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用vc开发的实现图像解码,支持的格式包括 BMP、JPG、WMF、ICO、GIF、PNG、TIFF。 源代码是一个简单的图像浏览器例子,演示如何用 IImgCtx 接口解码、显示图像,及如何实现简单的翻页。其中翻页部分的源代码直接来自ComicsViewer,不过做了简化,如果各位有兴趣,可以试试看在此基础上,能不能做出自己的功能更丰富的图像浏览器。-with vc development of image decoding, support for the format, including BMP, JPG, WMF, PCX, GIF, PNG, TIFF. Source code is a simple image browser example, demonstrating how to use IImgCtx interface decoding, image display, and how to achieve a simple flip. Some of them flip the source code directly from ComicsViewer, but a simplified, If you are interested, could give it a try on this basis, can make the more feature-rich image browser.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : 王能会

在菜单条上显示GIF图标动画,可以使你的程序更加动人,增强吸引力,可以使用在你的程序中。-be on the menu icon indicates GIF animation, you can make the process more touching, attractiveness, you can use in the process.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 郑明

显示动态GIF图片,进行VC++编程时可以做下参考来调用GIF-Show the dynamic GIF image for VC++ Programming can make reference to the next call to GIF
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 186kb Publisher : bit

cximage599c_linux: this provide makefile for linux(simply type make to build it) cximage is a C++ class to load, save, display, transform BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, MNG, ICO, PCX, TGA, WMF, WBMP, JBG, J2K images
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : jauming

一个Gif图片格式的操作库,In order to make life a little bit easier when using the GIF file format,this library was written, and which does all the dirty work... - "Gif-Lib"- Yet another gif librar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : 黄磊

显示一个gif动画在一个按键上面,使得按键更加美观和人性化-Show a gif animation on a button above to make a more beautiful and user-friendly buttons
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1mb Publisher : 孔震

Animated GIF files Updated 2008.10.19. A Delphi unit to make it easy to create animated GIF files: (3 KB). Requires the TGIFImage unit -Animated GIF files Updated 2008.10.19. A Delphi unit to make it easy to create animated GIF files: (3 KB). Requires the TGIFImage unit
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : hfTam

这个类库可以处理BMP、GIF、PCX、TGA、JPG、TIF格式的图像文件,而且具有图像点处理、图像区域处理的功能,你所要做的只是调用函数而已,不必清楚这些图像文件的内部格式。注意例子中并不包含类库的代码,请一起下载CImageObject代码。另外,在运行时请确保在系统目录或你的可执行文件目录下有ImageLoad.dll。(也在CImageObject中)-This library can handle BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, JPG, TIF format image files, and has an image point processing, image processing functions area, you have to do is call the function only, do not know the internal format of the image file . Note that the example does not include library code, please download the CImageObject with the code. In addition, make sure that the runtime system directory or your directory of the executable file has ImageLoad.dll. (Also CImageObject in)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 627kb Publisher : dsdd

本系统是一款配合实体图书馆的查询,借阅,和管理图书的系统,具体有如下需求功能: a) 必须持有借书卡的用户才能借书,可以归还图书,如果超期要显示罚款,缴纳罚款处理后,才允许继续借书。 b) 所有用户都可以在网页上搜索图书,显示在网页上的图书要有详细信息 c) 系统提供即将到期提醒,当某用户的某本书即将到期时,系统提醒用户。 d) 图书管理员可以添加图书,修改图书,删除图书等,可以进行图书进货,图书报废处理。 e) 系统管理员可以添加用户,为用户分配借书卡号,设置默认密码;可以删除用户。 f) 用户以借书卡考号和密码可以登录读者信息系统,读者信息系统中显示该用户的图书借阅历史,目前在借图书;用户可以在这里对某本图书进行预约,可以在这里续借图书(续借最长时间为1个月);这里可以显示该用户已有的图书预约信息;可以显示用户的基本信息。用户可以对自己的基本信息进行修改 -This system is a section of library with entities, lending, and management query book system, specific has the following demand function: A) must library card holders books, users can give back books, if extended to show fine, pay the fine processing is allowed to continue to borrow, after. B) all the user can search on the web page book, as shown in the book should have page detailed information C) the system to provide expiring reminds, when a user s a book is about to expire, the system reminds users. D) the librarian can add, delete, modify library books, books can be books replenish onr s stock, book scrap processing. E) system administrators can add user for users distribution card number, setting default password books Can remove users. F) user to test number and password library CARDS can login readers information system, readers information system shows that the user s library history, current in borrow books Users can here to make an appointment fo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 735kb Publisher : 倪雯雯

截图制作GIF 源代码 VB2008 老程序-Screenshots make GIF old program source code VB2008
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 297kb Publisher : 刘彬

如何使用MATLAB软件制作AVI格式电影实例以及代码,还有GIF动态格式的制作-MATLAB MAKE FILMS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 535kb Publisher : liyun

android 上播放gif动画的例子-A demo that it make gif file show on a android program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 124kb Publisher : 苗强

在网上搜集了些资料,自己做的界面,可以很好的实现任意张图像转GIF,时间可控制,跟大家分享一下!-In the online collection some material, make its own interface, can be very good to realize arbitrary image turn GIF, time can be controlled, with everyone share once!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 123kb Publisher : 无敌

wtl编写的 进度条控件,采用gif模拟进度条显示,小巧实用, 学习wtl的好例子-wtl progress bar,make it with gif
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : 陈忠明

Make GIF and Animated GIF, with full options. Vastly improved colorization from 32 bit color. Will preserve original color with excellence.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 34kb Publisher : Rick Zacharias

截图制作GIF 源代码 VB2008 老程序Screenshots make GIF old program source code VB2008-Screenshots make GIF old program source code VB2008
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 297kb Publisher : buted

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It is GIF source. you can make gif file or view gif file using it. How to find video source for gif image: Take a number of images and use some convert an save
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : sesero

用matlab实现多幅静态图片合成gif动态图片特效-matlab make gif
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 71kb Publisher :

在matlab中根据输入图形制作gif动图并保存(Make GIF dynamic map and save it according to the input graph)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 茹果sunrise

怎样用matlab程序绘制GIF动态图,控制绘图速度(How to make GIF using matlab with controlling the drawing speed)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : han-pc
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