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Description: PicShow可以帮您将整个文件夹里头的图像,逐一显示在画面上,供大家兴赏。其主要的功能有:1.支持常见的文件格式,如JPEG、BMP、TIFF、GIF、PNG、PSD、TGA、PCX等;2.可直接播放声音或音乐格式,如WAV、MIDI、MP3、RA、RMI、AIFF、AU等;3.使用者可自行设定展示图片时的参数;4.提供线上操作手册及自动模式。 -PicShow can help you to a whole bunch of folders of images, each show on the picture for everyone - tours. Its main functions are : 1. Support for common file formats, such as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, PSD, TGA, PCX; 2. Direct broadcast sound or music formats, including WAV, MIDI, MP3, RA, RMI, AIFF, AU; 3. users can set their own display pictures of the parameters; 4. providing online operations manual and automatic mode.
Platform: | Size: 191144 | Author: 范成涛 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopThe_wireless_network_technology_based_on_ZigBee.ra

Description: 基于ZigBee的无线网络技术,讨论了IEEE 802.15.4和ZigBee的协议架构及两者间的关系,介绍了ZigBee的发展优势及主要市场应用,并就目前常见的无线网络协议进行了性能分析比较。这是我的网络课程完成的论文,对于了解ZigBee具有一定的帮助,是篇很好的入门文章。-based on ZigBee wireless network technology, discussed the IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee structure and the agreement between the two, on the ZigBee development advantages and the main market. and the common agreement of wireless network performance analysis and comparison. This is my network courses completed papers, with understanding ZigBee help to a certain extent, is a good introductory chapter article.
Platform: | Size: 263296 | Author: 马成龙 | Hits:


Description: PicShow可以帮您将整个文件夹里头的图像,逐一显示在画面上,供大家兴赏。其主要的功能有:1.支持常见的文件格式,如JPEG、BMP、TIFF、GIF、PNG、PSD、TGA、PCX等;2.可直接播放声音或音乐格式,如WAV、MIDI、MP3、RA、RMI、AIFF、AU等;3.使用者可自行设定展示图片时的参数;4.提供线上操作手册及自动模式。 -PicShow can help you to a whole bunch of folders of images, each show on the picture for everyone- tours. Its main functions are : 1. Support for common file formats, such as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, PSD, TGA, PCX; 2. Direct broadcast sound or music formats, including WAV, MIDI, MP3, RA, RMI, AIFF, AU; 3. users can set their own display pictures of the parameters; 4. providing online operations manual and automatic mode.
Platform: | Size: 190464 | Author: 范成涛 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopThe_wireless_network_technology_based_on_ZigBee.ra

Description: 基于ZigBee的无线网络技术,讨论了IEEE 802.15.4和ZigBee的协议架构及两者间的关系,介绍了ZigBee的发展优势及主要市场应用,并就目前常见的无线网络协议进行了性能分析比较。这是我的网络课程完成的论文,对于了解ZigBee具有一定的帮助,是篇很好的入门文章。-based on ZigBee wireless network technology, discussed the IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee structure and the agreement between the two, on the ZigBee development advantages and the main market. and the common agreement of wireless network performance analysis and comparison. This is my network courses completed papers, with understanding ZigBee help to a certain extent, is a good introductory chapter article.
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: 马成龙 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3player-code1.0

Description: 说明:支持格式mp3,mpg,avi,mid,wav,rm,ram,ra,wma等格式,因解码文件的缘故,因此存在着一些缺陷。播放器设计在winxp的delphi7里面通过,界面效果针对winxp,在其他系统里面运行,效果很差。且可以完全隐藏播放,使用alt+r键调出主窗口。采用控件有:realaudio,mediaplayer.在delphi里面可以直接添 -Description: to support the format mp3, mpg, avi, mid, wav, rm, ram, ra, wma and other formats, because due to decode the document, so there are some flaws. Winxp player design through the Delphi7 inside, interface effects for winxp, in the other systems inside the operation, the effect of the poor. And can be completely hidden player, use alt+ R keys out of the main window. Controls are used: realaudio, mediaplayer. There can be directly in delphi Tim
Platform: | Size: 642048 | Author: 万多数 | Hits:

