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Description: 1 Boneh-Franlin的IBE算法主要由四个子算法组成:Setup,Extract,Encrypt和Decrypt,分别完成系统参数建立、密钥提取、加密和解密的功能。假定消息的明文空间为 ,密文空间 。
(1)、建立: 给定一个安全参数 k蝂+
Step 1: 执行G生成一个素数q, 两个q阶群G1, G2 , 和一个可用的双线性映射 ê: G1碐1瓽2。 此外选取G1 任一生成元 P蜧1,再选取两个HASH函数 H3:{ 0, 1}n×{0, 1}n。 -?, H4:。 :{ 0, 1}n鄘0, 1}n
Setp 2: 随机选取一个 s? 令 Ppub=sP。
Step 3: 选择两个算法函数, H1: {0, 1}*?, H2: G2畕0, 1}n 。(对于安全验证,将所有的散列函数看作是随机的数据系统)。 消息空间为M= {0, 1}n。 密文空间为 C = 磠0, 1}n。 输出系统参数为 p = {q, G1, G2, ê, n, P, Ppub, H1, H2 H3, H4,}。 主密钥为 s?。
(2)、提取: 对于一个给定的字符串 Id蝱0, 1}* 算法如下:
Step 4: 计算 QId = H1(Id) ?。
Step 5: 设私钥为 SId 则 SId = (QId)s 其中s为主密钥。
(3)、加密: 利用公钥 Id加密m蜯 算法如下:
Step 6: 计算 QId = H1(Id) ?。
Step 7: 选择一个随机数 σ?。
Step 8: 设r= H3 (σ,m)
Step 9:建立密文为:c=
(4)、解密: 令c = 为用公钥加密的密文。如果U不属于 ,则拒绝该密文, 使用私钥要解密 SId? :
Step 10:计算σ=V臜2(ê(SId, U))
Step 11:得出m=W H4 (σ)
Step 12:设r = H3 (σ,m),验证U与rσ是否相等,如果不等则拒绝。
2 IBE算法性能分析
2.1 算法安全性
现在我们就来分析一下上述IBE算法的安全性。基于椭圆曲线的IBE算法的安全性依赖于给定P和rP条件下计算出r的难度,即求解椭圆曲线对数问题的时间复杂性。节点对明文加密后,将密文连同rP一起发出。解密密文时,当节点正常接收,只要用私钥dID经过计算就可以得到明文;当信息被攻击节点截取时,由于缺少私钥dID,攻击节点要算出密钥只能沿用发送节点的公式: ,假设攻击节点可以知道公钥QId和系统参数P和Ps,同时rP也是连同密文一起发送的,因此只要由P和rP解出发送节点选择的r,就可以得到gID。但是,解出r是几乎不可能的,所以IBE的安全性很高。
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Size: 1500328 |
Author: michelle.yaer@163.com |
Description: 实现阿克曼函数并统计递归调用次数
Counting times of recursion calling
1. 问题描述
ACK(0,n)=n+1 n>=0
ACK(m,0)=ACK(m-1,1) m>=1
ACK(m,n)=ACK(m-1,ACK(m,n-1)) m,n>0
2. 基本要求
读入m、n,输出ACK(m,n)的值,并统计递归调用次数。-Ackermann achieve statistical and recursive function call Counting the number of times recur as contemplated by calling 1. Problem description definition of a recursive function Ackerman : ACK (0, n) = n 1 n
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Size: 587776 |
Author: 李昭明 |
Description: 参加运动会有n个学校,学校编号为1……n。比赛分成m个男子项目,和w个女子项目。项目编号为男子1……m,女子m+1……m+w。-participate in the Games with n, the school No. 1 ... n. The competition is divided into m man, a woman and w projects. Item No. 1 man ... m, a woman m m w ....
