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将文件拷贝到UCH安装目录(不会覆盖任何UCH文件). 其中文件需要有写权限(linux). 运行shop_install.php 打开shop.php文件。将 $_SC['GoogleAPI']='ABQIAAAAIl6BzjiDCz90JrLDCFco6xRsRMjB2wv1Y7bZb-CPY4a_zZ8tAhQljtAew1TctFXLCYxRjkaGoD8jzA';替换成您的Google KYE。如您在本地调试,可以直接用以上KEY。如您还没有google KEY 请到 免费申请! 地图显示您想要的地方的方法: 首先打开Google地图,在上面寻找一个地址,然后上下左右移动地图,让这个地址正好处于地图的正中心位置,当您想寻找坐标位置已经处于地图的中心位置的时候,拷贝并粘贴以下代码到你的浏览器地址栏:   javascript:void(prompt('',gApplication.getMap().getCenter())); 然后回车一下。这时,你将得到一个弹出式的坐标,这个坐标就是你需要找的经度和纬度。 1 在admincp.php: 第一处: $acs = array( array('index','config','privacy', 'spam', 'network', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'profilefield', 'profield', 'ad', 'sitefeed', 'userapp', 'app'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'space', 'name', 'report'), array('cache', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron'), array('blog','album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'feed', 'share') ); 修改成(最后一行array('base','pingdao','neirong','shop','reviews','shoptags')为增加的。同时记得在上一行'share')后加个逗号 ) $acs = array( array('index','config', 'privacy', 'spam', 'network', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'profilefield', 'profield', 'ad', 'sitefeed', 'userapp', 'app'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'space', 'name', 'report'), array('cache', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron'), array('blog', 'album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'feed', 'share'), array('base','pingdao','neirong','shop','reviews','shoptags') ); 第二处: for($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {//由原来的3改成现在的5,其他不用修改 foreach ($acs[$i] as $value) { if($isfounder || $megroup['manage'.$value]) { $menus[$i][$value] = 1; $_SGLOBAL['usergroup'][$_SGLOBAL['member']['groupid']]['manage'.$value] = 1; } } } 第三处: if(empty($_GET['ac']) || (!in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[0]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[1]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[2]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[3]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[4]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[5]))) { //加上 && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[4] && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[5]),注意修改完后$acs[5]后面应有三个 ) 符号 3 admin/tp/header.htm: <!--{eval $_TPL['menunames'] = array( 'config' => '站点设置', 后加上: 'base' => '积分与审核', 'pingdao' => '频道设置', 'shoptags' => '标签管理', 'shop' => '商铺管理', 'neirong' => '点评内容', 'reviews' => '回应内容', 4 admin/tpl/side.htm开始处加入: <!--{if $menus[3]}--> <div class="block style1"> <h2>点评系统</h2> <ul class="folder"> <!--{loop $acs[4] $value}--> <!--{if $menus[4][$value]}--> <!--{if $ac==$value}--><li class="active"><!--{else}--><li><!--{/if}--><a href="admincp.php?ac=$value">{$_TPL[menunames][$value]}</a></li> <!--{/if}--> <!--{/loop}--> </ul> </div> <!--{/if}--> 5 在侧栏增加链接。 template/default/header.htm中找到 <li><img src="image/app/share.gif"><a href="space.php?do=share">分享</a></li> 加上 <li><img src="image/icon/shop.gif"><a href="shop.php">商家点评</a><em><a href="shop.php?ac=new">发布</a></em></li> 更新缓存。 如果安装后出现白屏现象,请重新检查所安装文件是否有语法错误。然后通过删除UCH安装目录下的data/tpl_cache/目录下的文件,此功能相当于更新缓存。 运行shopinstall.php 在header.htm相应的位置加上<li><img src="image/icon/shop.gif" alt="通讯录" /><a href="shop.php">通讯录</a></li> admin/tpl/config.htm 找到<tr> <th>未认证实名权限</th> <td> <table> <tr> <td width="120">允许加好友</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowfriend]" value="1"<!--{if $configs[name_allowfriend] == 1}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>是 <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowfriend]" value="0"<!--{if $configs[name_allowfriend] != '1'}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>否 </td></tr> 在其下面添加 <tr> <td width="120">允许商铺点评</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowshop]" value="1"<!--{if $configs[name_allowshop] == 1}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>是 <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowshop]" value="0"<!--{if $configs[name_allowshop] != '1'}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>否 </td></tr>
Update : 2011-06-12 Size : 108.43kb Publisher :

