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利用图象边缘特征的基于豪思道夫距离的景象匹配算法,匹配速度要比基于灰度的算法高好几个数量级-use of the images on the edge of Ho Sze-Astoria distance from the scene matching algorithm, speed matching gray than the algorithm based on several high-volume
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.1kb Publisher : akuan

利用图象边缘特征的基于豪思道夫距离的景象匹配算法,匹配速度要比基于灰度的算法高好几个数量级-use of the images on the edge of Ho Sze-Astoria distance from the scene matching algorithm, speed matching gray than the algorithm based on several high-volume
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : akuan

Contourlet变换结合了不可分离的方向滤波组,具备小波所不能表达的多方向特性,能有效捕获自然图像的边缘轮廓信息。本文分析了图像ontourlet系数的统计特征,并利用广义高斯函数对各子带系数层进行建模。将此模型应用于基于VisTex的自建纹理图像库,采用矩匹配估计法,提取模型参数集,运用K2L距离计算图像间的相似度。对800幅纹理图像进行检索,本文方法比传统小波方法的平均检索查准率高出约2%到10%不等。实验结果表明,该方法改进了导向纹理的描述-Transform Contourlet inseparable combination of the direction of filtering group, have not expressed by wavelet multi-directional properties, can effectively capture the edge of natural image contour information. This paper analyzes the image ontourlet coefficient statistical characteristics, and take advantage of the generalized Gaussian function of the sub-band coefficient modeling layer. Based on this model was applied to the self-VisTex texture image database, using moment matching estimation method, extract the model parameters set, K2L use of distance-based similarity between images. Of 800 texture image retrieval, wavelet method than the traditional method of the average retrieval precision by about 2 to 10 range. Experimental results show that the method improves the texture-oriented description of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : 焦亚民

Phase Based Template Matching: Phase information is used for matching the input imagery with the template. Both the images are filtered with canny edge detector. The timing efficiency is introduced by implementing skipping steps while doing correlation. The advantage of Phase based correlation technique is that it shows good response against shift/brightness variation and noise addition i.e. salt & pepper/Gaussian noise [1,2]. Templates includes small portion of cropped from input imagery with gaussian noise introduced in them.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 70kb Publisher : zhangxq

本文提出了一种新的跨国家的障碍 检测技术为基础的立体视觉系统。 原始图像的预处理的高斯 过滤器和对比度限制的自适应直方图 均衡( CLAHE )方法来削弱作用 噪音,光线和对比度。哈里斯的角落位于与子像素精确。 -Cross-country intelligent vehicles always work in complicated environments with varying illuminations. The paper presents a new cross-country obstacle detection technology based on stereo vision system. The original images are preprocessed by Gaussian filter and contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) method to weaken the effect of noise, light and contrast. Harris corners are located with sub-pixel accurate. To guarantee the overall system real-time performance, feature-based matching techniques are studied and fundamental matrix is calculated based on random sample consensus (RANSAC). Also restrains are studied to eliminate pseudo matching pairs. Then data interpolation is introduced to build elevation maps. Edge extraction and morphological processing are concerned to accomplish obstacle detection. Experiment results for different conditions are presented in support of the obstacle detection technology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 949kb Publisher : 晓翠

In this study, approaches of image enhancement, edge extraction, and line-based image matching for remote sensing images are proposed. The image enhancement includes noise reduction and contrast enhancement. We apply wavelet shrinkage techniques to suppress noise while preserving the sharpness of large-scale edges based on a Teager energy operator.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.2mb Publisher : sacoura31

基于边缘特征的SAR图像与光学图像匹配,测度为Hausdorff距离-SAR images based on edge features and optical image matching, for the Hausdorff distance measure
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.94mb Publisher : 吴磊

Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) has many applications in traffic systems (highway electronic toll collection, red light violation enforcement, border and customs checkpoints, etc.). License Plate Recognition is an effective form of AVI systems. In this study, a smart and simple algorithm is presented for vehicle’s license plate recognition system. The proposed algorithm consists of three major parts: Extraction of plate region, segmentation of characters and recognition of plate characters. For extracting the plate region, edge detection algorithms and smearing algorithms are used. In segmentation part, smearing algorithms, filtering and some morphological algorithms are used. And finally statistical based template matching is used for recognition of plate characters. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested on real images. Based on the experimental results, we noted that our algorithm shows superior performance in car license plate recognition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 308kb Publisher : Serhat