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Size: 262144 |
Author: 程军 |
Description: 约瑟夫环问题约瑟夫问题的一种描述是:编号为1,2,……,n的n个人按顺时针方向围坐一圈,每人持有一个密码(正整数)。一开始任选一个正整数作为报数上限值m,从第一个人开始按顺时针方向自1开始顺序报数,报到m时停止报数。报m的人出列,将他的密码作为新的m值,从他在顺时针方向上的下一个人开始重新从1报数,如此下去,直至所有人全部出列为止。试设计一个程序求出出列顺序。-Joseph Joseph Central issues a description of the problem is: No. 1,2, ... ..., n the n individuals according to a clockwise direction around a circle, one person holding a password (positive integer). The beginning of a positive integer optional number of upper limit, as reported m, from the first individual to embark on the clockwise direction since the beginning of the order of 1 reported that the number of reported m stop off. Reported m the person out of his password as a new m value, from his in a clockwise direction on the next person to start off again from the 1, and so on, until all that out until all. Try to design a procedure to derive the column order.
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Size: 51200 |
Author: 小崔 |
Description: 约瑟夫问题
-Joseph problems numbered 1,2, ... ..., n of n individuals according to a clockwise direction around a circle, one person holding a password (positive integer). One began to choose a positive integer as the number of reported upper limit of m, from the first individual to embark on the clockwise direction since the beginning of the order of one off. Method 1. Reported that the number of people out of m column (to remove), from him in a clockwise direction on the next person started to count off from 1, ... ..., it goes on like this until all the column until all. Try to design a procedure to derive the column order. Require the use of one-way linked list storage structure simulation cycle of this process, in accordance with a print out the order of their number and this person password.
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Size: 36864 |
Author: candy930 |
Description: 1.产生白噪声程序
1) 设定x初值为11,A=179,长度WNlength,均值Average,方差Serror为用户输入的变量;
2) M =235,ζi= x/M;
3) 取ζi的小数部分再赋值给ζi+1,这就是均匀分布白噪声;
4) 利用公式 η1=Serror×(–2*logζ1)0.5×cos(2pζ2) +Average
η2= Serror×(–2*logζ1)0.5×sin(2pζ2) +Average
计算得到均值和方差可任意调整的白噪声序列。式中 为均匀分布白噪声。
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Size: 163840 |
Author: 陈栋 |
Description: 编写函数double fun(double x, int m),它的功能是将浮点数X保留M个小数,第M+1位四舍五入,如输入123.456,保留两位小数输出123.46-The preparation of function double fun (double x, int m), its function is to float X retained a small number of M, the first M+1 bit rounded, such as the importation of 123.456, to retain two decimal output 123.46
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Size: 7168 |
Author: huaying |
Description: 课程设计:
1) 将权值数据存放在数据文件(文件名为data.txt,位于执行程序的当前目录中)
2) 分别采用动态和静态存储结构
3) 初始化:键盘输入字符集大小n、n个字符和n个权值,建立哈夫曼树;
4) 编码:利用建好的哈夫曼树生成哈夫曼编码;
5) 输出编码;
6) 设字符集及频度如下表:
字符 空格 A B C D E F G H I J K L M
频度 186 64 13 22 32 103 21 15 47 57 1 5 32 20
字符 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
频度 57 63 15 1 48 51 80 23 8 18 1 16 1
-Curriculum design:
1. Obtained in an n × n chessboard, the place to catch each other should not n个chess "Queen" of all the layout.
2. The design of a use of Huffman coding and decoding algorithms systems, and deal with duplicate to show the following items until the exit date selection.
The basic requirements 【】
1) will be the right value data stored in data files (file named data.txt, located in the implementation of procedures in the current directory)
2), respectively, dynamic and static storage structure
3) Initialization: keyboard input character set size of n, n and n characters of the right value, set up Huffman tree
4) Coding: Using the built Huffman tree generated Huffman coding
5) output coding
6) The character set and the frequency of the following table:
Space characters A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Frequency of 186 64 13 22 32 103 21 15 47 57 1 5 32 20
Character N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Frequency 57 63 15 1 48 51 80 23 8 18 1 16 1
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Size: 550912 |
Author: 赵刚 |
Description: 加密(10)
Ci = mi + K ,其中i = 0,1,……n-1 , K 为密钥;
-Encryption (10) functions: (1) the importation of any section of an express M, and the key K (2) in accordance with the following formula to convert it to the ciphertext C. Ci = mi+ K, one of i = 0,1, ... ... n-1, K for the key (3) has the input-output interface.
