DL : 10
FreeTextBox is the most-used HTML editor for ASP.NET. It is compatible with IE on the PC, and Mozilla and Firefox on all platforms. It is used in major Open Source projects such as Community Server and DotNetNuke as well as excellent packages like Smarter Mail.
Update : 2008-06-29
Size : 718.85kb
Publisher : skyin0912
DL : 0
G-P算法计算关联维的 Matlab 程序 (升级版,mex函数,超快)
使 r 值较小时,ln r - ln C(r) 曲线接近线性
1、GP_Algorithm_main.m - 程序主文件
2、LorenzData.dll - 产生Lorenz离散数据
3、normalize_1.m - 数据归一化
4、CorrelationIntegral.dll - 计算关联积分-G-P algorithm in Matlab correlation dimension (upgrade version mex function, ultrafast) Author : bo, the Navy Engineering from the University of peer welcome exchanges and cooperation, more and download articles please visit my personal web page e-mail : luzhenbo@sina.com 000 people Home : luzhenbo.88uu.com.cn update : the introduction of restrictions on temporary separation parameters so that the sequence of parameters than the average cycle, in addition to the same orbit around the point and makes a relatively small r, r ln - ln C (r) curve is nearly linear document folders : 1, GP_Algorithm_main.m-procedure two main documents, LorenzData.dll - Lorenz have three discrete data, normalize_1.m-normalized data of four, CorrelationIntegral.dll-associated integral calculation
Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 6.22kb
Publisher : 陆振波
DL : 0
Preface Please note this article outlines the development of mail software on platforms Pocket PC 2000 and older only. Pocket 2002 had significantly changed how mail is handled by the OS. I suggest you read the aricles available at the Pocket PC Developers Network Introduction Windows CE provides support for Email Storage as part of the core operating system (ie. its comes on the ROM chip). Microsoft provides a series of API s in the library msgstore.lib which its cal...
-Preface Please note this article outlines the development of mail software on platforms P ocket PC 2000 and older only. Pocket 2002 had sig nificantly changed how mail is handled by the OS . I suggest you read the aricles available at the Pocket PC Developers Network Introduction Win dows CE provides support for Email Storage as pa rt of the core operating system (ie. its comes on the ROM chip). Microsoft provides a series of AP I's in the library msgstore.lib which its cal
Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 59.23kb
Publisher : 田博
DL : 0
提供了一种简单的单向“进程间通信”(interprocess communication,
I P C)机制。这个机制的名字非常古怪,叫作“邮槽”(M a i l s l o t)。用最简单的话来说,通过
邮槽,客户机进程可将消息传送或广播给一个或多个服务器进程。-provides a simple one-way "communication process" (interprocess commun ication, I P C) mechanisms. The name of this mechanism is very strange, called "Post Groove" (M.'s a i l l o t). With the most simple words, by mail chutes, and the client process can be transmitted or broadcast news to one or more server processes.
Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 377.42kb
Publisher : 楼洛阳
DL : 0
Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day)
Works on fully patched Windows Vista
I think it is first real remote code execution exploit on vista =)
Tested on:
Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation and UAC enabled)
Windows Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation and UAC enabled)
Windows XP SP2
(It also must to work on all nt based windows but not tested)
Author: jamikazu
Mail: jamikazu@gmail.com
Bug discovered by determina (http://www.determina.com)
Credit: milw0rm,metasploit, SkyLined, http://doctus.net/
invokes calc.exe if successful -Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I th ink it is first real remote code execution explo it on vista =) Tested on : Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 60 00) (default installation and UAC enabled) Win dows Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (d efault installation and UAC enabled) X-Windows P SP2 (It also must to work on all nt based windows but not tested) Author : jamikazu Mail : jamikazu@gmail.com Bug discovered by determi na (http://www.determina.com) Credit : milw0rm, metasploit, SkyLined, http : / / doctus.net / invokes calc.exe if successful
Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 1.58kb
Publisher : lee
DL : 0
智能电话系统的C语言代码,包括电子邮件功能模块,电话簿功能模块等多个模块。-smart phone system in C language code and functional modules including e-mail, telephone directories and other functional modules module.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 55kb
Publisher : 梁远锋
DL : 0
G-P算法计算关联维的 Matlab 程序 (升级版,mex函数,超快)
使 r 值较小时,ln r - ln C(r) 曲线接近线性
1、GP_Algorithm_main.m - 程序主文件
2、LorenzData.dll - 产生Lorenz离散数据
3、normalize_1.m - 数据归一化
