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lua源代码。 可应用于游戏脚本的开发和其它方面的应用-lua source code. Scripts can be applied to game development and other aspects of the application
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 212kb Publisher :

lua 脚本编译器, 解释器, 1.115, 相当于lua 5.1.4-lua script compiler, interpreter, 1.115, which is equivalent to lua 5.1.4
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 419kb Publisher :

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LUA编辑器 省时间,省力气,简单,明了,色彩区分变量-LUA compiler
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.37mb Publisher : jack

DL : 0
详细介绍uclinux移植过程,很系统! 第六章目录:6.1 Bootloader  6.1.1 Bootloader介绍  6.1.2 Bootloader的启动  6.1.3 Bootloader的种类  6.2 U-Boot编程  6.2.1 U-Boot工程简介  6.2.2 U-Boot源码结构  6.2.3 U-Boot的编译  6.2.4 U-Boot的移植  6.2.5 添加U-Boot命令  6.3 U-Boot的调试  6.3.1 硬件调试器  6.3.2 软件跟踪  6.3.3 U-Boot启动过程  6.3.4 U-Boot与内核的关系  6.4 使用U-Boot  6.4.1 烧写U-Boot到Flash  6.4.2 U-Boot的常用命令[1]  6.4.2 U-Boot的常用命令[2]  6.4.3 U-Boot的环境变量 141 -uclinux
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.67mb Publisher : shelling

Intro to LUA 5.1 Language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 196kb Publisher : aao331

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java代码加载lua文件,lua脚本用于实现一些算法(例如比赛中的编排算法),在系统运行期间可以随时更改lua脚本以适应实际需要。-java code to load lua files, lua scripts for the implementation of some algorithm (such as competition in the scheduling algorithm), in the system may change during the lua scripts in order to adapt to practical needs.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 白居易

LUA 5.1.4 scripting language source code. Compiler written in VC.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 196kb Publisher : DOX

lua 源代码,5.1的源代码,包括一个IDE,欢迎下载-lua source code, source code 5.1, including an IDE, welcome to download
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.42mb Publisher : wangshuai

* mod_magnet:修复对()正常表和字符串(修复#1307) * mod_magnet:添加打印lua错误回溯 * mod_rewrite:如果不编译pcre,修正编译错误, *禁用警告“CLOSE-read”(修复#2091) * mod_rrdtool:如果不存在则创建文件的修复(#1788) *在connection_reset重置tlsext_server_name - 修正了随机主机名$HTTP["host"]条件 *输出一些SSL_CLIENT_ *变量客户端证书验证(修复#1288,thx presbrey) *mod_fastcgi:修复的mod_fastcgi包解析 *mod_fastcgi:connect()成功后不要重新连接(修复#2096) *修正configure.ac允许autoreconf,还可以使V = 0-- 1.4.25- * mod_magnet: fix pairs() for normal tables and strings (fixes#1307) * mod_magnet: add traceback for printing lua errors * mod_rewrite: fix compile error if compiled without pcre * disable warning "CLOSE-read" (fixes#2091) * mod_rrdtool: fix creating file if it doesn t exist (#1788) * reset tlsext_server_name in connection_reset- fixes random hostnames in the $HTTP["host"] conditional * export some SSL_CLIENT_* vars for client cert validation (fixes#1288, thx presbrey) * mod_fastcgi: fix mod_fastcgi packet parsing * mod_fastcgi: Don t reconnect after connect() succeeded (fixes#2096) * Fix to allow autoreconf, also enables make V=0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 762kb Publisher : yarx

Lua 是一个小巧的脚本语言。作者是巴西人。该语言的设计目的是为了嵌入应用程序中,从而为应用程序提供灵活的扩展和定制功能,纯C开发,跨平台性非常好-Lua is a small scripting language. The author is Brazilian. The language is designed for embedded applications, so as to provide a flexible application extension and customization capabilities, development of pure C, cross-platform is very good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 232kb Publisher : 李刚

Lua5的教材,英文原版;学习LUA经典著作-The Implementation of Lua 5.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 129kb Publisher : 阿福

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LUA中文教程,手把手学习LUA的初学者教程-The chinese version of Learning Lua 5.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : 阿福

