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[Other resourceluv_rgb_yuv_lab_space_convert

Description: you can use this matlab code to change image into different color system such as luv, rgb, yuv and lab
Platform: | Size: 4591 | Author: 謝生油 | Hits:


Description: you can use this matlab code to change image into different color system such as luv, rgb, yuv and lab
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 謝生油 | Hits:

[Graph programRGB2LabAndLab2RGB

Description: % function [L, a, b] = RGB2Lab(R, G, B) % RGB2Lab takes matrices corresponding to Red, Green, and Blue, and % transforms them into CIELab. This transform is based on ITU-R % Recommendation BT.709 using the D65 white point reference. % The error in transforming RGB -> Lab -> RGB is approximately % 10^-5. RGB values can be either between 0 and 1 or between 0 and 255. % By Mark Ruzon from C code by Yossi Rubner, 23 September 1997. % Updated for MATLAB 5 28 January 1998.-% function [L, a, b] = RGB2Lab(R, G, B) % RGB2Lab takes matrices corresponding to Red, Green, and Blue, and % transforms them into CIELab. This transform is based on ITU-R % Recommendation BT.709 using the D65 white point reference. % The error in transforming RGB-> Lab-> RGB is approximately % 10^-5. RGB values can be either between 0 and 1 or between 0 and 255. % By Mark Ruzon from C code by Yossi Rubner, 23 September 1997. % Updated for MATLAB 5 28 January 1998.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 郑成勇 | Hits:

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