Seeknove 1.0.2是一个用PHP开发的开源搜索引擎整合系统,可根据关键字获取多个搜索引擎的搜索结果。Seeknove有两种搜索模式:分类模式、引擎模式。分类模式是按照功能分类索引的搜索模式,目前的分类有:网页、图片、新闻、音乐、视频、博客、论坛、地图、词典、资源。引擎模式是按照搜索引擎索引的搜索模式,整合的搜索引擎有:Google、百度、Yahoo、搜狗、有道、中搜、Live、搜搜、爱问、奇虎。-Seeknove 1.0.2 is a PHP development using open source search engine integration system, according to the keyword access to multiple search engines search results. Seeknove There are two search modes: classification model, engine model. Classification model is the functional classification in accordance with the index search mode, the current classifications are: web pages, pictures, news, music, video, blog, forums, maps, dictionaries, resources. Engine model is in accordance with the search engine index search mode, integrated search engines: Google, Baidu, Yahoo, Sogou, money, in search, Live, Soso, Love asked Qihoo.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 78kb Publisher : acc

使用Google Maps地理编码器查询地址和位置数据-Google Maps PHP
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : zhang

DL : 0
实战Google Maps API之一——IP地理位置可视化查询-Google Maps API, one of actual combat- IP location visual query
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 58kb Publisher : fly

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Google Maps API Advanced Programming ├─6.1 GPolyline折线对象和GPolygon多边形对象 6.2 Google地图中的事件监听及响应 │ └─6.3 Google地图技巧集锦 │ ├─6.3.1 在信息窗口GInfowWindow中嵌入Flash动画 │ ├─6.3.2 Google地图的画中画效果 │ ├─6.3.3 利用鼠标和键盘事件简化操作 │ ├─6.3.4 利用GeoCoder地理编码查询信息 │ └─6.3.5 加载KML或GeoRSS文档-Google Maps API Advanced Programming ├ ─ 6.1 GPolyline Polyline object and Polygon Objects 6.2 Google Maps GPolygon the event listener and respond to │ └ ─ 6.3 Google Maps Skills Collection │ ├ ─ 6.3.1 in the information window GInfowWindow embedded Flash animation │ ├ ─ 6.3 .2 Google Maps picture in picture effects │ ├ ─ 6.3.3 to use the mouse and keyboard events to simplify operations │ ├ ─ 6.3.4 the use of GeoCoder geocoding query information │ └ ─ 6.3.5 loaded KML or GeoRSS document
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 28kb Publisher : fly

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Google Maps API深度历险 挖掘Google Maps API中未公开的功能 自定义Google地图 第三方扩展资源 深入Google地图核心-Google Maps API Adventures of digging deep in the Google Maps API functions undisclosed third-party extensions to customize Google Maps Google Maps in-depth resources for the core
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 102kb Publisher : fly

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Google Maps API IApplicationGE类实例 客户端初始化 地图定位 地图平移 地理坐标获取文件操作-Google Maps API IApplicationGE instance of a class to initialize the client map location map for shifting the geographic coordinates of file operations
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9.43mb Publisher : fly

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Google Maps API IFeatureGE类 视图切换,启动Google Earth后请先打开hubei.kml文件。 本地搜索 动态显示和景点导航,运行前请先将该文件夹下的kml文件和bmp文件放-Google Maps API IFeatureGE Class View to switch, launch Google Earth after the first open hubei.kml file. Local search dynamically displays and attractions navigation, please name the folder before running under the kml file and bmp files released
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9.6mb Publisher : fly

DL : 0
Google Maps API ISearchControllerGE类 基本搜索 地理位置可视化 -Google Maps API ISearchControllerGE class Basic Search geographical visualization
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.9mb Publisher : fly

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Google Maps API ITourControllerGE类 实例 批量搜索显示 路径搜索和动态显示,运行前请先将GEdatabase.txt和kml文件放在E盘根目录下-Google Maps API ITourControllerGE instance of a class path search and batch search display dynamic display, running before the first copy GEdatabase.txt and kml files under the root directory on the E
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.83mb Publisher : fly

