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这是一个旋转的风车,由三个大轴和大轴上的三个小风车组成,且成顺时针转动,中心的颜色成周期变化。-This is a rotation of the windmill, by the three major axis and the axis composed of three small windmill, and into a clockwise rotation, the center of the color change cycle.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher :

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MATLAB中画椭圆的自定义函数:ellipse,用后才会发现这个函数的强大功能! 在ellipse之函数当中,其输入之变数分别如下: -ra 椭圆之长轴半径,可为列矩阵,若为列矩阵时,代表可同时绘制许多椭圆。 -rb 椭圆之矩轴半径,可为列矩阵,如ra。 -ang 水平轴之倾斜角,以弧度表示。可为列矩阵,但ra、rb、ang三者之矩阵数应相同。 -x0,y0 圆心之座标,可为矩阵,若为矩阵时,代表可同时绘制许多不同圆心位置之椭圆。 -C 椭圆线之颜色 -Nb 绘椭圆时所用之点数。-MATLAB in the oval painting custom function: ellipse, will be found after using the power of this function! Ellipse of the function in which its input variables are as follows:-ra ellipse of major axis radius for the column matrix, if for the column matrix, a representative may at the same time drawing many elliptical. oval-rb-axis radius of the moment for column matrices, such as ra.-ang horizontal axis of the tilt angle to radians. Matrix for the column, but ra, rb, ang among several of the matrix should be the same.-x0, y0 the coordinates of the center for the matrix, if for the matrix, a representative may at the same time drawing a number of different oval center location.-C elliptic line color-Nb painted oval of points used.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 合愀

matlab计算二值图像几何特征中目标主轴长度-binary image matlab calculation of the geometric characteristics of the target length of major axis
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 111111111

kalman算法,这是四轴飞行器主要的算法之一-kalman algorithm, this algorithm is one of the major axis aircraft
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 罗岳

以CZ 系列运载火箭为对象,提出了一种基于MATLABPSimulink 的运载火箭6 自由度运动仿真的方 法。采用模块化的建模思想,建立决定箭体运动相关部分的数学模型,包括空气动力模型、发动机推力模型、六自 由度运动学模型,然后对各个子模块分别采用Simulink 建立单元仿真模型。通过对单元仿真模型的集成得到了火 箭6 自由度运动的仿真模型,基于该仿真模型进行了单元仿真。对比实测数据,证明提出的方法可行,模型建立正 确。-Distributed satellites (DS) moving in low earth orbit is suffered from the influence of atmospheric perturbation , and the orbit configuration of the DS is destroyed soon. The center of the relative orbit of the circling satellite is drifting continuously. This study was conducted to establish a compensatory approach to reduce the influence of atmospheric perturbation on the orbit configuration of the DS. Thus , the orbit configuration can be maintained naturally better. In the study , based on the atmospheric density model considering the effect of altitude change and diurnal variation of solar radiation , the semi- major axis perturbation equation of circling satellite with different initial phase in the DS is deduced. A semi- major axis modified method is presented to compensate the influence of atmospheric perturbation. It is shown from the simulation that the influence of the atmospheric perturbation can be decreased greatly in a given time period using this modified method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 291kb Publisher : zhoujf

设计一个名为Ellipse表示椭圆的类,其数据成员为圆心坐标和半长轴和半短轴的长度,成员函数包括构造函数、设置数据成员值的函数、计算面积的函数和显示参数的函数。其中构造函数有两个,一个没有参数,将圆心初始化为(0,0),两个半轴的长度设为0;另一个构造函数设置圆心和两个半轴为指定值。-The design called the Ellipse said the class of elliptical members of its data center coordinates and semi-major axis and semi-minor axis length, member functions, including the constructor, set the value of data member function that computes the function and display function of the parameters of the area. Which the constructor without a parameter, the center will be initialized to (0,0), the length of the two axle set to 0 another constructor to set the center and two axle to the specified value.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 901kb Publisher : 秦润

