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使用VC++,从底层实现的一个电子地图浏览系统-use VC, from the bottom of achieving an electronic map browsing system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 247kb Publisher : xqbing

1:3D RPG游戏制作工具.exe—— 可以作为3D RPG制作工具的启动平台 2:CharICS角色物品清单控制系统.exe ———编辑每个角色初始时所拥有的物品(也可以用于编辑购买系统的可买入物品) 3:MapICS地图物品清单控制系统.exe————编辑每个地图上可以择取的物品和位置 4:MCLEdit主角色列表编辑器.exe —————编辑所有的角色(含主角、NPC、敌人) 5:MILEdit主物件列表.exe ————————编辑所有出现的物品(含装备、普通物品、其它物品等等) 6:MLSedit.exe —————————————游戏系统的灵魂,一个功能比较简单的脚本系统 7:MSLEdit主法术列表编辑器.exe —————编辑所有的法术信息-1 : 3D RPG game tools. exe----- 3D RPG can be used as tools of production start-ping Taiwan 2 : CharICS role goods inventory control system. exe-- edit each role initially owned by the articles ( Editor can be used to purchase the items can be purchased) 3 : MapICS map list control system. exe-edit each map can choose items and spaces Purchase 4 : MCLEdit main role list editor. exe----- edit all the roles (including actor NPC, the enemy) 5 : MILEdit main object list. exe-------- editing all the articles (including equipment, common items, other items, etc.) 6 : MLSedit.exe------------- game system, the soul a relatively simple function of the script system 7 : MSLEdit main magic list editor. exe----- edit all the information magic
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 158kb Publisher :

1:3D RPG游戏制作工具.exe—— 可以作为3D RPG制作工具的启动平台 2:CharICS角色物品清单控制系统.exe ———编辑每个角色初始时所拥有的物品(也可以用于编辑购买系统的可买入物品) 3:MapICS地图物品清单控制系统.exe————编辑每个地图上可以择取的物品和位置 4:MCLEdit主角色列表编辑器.exe —————编辑所有的角色(含主角、NPC、敌人) 5:MILEdit主物件列表.exe ————————编辑所有出现的物品(含装备、普通物品、其它物品等等) 6:MLSedit.exe —————————————游戏系统的灵魂,一个功能比较简单的脚本系统 7:MSLEdit主法术列表编辑器.exe —————编辑所有的法术信息-1 : 3D RPG game tools. exe----- 3D RPG can be used as tools of production start-ping Taiwan 2 : CharICS role goods inventory control system. exe-- edit each role initially owned by the articles ( Editor can be used to purchase the items can be purchased) 3 : MapICS map list control system. exe-edit each map can choose items and spaces Purchase 4 : MCLEdit main role list editor. exe----- edit all the roles (including actor NPC, the enemy) 5 : MILEdit main object list. exe-------- editing all the articles (including equipment, common items, other items, etc.) 6 : MLSedit.exe------------- game system, the soul a relatively simple function of the script system 7 : MSLEdit main magic list editor. exe----- edit all the information magic
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 42kb Publisher :

描述线性算子的结构是线性代数的中心任务之一,传统的方法多以行列式为工具,但是行列式既难懂又不直观,其定义的引入也往往缺乏动因。本书作者独辟蹊径,抛弃了这种曲折的思路,把重点放在抽象的向量空间和线性映射上,给出的证明不使用行列式,更显得简单而直观。本书把行列式的内容放在了最后讲解,开辟了一条理解线性算子结构的新途径。书中还对一些术语、结论、证明思路、提及的数学家做了注释,增加了行文的趣味性,便于读者掌握核心概念和思想方法。   本书起点较低,不需要太多预备知识,而特色鲜明,是公认的阐述线性代数的经典佳作。原书自出版以来,迅速风靡世界,在30多个国家为200多所高校所采用,其中包括斯坦福大学和加州大学伯克利分校等著名学府-The audacious title of this book deserves an explanation. Almost all linear algebra books use determinants to prove that every linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex vector space has an eigenvalue. Determinants are difficult, nonintuitive, and often defined without motivation. To prove the theorem about existence of eigenvalues on complex vector spaces, most books must.define determinants, prove that a linear map is not invertible ff and only if its determinant equals O, and then define the characteristic polynomial. This tortuous (torturous?) path gives students little feeling for why eigenvalues must exist. In contrast, the simple determinant-free proofs presented here offer more insight. Once determinants have been banished to the end of the book, a new route opens to the main goal of linear algebra-- understanding the structure of linear operators.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.1mb Publisher : fang

字符串的各种操作方法,例如换,map,vector的用法等. ,是很多同学入门教程,讲解基本概念和语法。-String of various methods of operation, such as changing, map, vector usage. Many students introductory tutorial to explain the basic concepts and syntax.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.12mb Publisher : 周长寿
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