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We address the problem of blind carrier frequency-offset (CFO) estimation in quadrature amplitude modulation, phase-shift keying, and pulse amplitude modulation communications systems.We study the performance of a standard CFO estimate, which consists of first raising the received signal to the Mth power, where M is an integer depending on the type and size of the symbol constellation, and then applying the nonlinear least squares (NLLS) estimation approach. At low signal-to noise ratio (SNR), the NLLS method fails to provide an accurate CFO estimate because of the presence of outliers. In this letter, we derive an approximate closed-form expression for the outlier probability. This enables us to predict the mean-square error (MSE) on CFO estimation for all SNR values. For a given SNR, the new results also give insight into the minimum number of samples required in the CFO estimation procedure, in order to ensure that the MSE on estimation is not significantly affected by the outliers.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : 吴大亨

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.54kb Publisher : 还非子

DL : 0
We address the problem of blind carrier frequency-offset (CFO) estimation in quadrature amplitude modulation, phase-shift keying, and pulse amplitude modulation communications systems.We study the performance of a standard CFO estimate, which consists of first raising the received signal to the Mth power, where M is an integer depending on the type and size of the symbol constellation, and then applying the nonlinear least squares (NLLS) estimation approach. At low signal-to noise ratio (SNR), the NLLS method fails to provide an accurate CFO estimate because of the presence of outliers. In this letter, we derive an approximate closed-form expression for the outlier probability. This enables us to predict the mean-square error (MSE) on CFO estimation for all SNR values. For a given SNR, the new results also give insight into the minimum number of samples required in the CFO estimation procedure, in order to ensure that the MSE on estimation is not significantly affected by the outliers.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : 吴大亨

matlab代码实现meanshift图像分割算法,有较好的效果-matlab code meanshift realize image segmentation algorithm has better results
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 孙不显

这是基于mean-shift运动目标跟踪的matlab仿真的程序,含有三个M文件-This is based on the mean-shift moving target tracking matlab simulation program, containing three M documents
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 还非子

DL : 0
Mean Shift 这个概念最早是由Fukunaga等人[1]于1975年在一篇关于概率密度梯度函数的估计中提出来的,其最初含义正如其名,就是偏移的均值向量,在这里Mean Shift是一个名词,它指代的是一个向量,但随着Mean Shift理论的发展,Mean Shift的含义也发生了变化,如果我们说Mean Shift算法,一般是指一个迭代的步骤,即先算出当前点的偏移均值,移动该点到其偏移均值,然后以此为新的起始点,继续移动,直到满足一定的条件结束.-Mean Shift the concept was first used by Fukunaga et al [1] in 1975 in an article on the probability density function estimation of gradient raised its original meaning, as its name implies, is the offset of the mean vector, where is the Mean Shift a noun, it refers to a vector, but with the Mean Shift the development of the theory, Mean Shift the meaning has changed, if we say that Mean Shift algorithm, generally refers to an iterative steps, namely, first calculate the current point Mean offset, move the shift points to its average, and then as a new starting point and continue to move until the end to meet certain conditions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : maolei

用mfc编写的mean-shift算法,和重心跟踪算法,可以处理动态目标的跟踪,效果甚佳。-Mfc prepared using mean-shift algorithm, and the focus of the tracking algorithm can handle dynamic target tracking, the effect is very good.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : 姚伟

[ms_segmenter.rar] - 用均值平移算法进行的图像分割源程序,matlab环境 [1MS-code.rar] - 使用mean shift 算法 用于图像的分割与平滑。很实用,大家多看看会有帮助的~! [m.rar] - mean Shift 这个概念最早是由Fukunaga等人[1]于1975年在一篇关于概率密度-verdod doje iefjie eijfij efeoj
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 228kb Publisher : yokt

本程序首先把图像由RGB空间转到HSI空间,然后利用彩色图像分割策略以及meanshift算法对图像进行分割最后加入边界合成。其中‘keyprogram.m’文件为主程序,‘meanshift.m’文件为调用函数,实现数据的聚类分割。-The program first the image from the RGB space to HSI space and then using color image segmentation strategy and meanshift image segmentation algorithm synthesis of the last to join the border. Which ' keyprogram.m' file-based program, ' meanshift.m' file to call the function, data clustering segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 158kb Publisher : 刘常云

An enormous amount of publications deals with smoothing in the sense of nonpara- metric regression. However, nearly all of the literature treats the case where predictors and response are related in the form of a function y = m(x) + noise. In many situa- tions this simple functional model does not capture adequately the essential relation between predictor and response. We show by means of speed-°ow diagrams, that a more general setting may be required, allowing for multifunctions instead of only functions. It turns out that in this case the conditional modes are more appropriate for the estimation of the underlying relation than the commonly used mean or the median. Estimation is achieved using a conditional mean-shift procedure, which is adapted to the present situation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 387kb Publisher : xujin

利用背景平均法,帧间差分法进行目标跟踪。还有基于Mean Shift的复杂背景的运动目标跟踪方法。-利用背景平均法,帧间差分法进行目标跟踪。还有基于m... Using the method of average background, two consecutive frames subtraction method for target tracking. There are complex background based on mean shift method of moving target tracking.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.78mb Publisher : 白嘉盈

基于meansheift的彩色图像分割方法。其中keyprogram.m为主程序。meanshift为调用函数-Color image segmentation method based meansheift. Where keyprogram.m main program. meanshift call the function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 248kb Publisher : yuantianhua

根据D. Comaniciu, P. Meer: Mean Shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis 以及 C. Christoudias, B. Georgescu, P. Meer: Synergism in low level vision.这两篇文献提供的方法编写的图像分割代码,作者是 Chris M. Christoudias, Bogdan Georgescu,代码经我看了后加了丰富的中文注释,希望可以给各位带来阅读上的方便。 基于meanshift的聚类分割方法包括滤波、区域融合等操作,通过调整sigma和sigmar来调整分割效果。-According to D. Comaniciu, P. Meer: Mean Shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis, and C. Christoudias, B. Georgescu, P. Meer: Synergism in low level vision. These two documents prepared by the methods provided by image segmentation code , the author is Chris M. Christoudias, Bogdan Georgescu, after I read the code, add a rich Chinese notes, hoping to bring you the convenience of reading. Segmentation method based on clustering meanshift including filtering, regional integration and other operations, and by adjusting the sigma sigmar to adjust segmentation results.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.53mb Publisher :

“Deformed Lattice Detection in Real-World Images Using Mean-Shift Belief Propagation”这篇文献的源代码,分享一下-This is the source code of the reference Deformed Lattice Detection in Real-World Images Using Mean-Shift Belief Propagation ,i m glad to share it to you.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.88mb Publisher : chen
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