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Size: 231424 |
Author: dingpei |
Description: M/M/1排队系统 M/M/1排队系统 M/M/1排队系统 M/M/1排队系统 -M/M/1 queuing system M/M/1 queuing system M/M/1 queuing system M/M/1 queuing system M/M/1 queuing system M/M/1 queuing system M/M/1 queuing system M/M/1 Queuing System
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Size: 197632 |
Author: 王炜 |
Description: UDP组播VC例程
另外,压缩包中保留的各个版本以供对照。-CMulticastSocket with 7 dsw/dsp packages
including 6 compilable, 1 cannot be compiled just included for references.
The packages demonstrates:
1 DLG based M-cast UDP tranceiver also with a non-reusable version for reference
1 shell based M-cast UDP tranceiver
1 DLG based M-cast UDP receiver,
1 DLG based M-cast UDP sender.
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Size: 549888 |
Author: 邝育军 |
Description: 1)给出菜单选项,并在程序中预先设计3幅迷宫图(m×n)(m、n不超过15),用户可以自由选择其中一幅。3幅地图的复杂性不同,为容易、一般、较难。
-1) given menu option, and in the process of three pre-designed maze map (m × n) (m, n not exceeding 15), the user can freely choose which site. Three maps of different complexity for easy general, it is rather difficult.
2) The player can choose the initial position, the computer can also be randomly generated (menu selection by the user)
3) record player s travel records, that is, each wall of a maze the number of how many go out of the maze, such as step-by-step before.
4) set features step-by-step regret, that regret can be specified key step, the associated record this step will also be removed.
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Size: 348160 |
Author: 一心 |
Description: 1. 建立一个基本对话的exe工程,并命名为circle;
2. 插入一个对话框资源,以在此对话框上输入圆心坐标、半径及颜色,并为此建立一个新类,命名为CDlg;
3. 在IDD_CIRCLE_DIALOG上删除已有控件,并添加一个Button,命名为Button1;
4. 在CcircleDlg内添加3个double型成员变量,命名为x,y,r,然后添加1个COLORREF的成员变量,命名为color;
5. 在CDlg内加入3个Edit box,在加入一个button2;
6. 在CDlg内用classwizard为3 个Editbox添加3个double型成员变量,命名为m_x,m_y,m_r,然后添加1个COLORREF的成员变量,命名为color1;
7. 用classwizard为button2添加消息响应函数void CDlg::OnButton2(),在此函数内输入下列代码
CColorDialog m
8. 为此Button1添加一个消息响应函数void CCircleDlg::OnButton1(),在此函数内输入下列代码
CDlg dl
-The accuracy of the algorithm is affected by the slope, if the slope is greater than 2, then a straight line can be observed as dotted lines, the slope is greater than one of the most perfect.
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Size: 1697792 |
Author: tmacq3 |
Description: Problem description
给定一个赋权无向图G=(V,E),每个顶点v∈V都有一个权值w(v)。如果U包含于V,且对于(u,v)∈E 有u∈U 且v∈V-U,则有v∈K.如:U = {1}, 若有边(1,2), 则有2属于K. 若有集合U包含于V使得U + K = V, 就称U 为图G 的一个顶点覆盖。G 的最小权顶点覆盖是指G 中所含顶点权之和最小的顶点覆盖。
输入数据。第1 行有2 个正整数n 和m,表示给定的图G 有n 个顶点和m条边,顶点编号为1,2,…,n。第2 行有n个正整数表示n个顶点的权。接下来的m行中,每行有2 个正整数u,v,表示图G 的一条边(u,v)。
Sample Input
7 7
1 100 1 1 1 100 10
1 6
2 4
2 5
3 6
4 5
4 6
6 7
Sample Output
-Problem description
给定一个赋权无向图G=(V,E),每个顶点v∈V都有一个权值w(v)。如果U包含于V,且对于(u,v)∈E 有u∈U 且v∈V-U,则有v∈K.如:U = {1}, 若有边(1,2), 则有2属于K. 若有集合U包含于V使得U+ K = V, 就称U 为图G 的一个顶点覆盖。G 的最小权顶点覆盖是指G 中所含顶点权之和最小的顶点覆盖。
输入数据。第1 行有2 个正整数n 和m,表示给定的图G 有n 个顶点和m条边,顶点编号为1,2,…,n。第2 行有n个正整数表示n个顶点的权。接下来的m行中,每行有2 个正整数u,v,表示图G 的一条边(u,v)。
Sample Input
7 7
1 100 1 1 1 100 10
1 6
2 4
2 5
3 6
4 5
4 6
6 7
Sample Output
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Size: 217088 |
Author: Fay |
Description: 1)输入单词,判断其是否正确,如果错误,给出纠正的建议;
-1) Enter the word to determine whether it is correct, if wrong, give correct recommendations 2) Enter the incomplete words, you can complete the word 3) type the words and numbers m, asked to enter a string of m characters are Similar differences in words