Vim 7.3主要改进包括: 1.Vim 7.3支持在重新加载编辑内容时进行撤销操作功能。(不仅仅是编辑过程中可以撤销编辑,重新编译依然可以保存以往编辑记录实现撤销) 2.Vim 7.3采用了Blowfish加密算法加密交换文件 3.Vim 7.3增加了隐藏文本的功能 4.Vim 7.3增加了Lua接口文件的支持 5.Vim 7.3增加了对Python3接口的支持 6.Vim 7.3还包括大量原有功能的改进和bug修复 -Vim 7.3 Major improvements include: 1.Vim 7.3 support in re-loading content when editing undo function. (Not just the editing process to revoke the edit, recompile the past can still save the edited record to achieve withdrawal) 2.Vim 7.3 encrypted using Blowfish encryption algorithm to increase the swap file 3.Vim 7.3 hidden text function 4.Vim 7.3 increase Lua interface file support 5.Vim 7.3 adds support for Python3 6.Vim 7.3 interface also includes a large number of original features improvements and bug fixes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.66mb Publisher : zk

"Plugins.rar" is a set of Lua scripts developed by PuJiTianXia and can be executed in the "CCBridge" application for Windows.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.38mb Publisher : tat_lim

Lua 本身是以简单优雅为本,着眼于处理那些C 不擅长的任务。借助C/C++为其扩展,Lua 可闪现无穷魅力。Lua 本身完全遵循ANSI C 而写成,只要有C 编译器的地方,Lua 便可发挥她的力量。Lua 不需要追求Python 那样的大而全的库,太多的累赘,反而会破坏她的优美。 语言的优美,来自于使用者自己的感悟。Lua 的优雅,也只有使用后才会明白。 -Product Description: Lua is becoming the language of choice for anyone who needs a scripting language that is simple, efficient, extensible, portable, and free. Currently, Lua is being used in areas ranging from embedded systems to Web development and is widely spread in the game industry, where knowledge of Lua is an indisputable asset. Programming in Lua is the official book about the language, giving a solid base for any programmer who wants to use Lua. Authored by Roberto Ierusalimschy, the chief architect of the language, it covers all aspects of Lua 5.0---from the basics to its API with C---explaining how to make good use of its features and giving numerous code examples. Programming in Lua is targeted at people with some programming background, but does not assume any prior knowledge about Lua or other scripting languages.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : JavaLearner

此项目是RPG+SLG的结合。 前端纯as3实现,使用aswing,后台跨平台C++,lua,网络库boost asio,服务器三层结构,DataServer,GameServer,GateServer(多个),代码结构极其简单,极易维护。 游戏系统创新实现: 1.元神出窍,将玩家分为在线和离线两个角色,玩家离线后元神可在线 2.元神队伍,就是队友不必要在线,你可以控制你的队友。 3.奴隶系统,战胜对方,即可抓对方为奴隶,奴隶可作为宝宝参战 4.情人系统,任何玩家在游戏中将会有个身价,只要有人出价超过你的身价即可将你买为情人 5.真实飞行,飞行地图和行走地图分开 6.天上人间,在天上建建筑,建筑可单个被占领掠夺,单个建筑可设置守卫。 7.全系技能消耗生命,天生自带“同归于尽”技能。 8.全lua脚本控制,怪的行为和强弱控制不用重启服务器。 9.角色和怪采用矢量图,可很容易改成位图 10.战斗可在线战斗,离线战斗,自动,手动,系统控制结合包括了部分客户端,服务器和地图编辑器和工具的代码-This project is the combination of RPG+SLG. The front end of pure AS3 implementation, using aswing, the background of cross platform C++, Lua, network database boost ASIO server, three layer structure, DataServer, GameServer, GateServer (multiple), the code has the advantages of simple structure, easy maintenance. Game system innovation: The 1 soul OBE, game player will be divided into online and offline two roles, offline online game player God 2 yuan is the team, team need not online, you can control your teammates. 3 the slave system, beat each other, to catch each other as slaves, slaves as baby war The 4 lovers system, any game player in the game will be worth, as long as there are people who bid more than your value will you buy for lovers 5 separate real flight, flight map and walking map 6 immeasurably vast difference, building in the sky, the building can be a single occupied plunder, individual buildings can be set to guard. 7 all spells consuming life, born with "pe
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 643kb Publisher : 6546874

lua 5.0 原码分析。基于寄存器的虚拟机、散列表用做数组时的新优化算法,闭包的实现以及协程的加入-original code analysis lua 5.0. Register-based virtual machine, the hash table with an array of new optimization algorithms to do when, implementation and closure process to join the Association
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 358kb Publisher : 醉清风

斗地主出牌提示lua脚本。 test.lua中写了一个调用测试的方法。 假设自己手牌为3,4,5.对放打出3,提示出牌4或者5-Landlords cards prompt lua script. test.lua write a method call test. Suppose own hand as 3,4,5. To put hit 3, 4 or 5 prompted the cards
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 继光

lua的源码,有助于编程人员更好的学习编程。- Lua source code, to help programmers better learning programming.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 296kb Publisher : 周小熊

详细介绍中文语法,闭包、表,string等(Detailed introduction of Chinese grammar)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 211kb Publisher : bill0726
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