细胞分类器 pami的论文实现,不错的代码-Cells were segmented using a custom-made image processing pipeline. The segmentation pipeline was implemented in order to distinguish cells from the background. The segmentation pipeline is composed of standard image-processing operations in the following order: 1, original image 2, Sobel edge detection 3, image dilation 4, removal of objects close to image borders 5, image erosion 6, removal of small objects 7, filling of gaps inside the cell and 8, overlay of the final result on the original image. Seven morphological features were extracted from each of the segmented cells. The feature space in which we performed statistical classification was therefore seven-dimensional (7D one vector for each cell), with the following features: area, major and minor axis lengths, perimeter, eccentricity, extent, and number of fingers (Gorelick, PAMI, 2006). Statistical analysis was performed on the 7D feature vectors, using a tree-like classification method called the ’node harvest’ meth
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : LiMingTian

计算机图形学大作业,openGL,改变模型颜色,改变光源位置,按键盘“r”键模型自动旋转(默认y轴),按“x"则绕x轴旋转,按”z”则绕z轴旋转,还可以通过鼠标控制,鼠标左键控制模型旋转,右键控制缩放。-Computer Graphics major operations, openGL, change the model color, change the light position, press the keyboard "r" key model automatic rotation (default y-axis), press "x" then rotate around the x-axis, press "z" is rotated around the z-axis can also be controlled by the mouse, the left mouse button control model rotation,right to control the zoom.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12.7mb Publisher : lhm

压缩包中自带资源卫星的tle,用matlab读取并绘制半长轴、轨道倾角、偏心率的变化曲线,观察期变化规律,文件读取的技巧很好-Compressed package comes resource satellites tle, using matlab to read and draw the semi-major axis , orbital inclination , eccentricity curve , variation of the observation period , file reading skills well ! !
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : 张雪松

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the above file will display the features of an input image, that is major axis, minor axis and also eccentricity of an image will be displayed.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Viral g patel

卫星轨道六个根数轨道离心率,半长轴等等的计算。-Root of the number of satellite orbit six orbital eccentricity, semi-major axis, and so calculations.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 杨威

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MS-DOS program for bootstrap estimates of slope and intercept for the Reduced Major Axis method of line fitting. Includes Turbo Pascal 7.0 source code.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : maurobio

The code is reasonably fast due to (optional) randomization and full code vectorization. However, as the algorithm needs to compute pairwise point distances, it can be quite memory intensive. If you get out of memory errors, either downsample the input image or somehow decrease the number of non-zero points in it. It can deal with big amount of noise but can have severe problem with occlusions (major axis end points need to be visible)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : Vu Phan

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GPS坐标转换,可以将坐标从xyz转换为地心坐标enu,使用matlab写的,仅作参考。-Subroutine to calculate geodetic coordinates latitude, longitude, height given Cartesian coordinates X,Y,Z, and reference ellipsoid values semi-major axis (a) and the inverse of flattening (finv).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : ljj

评估圆形度、椭圆短长轴比、图斑与外接矩形面积比、等面积圆周长与图斑周长比、凸包周长与图斑周长比等5个形状特征,选出用于对灰度图像G形状分割时的最佳指标组合。-Assessment roundness, oval short major axis ratio of the circumscribed rectangular polygon area ratio, etc. polygon area and perimeter circumference ratio, convex hull shape features five perimeter polygon perimeter ratio, elected for a combination of the best indicators of gray image segmentation when G shape.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 黄诚

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:人耳识别系统中,需要根据特征提取的要求实现图像的自动归一化,并且选择合适的依据使归一化后的结果具有一定的有效性和合理性。提出了一种新的外耳长轴标记法,根据外耳长轴将人耳统一到标准的尺寸和角度 运用主动形状模型算法,实现了外耳轮廓的自动搜索,且对算法进行了改进,调整了模型的初始位置。实验证明,改进后的主动形状模型(ASM)能更快速准确地收敛,且归一化的方法能够合理地将人耳标准化,为后续的特征识别提供了保障。-In the ear recognition system, it is required to realize the automatic normalization of the image according to the requirement of the feature extraction, and to the appropriate basis to make the results of the normalization has a certain validity and rationality. A new auricle major axis labeling method is proposed. According to the long axis of the outer ear will ear into a unified standard size and angle using active shape model algorithm, the realization of the automatic search of the outer ear contour and the algorithm was improved to adjust the initial position of the model. The experimental results show that the improved active shape model (ASM) can converge more quickly and accurately, and the normalization method is able to provide the guarantee for the subsequent feature recognition.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 388kb Publisher : 王近两
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