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Google Maps API IAnimationControllerGE类 路况显示和行车路线,运行前请先将A-B.kml文件放在E盘根目录下 导航-Google Maps API IAnimationControllerGE class display and route traffic, running before the first copy the file in E packing AB.kml directory navigation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.87mb Publisher : fly

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Google Maps API 城市地铁查询系统 城市地铁查询系统,运行前请先将subway文件夹放在E盘根目录下,并加载文件夹中的地铁线KML文件-Google Maps API city subway system subway Search query system, please run the subway before the folder under the root directory on the E, and load the file folder in the KML file subway line
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.49mb Publisher : fly

DL : 0
Google Maps API 奥运会信息服务系统 奥运会信息服务系统,运行前请先将olympiad文件夹放在E盘根目录下-Google Maps API Olympic Games, Olympic Games information service system information service system, running before the olympiad please folder under the root directory on the E
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.15mb Publisher : fly

DL : 0
This the second article in a three article series examining a custom ASP.NET server control I developed to make using the Google Maps API easier for .NET developers. This article assumes you have read Part 1 and are familiar with the Google Maps API. You may see references throughout the article to "my control, my GoogleMaps control, my GMap control, etc". I did not create the Google Maps API, I merely created a wrapper for ASP.NET using C#, XML, and XSL. The main goal of this article is to show you just how powerful a .NET wrapper can be for the Google Maps API. Everything I will cover in this article could be done with other technologies like JavaScript, PHP, Java, etc. But aren t you glad you don t have to use any of those? This also uses an object oriented approach to Google Maps interaction.-This is the second article in a three article series examining a custom ASP.NET server control I developed to make using the Google Maps API easier for .NET developers. This article assumes you have read Part 1 and are familiar with the Google Maps API. You may see references throughout the article to "my control, my GoogleMaps control, my GMap control, etc". I did not create the Google Maps API, I merely created a wrapper for ASP.NET using C#, XML, and XSL. The main goal of this article is to show you just how powerful a .NET wrapper can be for the Google Maps API. Everything I will cover in this article could be done with other technologies like JavaScript, PHP, Java, etc. But aren t you glad you don t have to use any of those? This also uses an object oriented approach to Google Maps interaction.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 179kb Publisher : Duong Duc Vinh

最新 v1.1.0 更新日志:1.添加:添加由网友shiny原创设计的皮肤NoStyle2.添加:demo07 UBB演示页面添加Google地图插件,也作为不定宽按钮的演示3.添加:添加urlType转非相对路径中合并“..”到上一级路径的功能4. 添... 运行环境:/ASP/PHP/HTML 运行环境:html-Latest v1.1.0 update log: 1. Add: Add the original design by the users shiny skin NoStyle2. Add: demo07 UBB add a Google Maps plug-in demo page, but also as a demonstration of variable width button 3. Add: Add urlType switch to non-relative path merge " .." to function on a path of 4. ... Tim Runtime Environment:/ASP/PHP/HTML operating environment: html
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 479kb Publisher : pudn_20101001

套全新的、Groupon模式的团购系统,基于PHP+Mysql开发,从v1.0.0开始集成了Ucenter模块,可与所有集成该模块的系统进行无缝整合,实现用户同步注册、登陆。系统整合了支付宝、财付通的在线支付接口,以及GOOGLE地图。-Sets a new, Groupon mode buy the system, PHP+ Mysql based development, integrated from the beginning v1.0.0 Ucenter module, the module can be integrated with all systems integrated seamlessly to achieve the user sync up, landing. System integration of Paypal, TenPay online payment interface, and GOOGLE maps.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.58mb Publisher : 李亚伟

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.12mb Publisher : ARTIDEDJA

通过调用谷歌地图api,使用javescript和php 调用数据,把数据显示在地图上-By calling Google Maps api, php call using javescript and data, the data is displayed on the map
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : likunqiao

Google maps with php fomr
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 97kb Publisher : MenoMi

Google Maps Aplicaciones con PHP y AJAX
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.87mb Publisher : TITHOR
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