4、CorrelationIntegral.dll - 计算关联积分-G-P algorithm in Matlab correlation dimension (upgrade version mex function, ultrafast) Author : bo, the Navy Engineering from the University of peer welcome exchanges and cooperation, more and download articles please visit my personal web page e-mail : luzhenbo@sina.com 000 people Home : luzhenbo.88uu.com.cn update : the introduction of restrictions on temporary separation parameters so that the sequence of parameters than the average cycle, in addition to the same orbit around the point and makes a relatively small r, r ln- ln C (r) curve is nearly linear document folders : 1, GP_Algorithm_main.m-procedure two main documents, LorenzData.dll- Lorenz have three discrete data, normalize_1.m-normalized data of four, CorrelationIntegral.dll-associated integral calculation
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 6kb
Publisher : 陆振波
DL : 0
允许代理设置/搜索层数设置/工作线程数设-Delphi version of the mail source code search procedures, functions as follows : on the Internet can automatically search and mail support vbscript script syntax allows javascript fine-tuning lines set up to allow Proxy Settings/Search floors set up/set up a few threads
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 248kb
Publisher : 李伟
DL : 1
php邮件模块,比较好的PHP邮件源码,可编译采用 执行-php mail module, a relatively good source PHP mail can be used compiler implementation
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 2.02mb
Publisher : 宋书
DL : 0
Magike Blog v1.1.0 正式版
需要PHP5+和Mysql 4.1+
XML-RPC API支持(离线发布)
静态缓存支持 -Magike Blog v1.1.0 final version needs PHP5+ And Mysql 4.1+ System completely redesigned database query and index optimization WYSIWYG Editor SEO Optimization Rewrite support RSS support XML-RPC API support (off-line publication) e-mail system to support spam filter support Tags support more personalized settings static cache support
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 386kb
Publisher : wokaoxu
DL : 0
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 128kb
Publisher : maqian
DL : 0
# 汉化:Fising
# 邮箱:fising@163.com
# 网址:http://www.fising.cn
# 声明:本人水平有限,错误在所难免,欢迎请来信指教。
-Download System# Sinicized: Fising# Mail: fising@163.com# URL: http://www.fising.cn# Statement: I am limited, error is inevitable, welcome letter, please advise.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 904kb
Publisher : name
DL : 0
php导入邮件地址,支持sina,gmail,hotmail,163等-php import e-mail address in support of sina, gmail, hotmail, 163, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 58kb
Publisher : wsy
DL : 0
完整的电子邮件服务器源码,详细的电子邮件Java源码-The complete e-mail server source code, detailed e-mail Java source code
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 687kb
Publisher : 张家成
DL : 0
PHP 邮件发送程序,使用网易邮箱账号 支持 HTML text 编码-Use php send E-mail
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 3kb
Publisher : 周
DL : 0
邮件发送接收实例源码,可带附件发送,修改优先级-Sending and receiving e-mail source code examples, can be sent with attachments, modify priority. .
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 281kb
Publisher : 电脑迷
DL : 0
Asp.net + e-mail send and receive the full version of the system-Asp.net+ e-mail send and receive the full version of the system
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 11.65mb
Publisher : zhang
DL : 0
(1) 提供一个基于u/COS-II操作系统的应用程序框架
(2) 演示如何创建多个任务
(3) 演示如何使用邮箱进行两个任务之间的通信-(1) provides an application framework based on the u/COS-II operating system (2) shows how to create multiple tasks (3) demonstrates how to use the E-mail communication between the two tasks
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 4.09mb
Publisher : shi
DL : 0
基于SSH群发邮件,群发邮件包含群发邮件、向特定对象发送邮件、向团队发送邮件、查询历史邮件功能。-Based on SSH bulk mail
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 25.05mb
Publisher : 郭照阳
DL : 0
TEmailServer is a built-in SMTP server that can simultaneously validate or verify email addresses and send multiple email messages. TEmailServer is an ideal component for building email address validator/verifier of bulk mail sender applications. As long as you have an internet connection, you can send emails anywhere in the world. You do NOT need any external SMTP server or mess with login password to send emails messages.-TEmailServer is a built-in SMTP server that can simultaneously validate or verify email addresses and send multiple email messages. TEmailServer is an ideal component for building email address validator/verifier of bulk mail sender applications. As long as you have an internet connection, you can send emails anywhere in the world. You do NOT need any external SMTP server or mess with login password to send emails messages.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 373kb
Publisher : cravena
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