[Special EffectsOne-Shot_learning_of_object_categories_PAMI2006.ra

Description: One-Shot Learning of Object Categories PAMI2006关于面向目标分类的重要论文。 主要解决在很少几个样本图像情况下,如何对目标图像进行新类学习的方法研究。-One-Shot Learning of Object CategoriesPAMI2006 on goal-oriented classification of the key papers. The main problems in the few samples of images, how images on the target for new types of learning methods.
Platform: | Size: 5426176 | Author: eleyanz | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxexchangeparametersbetweenBootLoaderandLinuxcore.ra

Description: 本文介绍了嵌入式系统 BootLoader与 Linux-内核参数传递的具体实现。主 要内容包括:系统硬件平台的简介,参数链表的结构和创建,内核的接收。-This paper introduces the BootLoader embedded systems with Linux- kernel parameter specific realize. The main contents include: system hardware platform profiles, parameters of the structure and create a linked list, the kernel of the receiver.
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: 呆牛 | Hits:


Description: 本文首先介绍了数字接收机中同步技术,包括载波同步和符号同步。同步 算法主要可以分为两大类:现行的开环算法和传统的闭环算法。接着研究了一 些典型的载波同步算法和符号同步算法。 -This paper first introduces the digital receiver synchronization techniques, including carrier synchronization and symbol synchronization. Synchronization algorithm can be divided into two main categories: the existing open-loop algorithm and the traditional closed-loop algorithm. Then study some typical carrier synchronization algorithm and symbol synchronization algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 2898944 | Author: 萝卜 | Hits:


Description: 这是付费硕士论文中的主要三章,详细介绍了基于S3C2440及DM9000网络驱动开发-This is pay-master' s thesis of the main chapters, introduced in detail based on the S3C2440 and DM9000 Network Driver Development
Platform: | Size: 1006592 | Author: 李剑武 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3DCTdomainMPEG7DominantColordescriptorextraction.ra

Description: DCT域中MPEG7主色描述符的提取,该文在MPEG7的基础上提出了DCT域内直接提取主色描述符的新方法.这种方法节省了 对图像的解压缩的过程,因而大大的提高了对于压缩图像进行特征提取的速度和效果.作为整个算法的一部 分,一种自动阂值提取的算法也在该文中给予了描述.这种方法可以减少因人为设定经验闭值而带来的不确 定性,使算法更具鲁棒性.对比检索试验结果也说明本算法是一个高速有效的算法.新算法主要用于压缩图 像库或互联网上的相似检索. -DCT domain MPEG7 Dominant Color descriptor extraction, the article at the basis of MPEG7 proposed DCT domain directly from the main color of the new method descriptor. This method saves the image in the process of decompression, which greatly enhance the compressed image for feature extraction speed and effectiveness. as part of the whole algorithm, an automatic threshold algorithm for extracting the text is also given to the description. This method can reduce the threshold to set the experience brought about by non- uncertainty, so that a more robust algorithm. Comparison Search results also shows that the algorithm is a fast and effective algorithm. The new algorithm used to compress the image database or a similar search on the Internet.
Platform: | Size: 403456 | Author: 杨康 | Hits:

[Special EffectsImageCompressionEncodingBasedonwavelettransform.ra

Description: 基于小波变换的图像压缩编码Image Compression Encoding Based on wavelet transform,自己编的一种图像小波编码,压缩率达到12:1.希望能给新手有所提示.打开main函数,直接运行就行了。wavelet这个函数的参数详见它开头的说明. -Based on Wavelet Transform Image Coding Image Compression Encoding Based on wavelet transform, their own compilation of a wavelet coding, compression rate of 12:1. Want to be prompted to give novice. Open the main function, direct operation on the list. wavelet parameters of this function is detailed in its description of the beginning.
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: youxia | Hits:

