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Description: C#MAPX学习的学习资料 适合初学者
Platform: | Size: 111616 | Author: jx_jinxiao@126.com | Hits:

[Windows Develop用C#在mapx中画线的程序

Description: 用C#在mapx中画线的程序代码
Platform: | Size: 1507 | Author: jx_jinxiao@126.com | Hits:


Description: 开发GIS的mapinfo公司的mapx控件的开发培训文档,是不可多得的。-development of GIS MapInfo MapX control of the development of training documents is rare.
Platform: | Size: 1122304 | Author: 崔立超 | Hits:

[GPS developmapx控件应用

Description: 需要先下载安装mapx,很容易找到,该程序是一个利用mapx和vc编写的与电子地图操作应用的程序-first need to download and install MapX, it is easy to find, that the procedure was a vc use MapX and prepared for the operation of the electronic map application procedures
Platform: | Size: 2907136 | Author: 卢俊波 | Hits:

[GIS programVisual C++开发GIS系统(陈建春)

Description: Visual C++开发GIS系统(陈建春)附书光盘,里面包含本书全部完整源代码。-Visual C development of GIS (Chen Jianchun) attached CD, which contains all of the integrity of the source code.
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: 柯红军 | Hits:

[GIS programvcmapx创建图层

Description: 首先安装MapX组件,在VC中进行加载,本程序利用对话框模式实现MapX的调用,能够进行放大等地图浏览功能-first install components in VC for loading, the use of dialog procedures Mode MapX called, is able to enlarge the map browsing, etc.
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: | Hits:

[GPS develop收集的vc++mapx资料

Description: --收集的-----vc++mapx资料------ 给大家--- collected----------- vc MapX information for everyone to s
Platform: | Size: 2442240 | Author: che | Hits:

[GIS program基于MAPX控件的鹰眼图实现方法 

Description: MapX 控件是一个常用的GIS功能组件,而鹰眼图是GIS中一个基本的功能。本文简介了MapX并详细说明在Visual Basic和Visual C++开发环境下利用MapX 控件实现鹰眼图的方法。 -MapX is a commonly used GIS components, and Hawkeye GIS map is a basic function. This paper outlines a detailed description and MapX in Visual Basic and Visual C development environment using MapX achieve Hawkeye map.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 陈书 | Hits:

[GIS program在VC++中嵌入MapX的集成二次开发

Description: 结合GIS工具软件与当今可视化开发语言的集成二次开发方式是GIS应用开发的主流。它的优点是既可以充分利用GIS工具软件对空间数据库的管理、分析功能,又可以利用其它可视化开发语言具有的高效、方便等编程优点,集二者之所-GIS software tools combined with the development of contemporary visual language secondary development of integrated manner GIS application development is the mainstream. Its advantage is not only fully utilize the tools of GIS spatial database management, analysis, it could make use of other visual programming language with an efficient and convenient programming advantages, combines two pancaked
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 陈书 | Hits:

[Windows Develop用VC + MapX (源代码)

Description: 用VC + MapX 开发的关于VC与Mapx的二次开发,应该对初学者有一定的帮助-VC MapX development of the VC and Mapx on the second development, for beginners should be helpful
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: lixf | Hits:

[GIS programGEOMAP

Description: 本程序是用Visual C++对MapX5.0进行二次开发的一个GIS系统,包括图像放大,缩小,漫游,鹰眼,空间查询,空间分析等功能.-this procedure is right with Visual C MapX5.0 secondary development of a GIS system, including the image to zoom, roaming, Hawkeye, spatial query, spatial analysis capabilities.
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: 徐敏 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个比较好,功能相对独立的例子,它包含从引入MapX对象,加载地图数据,设置地图边界,创建临时图层,添加图层字段,添加地图数据等功能,并比较了两种临时图层方式(本地文件和内存表)对添加图元速度的时间参数。临时表的方式非常适合工控,电信端子责备监控,GPS监控的要求地图上能快速反映监控状态变化的应用。-This is a good, relatively independent of the functional examples, ranging from the introduction of MapX targets, Map data loading, set up border maps, create temporary layer, add layers field, add the map data and other functions, comparison of the two temporary layer mode (local files and memory table) to add the map yuan speed time parameters. The temporary table is suitable for industrial control, telecommunications terminals blame monitoring, GPS monitoring requirements maps will reflect the rapid changes in the status monitoring applications.
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: Ivy | Hits:


Description: vc调用MAPX开发二维地理信息系统之增加特征功能-vc two-dimensional development of geographic information systems to increase functional characteristics
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: 石头 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopmapxSampleDataset

Description: mapx + c++ 实现标准例子 来自mapinfot-MapX c achieve the standard example from mapinfot
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: | Hits:


Description: gis控件,MapX控件的使用-using of mapx.ocx,Visual C++,GPS编程/GPS develop 【上载源码成为会员下载此源码】【成为VIP会员下载此源码】-gis controls, the use MapX-using of mapx.ocx. Visual C, GPS Programming/GPS develop [on the source as a member download this source] [become VIP members under set this source--
Platform: | Size: 766976 | Author: huang | Hits:


Description: 这个是在mapxtreme的官方网站下载过来的和asp.net结合起来的GIS代码,原来是vb写的,此为已经改成的c#语言版本,主要功能是在地图上面根据鼠标的坐标不同而显示不同的内容。-mapxtreme this is the official website and download over the combination of Asp. Net GIS code was originally written in Visual Basic, which has been changed to the c# language version, Its main function is above the map coordinates of the mouse under different show different content.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: dino | Hits:


Description: 方正公司内部MapX开发培训.ppt,本人辛苦找到,拿出共享。-Founder company mapxX training. Ppt, I find hard to produce share.
Platform: | Size: 402432 | Author: 张三丰 | Hits:


Description: 用于地理信息系统的地图资源,朝阳区地图,数据格式.Map,.Tab,.Dat,.ID用于MapX的开发,可在vb,vb.net,vc,c++,c#各平台下使用-for the Geographic Information System, map, Chaoyang district maps, data format. Map,. Tab, . Dat,. MapX ID for the development, in vb, vb.net, vc, c, c# use of the platform
Platform: | Size: 1073152 | Author: 焦伟 | Hits:

[GIS programmapx-Cpp

Description: mapx的VC++开发实例,cpp部分,赶快下载呀!-MapX
Platform: | Size: 2889728 | Author: guo | Hits:

[Othermapx c++

Description: 一些整理的学习资料 及代码 VB的资料居多 VC主要基于VC++6.0(Some collation of learning materials and code)
Platform: | Size: 92416000 | Author: 怪话猫 | Hits:
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