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createiristemplate - generates a biometric template from an iris in % an eye image. % % Usage: % [template, mask] = createiristemplate(eyeimage_filename) % % Arguments: % eyeimage_filename - the file name of the eye image % % Output: % template - the binary iris biometric template mask - the binary iris noise mask-createiristemplate- generates a biometric template from an iris in an eye image. Usage: [template, mask] = createiristemplate (eyeimage_filename) Arguments: eyeimage_filename- the file name of the eye image Output: template- the binary iris biometric template mask- the binary iris noise mask
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : wpf

A matlab code to extract the region of interest in an image & then apply a binary mask on the image to see the extracted object in all the three channels.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Ezekiel

function [ff] = featurextraction(Broi,I), where Broi is a binary mask of the grayscale image I. The resut ff is a matrix containg the glcm and lbp features of the image I over the binary mask.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Lambros

This program takes a color monochrome image and lets the user interactively/manually threshold the monochrome image, or a single color band of a color image, via sliders to set the maximum and minimum thresholds. The thresholded image is a binary image that can be used as a mask image for other images. The pixels in the thresholded range are shown in the middle image as a binary image (black/white), and the original image pixels are shown masked in the left image (gray scale or color). Inputs are the low and high thresholds to start with and the image file name or image matrix. The program returns the threshold values and the last color band that was used to the threshold. The image can be of type integer (uint8, uint16, etc.) or floating point (single, double)-This program takes a color or monochrome image and lets the user interactively/manually threshold the monochrome image, or a single color band of a color image, via sliders to set the maximum and minimum thresholds. The thresholded image is a binary image that can be used as a mask image for other images. The pixels in the thresholded range are shown in the middle image as a binary image (black/white), and the original image pixels are shown masked in the left image (gray scale or color). Inputs are the low and high thresholds to start with and the image file name or image matrix. The program returns the threshold values and the last color band that was used to the threshold. The image can be of type integer (uint8, uint16, etc.) or floating point (single, double)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 32kb Publisher : tariq
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