基于边缘特征的图像配准算法源码基于边缘特征的图像配准算法是将不同时间、不同的传感器(成像设备)或不同条件下(天候、照度、摄像位置和角度等)获取的同一场景的两幅或多幅图像根据其边缘特征进行匹配、叠加的处处理,最终生成一幅全景图像的方法。该方法具有抗噪性强,匹配速度快,误匹配率低,适用于多种类型的图像等优点,主要可以运用于以下领域:(1)军事研究领域,如飞行器辅助导航系绞、武器投射系统的末制导和寻地等应 -Edge feature-based image registration algorithm source image registration algorithm based on edge characteristics of the different time, different sensors (imaging equipment), or under different conditions (weather, illumination, camera position and angle, etc.) to obtain the same scene. pieces or more images according to their edge feature matching, and superposition of the Department for processing, and ultimately generate a panoramic image of the method. The method has a strong anti-noise, fast match, false match rate, applicable to many types of images, mainly used in the following areas: (1) military research areas, such as aircraft-aided navigation system twist, weapons delivery system terminal guidance and seeking land should be
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 139kb Publisher : yanjun

种新的针对山体图像边缘的立体匹配算法。为了保证匹配的准确性,首先引入极线方向上的 视差梯度约束,然后在考察唯一性的基础上,通过搜索并考察边缘端点周围的角点信息来引导边缘的匹配,并且限定边缘端点的角点搜索范围,最终匹配结果保证了两幅图像中的匹配对是一对一的唯一对应。-A newfast stereo edge-matching algorithm based on mountain images is presented.In order to ensure the accuracy of the match.Firstly the disparity gradient restriction across the direction of epipolar lines is used,and then on the basis of exclusionism searched the corner information close to edge point to guide the matching with restricted corners-searched range.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 471kb Publisher : aaron

利用图象边缘特征的基于豪思道夫距离的景象匹配算法,匹配速度要比基于灰度的算法高好几个数量级-use of the images on the edge of Ho Sze-Astoria distance from the scene matching algorithm, speed matching gray than the algorithm based on several high-volume
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : evenmo

这是一个基于openGl制作的一个手势识别程序(This is a 3D hand model developed mainly for vision-based hand motion analysis. The hand model is modeled as a set of rigid quadratic surfaces, and has 27 degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) including 6 DoFs of global motion and 21 DoFs of local motion. The hand skeleton is modeled as a kinematic chain of 20 joints connected by bones in a tree structure with the root at the wrist. In this program you can view the model from different positions and perspectives, and manipulate each DoF separately. More importantly, to assist research in this area, we also provide functions to generate the depth image, silhouette image and edge images, which can be easily used for model-based matching between the input and the 3D hand model.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 68.28mb Publisher : HUST——lxl

针对电气设备同一场景的红外与可见光图像间一致特征难以提取和匹配的问题,提出了一种基于斜率一致性的配准方法。首先通过数学形态学方法分别提取红外与可见光图像的边缘,得到粗边缘图像;然后通过SURF算法提取两幅边缘图像的特征点,根据正确的匹配点对之间斜率一致性的先验知识,进行特征点匹配;最后通过最小二乘法求得仿射变换模型参数并实现两幅图像的配准。实验结果表明,该方法有效提高了匹配点对的正确率,能够对电气设备红外和可见光图像实现高精度的配准。(In this paper, a method based on slope consistency is proposed to solve the problem that the uniform features of infrared and visible images are difficult to extract and match. Firstly, the edges of infrared and visible images were extracted by mathematical morphology, and the rough edge images were obtained. Then, the feature points of two edge images were extracted by SURF algorithm, and the priori knowledge of slope consistency was obtained according to the correct matching point, and the feature points were matched. Finally, the model parameters of affine transformation are obtained by least square method and the registration of two images is realized. The experimental results show that this method can effectively improve the accuracy of matching points, and can realize high precision registration of infrared and visible images of electrical equipment.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 九月晴空
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