[Technology ManagementStudy_of_The_Key_Technology_of_Voice_Conversion.ra

Description: :语音转换技术在语音处理领域是一个比较新的研究方向,也是近年来语音领域的研究热点。语音转换技术是指改变源说话人 的语音特征使之具有目标说话人特征的一项:语音转换技术在语音处理领域是一个比本文说明了语音转换的定义,介绍了语音的个性特征,列举了频谱包络的几种主要的转换算法以及韵律转换的主要算法。最后说明了语音转换今后的研究方向。-Voice conversion technology in the field of speech processing is a relatively new research direction, is also a hot spot in recent years, research in the field voice. Voice conversion technology is changing the source of the speaker' s voice characteristics to make it a target of a speaker characteristics: Voice conversion technology in speech processing is a voice than the article describes the definition of conversion, introduced the voice-personality characteristics, listed spectral envelope conversion of several key algorithms and the main algorithm for rhythm conversion. Finally, we illustrate the direction of future research-to-speech.
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: Decheng Yu | Hits:

[Technology ManagementVoice_Conversion_Technology_and_Its_Development.ra

Description: 本文介绍了当前声音转换技术领域的研究状态,主要分析现有声音转换技术中各种转换算法的实现原理,描述声音转换系统性能的各种评估方法,最后给出了对声音转换技术的简要评述和展望。-This article describes the current voice conversion technology research in the field condition, the main analysis of existing voice switching technology in the realization of the various conversion algorithm theory, describes a variety of voice conversion system performance assessment methods, and finally gives voice conversion technology for a brief commentary and outlook.
Platform: | Size: 451584 | Author: Decheng Yu | Hits:


Description: OPCDA服务器与客户程序开发指南主要内容为OPC技术应用,服务器及客户端的开发。-OPCDA server and client application development guide for the main application of OPC technology, server and client development.
Platform: | Size: 2048000 | Author: s_jzh8009 | Hits:


Description: ofdma下行自适应资源分配算法仿真方面的几种算法对比。有图。直接点main文件即可运行-ofdma downstream aspects of adaptive resource allocation algorithm for simulation comparison of several algorithms. A map. Main file can be run directly point
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: jeson | Hits:


Description: 12864演示,12864液晶电子钟,可选择年,月,日,时,分,星期-12864 display,12864 display,12864 display
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 楼外楼 | Hits:

[Program docReed-Solomen_RAID

Description: RS码编码理论是现在的一种主流理论,主要通过RS编码实现内存当中的传输错误纠正-RS coding theory is now a mainstream theory, the main memory through the RS coding to achieve error correction transmission among
Platform: | Size: 1667072 | Author: liqiang | Hits:


Description: Remote end infeed causes problems in distance relay measurement, especially under high resistance earth fault conditions. Although a distance relay set to an ideal operating region can cover the fault resistance at one particular load Condition, the operating region is affected by changes in load condition. Hence a distance relay may overreach or underreach when load changes. From the main factors which affect the ideal digital distance relay operating region, a stand alone intelligent digital distance relay which can adapt to these changes is presented. This approach does not need communication links from the remote end of the line or the system control center. Numerous computer simulations have been carried out on realistic system configurations and the result9 show that them is a high potential for developing an intelligent digital distance relay. -Remote end infeed causes problems in distance relay measurement, especially under high resistance earth fault conditions. Although a distance relay set to an ideal operating region can cover the fault resistance at one particular load Condition, the operating region is affected by changes in load condition. Hence a distance relay may overreach or underreach when load changes. From the main factors which affect the ideal digital distance relay operating region, a stand alone intelligent digital distance relay which can adapt to these changes is presented. This approach does not need communication links from the remote end of the line or the system control center. Numerous computer simulations have been carried out on realistic system configurations and the result9 show that them is a high potential for developing an intelligent digital distance relay.
Platform: | Size: 301056 | Author: abbas | Hits:


Description: It gives the main solutions to the ethernet problem that the function of auto-negotiation between PC and the ethernet module using board provided by Su Zhou University .And the solution is also appliable to any other ethernet modules which using the mac microcontroller KSZ8041NL.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 陈涛 | Hits:

[Program docSend-sms-from-remote-location-using-gprs-modem.ra

Description: This project send sms remotely is designed to send sms to a desired location without monitoring.An honeywell sensor was conect to a digital multi meter to collect the voltages given by the sensor the multimeter was conect to the computer with a rs232 conecter where the data would be stored for processing and if the humidity would change then an sms would be sent to the desired cell phone using a gsm/gprs modem conect to the computer also the java sms client classes were downloaded from the internet.with certain modifications a main class was implimented and this clas was used to encapsulate the data stored in the computer and it was sent sucessfully.
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: kwasi | Hits:
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