlator(mixer-integrator[LPF]) configuration with BER measurements comparing measured and theoretical results. The bandpass and low pass used in the receiver are constructed using z transforms. -This m file analyzes a coherent binary phas e shift keyed (BPSK) and a amplitude shift keyed (ASK) communication system. The receiver uses a correlator (mixer-integrator [LPF]) config Education and other BER measurements comparing with measu red and theoretical results. The bandpass and l ow pass used in the receiver are constructed usi Vi z transforms.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王峥

用matlab是实现半带抽取、半带内插滤波器,以及fft变换,CIC等等。-Using matlab to achieve half-band extraction, half-band interpolation filter, as well as the fft transform, CIC, etc..
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 44kb Publisher : sunhan

此源码中包含了ButterWorth高通、低通,带通MATLAB仿真,Chebyshev高通、低通,带通MATLAB仿真,还有Notch,Peak MATLAB 仿真-This source includes ButterWorth high-pass, low pass, band pass MATLAB simulation, Chebyshev high-pass, low pass, band pass MATLAB simulation, as well as Notch, Peak MATLAB simulation
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : 林海仲

DL : 0
在matlab上实现2ASK信号的调制,以及相干解调,并给出调制/解调后的信号波形。主程序名为ASKmod.m,调用子程序为T2F.m、F2T.m、 和LPF.m。-To achieve in matlab 2ASK signal modulation, and coherent demodulation, and given modulation/demodulation of signal waveform. Main program, called ASKmod.m, call subroutine to T2F.m, F2T.m, and LPF.m.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : hgdlsl

FFT/IFFT/LPF函数的调用,将三段代码分别保存为m文件,即可在matlab中调用函数。包含一个例子,为AM以及DSB的调制和解调。-FFT/IFFT/LPF of function calls, respectively for m documents preservation, can call functions of the matlab.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李浩

This m-file simulates the operation of the heterodyne section and demodulating section of a garden variety AM receiver. An array is created that represents the superposition of three separate RF carriers, each modulated at a different audio frequency. This is the kind of signal that could be expected at the output of the LNA. This signal is multiplied by a local oscillator, passed though an IF filter, and demodulated using a simple envelope detector (half-wave rectifier and single pole LPF). Some plots are created at the end to show the signal at various locations in the receiver.- This m-file simulates the operation of the heterodyne section and demodulating section of a garden variety AM receiver. An array is created that represents the superposition of three separate RF carriers, each modulated at a different audio frequency. This is the kind of signal that could be expected at the output of the LNA. This signal is multiplied by a local oscillator, passed though an IF filter, and demodulated using a simple envelope detector (half-wave rectifier and single pole LPF). Some plots are created at the end to show the signal at various locations in the receiver.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : burak

DL : 0
QAM是英文Quadrature Amplitude Modulation的缩略语简称,意为正交幅度调制,是一种数字调制方式。[1] 16QAM是指包含16种符号的QAM调制方式。 16QAM 调制解调原理方框图 如右图: 16QAM 是用两路独立的正交 4ASK 信号叠加而成,4ASK 是用多电平信号去键控载波而得到的信号。它是 2ASK 体制的推广,和 2ASK 相比,这种体制的优点在于信息传输速率高。 正交幅度调制是利用多进制振幅键控(MASK)和正交载波调制相结合产生的。 16 进制的正交振幅调制是一种振幅相位联合键控信号。16QAM 的产生有 2 种方法: (1)正交调幅法,它是有 2 路正交的四电平振幅键控信号叠加而成; (2)复合相移法:它是用 2 路独立的四相位移相键控信号叠加而成。 这里采用正交调幅法。16QAM 正交调制的原理如下图 1 所示。 图1 16QAM 调制器 图中串/并变换器将速率为Rb的二进制码元序列分为两路,速率为Rb/2.2-4电平变换为Rb/2 的二进制码元序列变成速率为RS=Rb/log216 的 4 个电平信号,4 电平信号与正交载波相乘,完成正交调制,两路信号叠加后产生 16QAM信号.在两路速率为Rb/2 的二进制码元序列中,经 2-4 电平变换器输出为 4 电平信号,即M=16.经 4 电平正交幅度调制和叠加后,输出 16 个信号状态,即 16QAM. RS=Rb/log216=RB/4. 2. 16QAM 解调原理 16QAM 信号采取正交相干解调的方法解调,解调器首先对收到的 16QAM 信号进行正交相干解调,一路与 cos ω c t 相乘,一路与 sin ω c t 相乘。然后经过低通滤波器,低通滤波器 LPF 滤除乘法器产生的高频分量,获得有用信号,低通滤波器LPF 输出经抽样判决可恢复出电平信号。
Update : 2014-04-27 Size : 10.36kb Publisher :

这个文档采用BPSK超宽带系统。接收器是一个相关接收机具有集成低通滤波器和比较器的门限的选择-This m file models an UWB system using BPSK. The receiver is a correlation receiver with a LPF integrator and comparators for threshhold selection
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 6kb Publisher : wang tao
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