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数字式测光表,测量亮度 (外国人设计的) 在照度仪通常是用来测量照明。光照是如何光通量水平是一个面积下降。光通量是可见的组件,它是在辐射通量(光功率)以人眼的相对灵敏度分歧可见光谱定义。这意味着照度很好适合人眼的感觉从光的水平。-The Lux Meter is usually used to measure illumination. The illumination is how level of luminous flux is falling on a surface area. The luminous flux is visible component that is defined in radiant flux (light power) divided by relative sensitivity of human eyes over the visible spectrum. This means the Lux is well fit to light level from sense of human eyes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 547kb Publisher :

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wireless thermometer: server side- arduino mini pro+ dht22 + BH1750 lux meter+ DS1307 clock + optional 16x2 i2c LCD allready in the code receiver side: 16x2 LCD... first row indoor temp in C and F a LM35 connected to pinA0, and RX rf 433mhz on pin 10 secound LCD display row: outdoot tem in C and Humidity in-wireless thermometer: server side- arduino mini pro+ dht22 + BH1750 lux meter+ DS1307 clock + optional 16x2 i2c LCD allready in the code receiver side: 16x2 LCD... first row indoor temp in C and F a LM35 connected to pinA0, and RX rf 433mhz on pin 10 secound LCD display row: outdoot tem in C and Humidity in
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : aciduu

bh1750 lux meter another source.and i m in learning to it.-bh1750 lux meter another source.and i m in learning to it.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : syarif1990
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