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Size: 358400 |
Author: 萧刚 |
Description: 1、在主程序中要求将程序拷贝到系统盘\windows\目录下并更名为taskmgr.exe,同时复制第二份到系统盘\windows\system32目录下并更名为explorer.exe。用以混淆用户对病毒的第一判断。
2、程序建立两个windows进程,每个进程每一个时钟周期检查另外一个进程是否正在运行。如果存在弹出对话框“I’m still here!”,如果不存在启动另一个进程并弹出对话框“I’m still here!”。
-1, in the main program the requested copies of the program to the system disk \ windows \ directory and renamed taskmgr.exe, while the second copy to the system drive \ windows \ system32 directory and renamed explorer.exe. To confuse the users first determine the virus. 2, the program process of the establishment of two windows, each process checks each clock cycle, another process is running. If there are pop-up dialog box " I' m still here!" , If there is no start another process and the pop-up dialog box " I' m still here!" . 3, the two-virus program will copy a good start to the registry key. (Oftware \ \ microsoft \ \ windows \ \ currentversion \ \ run). Each clock is running when the program should add this information to the registry.
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Size: 3504128 |
Author: 赵岩 |
Description: 在一个由M*N个小正方形组成的矩形上,依次用两个相等的小正方形大小的矩形(此处所谓相邻是指两个正方形有一条公共边)不重复的覆盖该矩形区域。请构造出该问题的模型,设计算法求解所有可能的覆盖。-In a M* N small squares on the rectangle, followed by two small squares of equal size of the rectangle (here is the so-called two adjacent squares have a common edge) does not duplicate the coverage of the rectangular area. Please construct the problem of the model, the design algorithm for all possible coverage.
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Size: 909312 |
Author: 汪旭 |
Description: 学生成绩管理系统,查看,删除,添加,统计,文件操作
c语言-student m
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Size: 231424 |
Author: wc |
Description: 一条贪吃的蛇在一个n*m的网格中游走,它只能从一个方格走向另一个相邻的方格,这里相邻的意思是两个方格有公共边。每个方格可以看作是一个房间,其中一些是空的,一些存放有苹果。贪吃的蛇根本不进入空的房间,而进入有苹果的房间后就可以带走所有苹果使房间成为空的。蛇从一个指定的房间出发,最终回到它的家,把一路带来的苹果存储到家中,当然,它希望带来的苹果最多。请编写程序,输入有整数n和m,及n*m的一个矩阵,矩阵元素数值中有一个是 -1,表示蛇的出发位置,有一个是 -2,表示蛇的家的位置,其余数值是非负整数,0表示房间为空,非零整数表示苹果的数目。输出蛇选择的游走路径和获得的最多的苹果数目。-A greedy snake in an n* m grid walk, it is only from one box to another box adjacent to the meaning here adjacent to the two squares have a common edge. Each square can be seen as a room, some of which are empty, some of the stored apples. Gluttonous snake did not enter an empty room, and enter the room with Apple can be taken away after all Apple to make the room become empty. Snake starting from a designated room, and eventually return to its home, the Apple store all the way to bring home, of course, it hopes to bring the apple up to. Write the program, enter the integers n and m and n* m of a matrix, the matrix element value is a-1, said the snake to the starting position, there is a 2, said the location of the snake' s home, and the remaining value non-negative integer, and 0 indicates that the room is empty, a non-zero integer number of Apple. Output snake choose to walk the path and get the maximum number of Apple.
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Size: 99328 |
Author: 李明 |
Description: 循环链表,N个小孩数数,数到M该小孩退出链表-Circular linked list, the N child count, the number of the child to the M exit linked list
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Size: 228352 |
Author: asd |
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