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除了支持一般的小数运算,还支持常见的函数运算。 几个包中的MathFP是针对不同需要而提供的不同版本,开发J2ME只要使用net.jscience.math.MathFP就可以。-addition to general support for the fractional arithmetic, but also the common computing functions. Several packets of MathFP is different needs of the different versions, as long as the use of J2ME development net.jscience.math.MathFP can.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 81.54kb Publisher : 何福保

Math.NET开源数学库 C#实现 具体功能: - A linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra. - A sparse linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Sparse. - Non-uniform random generators, see MathNet.Numerics.Generators. - Distribution fonctions, see MathNet.Numerics.Distributions. - Statistical accumulator, see MathNet.Numerics.Statistics. - Fourier transformations, see MathNet.Numerics.Transformations. - Miscellaneous utilies (polynomials, rationals, collections).-Math.NET revenue math C# achieve specific functions : - A linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra. - A spar se linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Sparse . - Non-uniform random generators. see MathNet.Numerics.Generators. - Distribu tion fonctions. see MathNet.Numerics.Distributions. - Stati stical accumulator, see MathNet.Numerics.Statistics. - Fourier t ransformations. see MathNet.Numerics.Transformations. - Mis cellaneous utilies (polynomials. rationals, collections).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 875.34kb Publisher : 李华明

PSP游戏引擎Phoenix Game Engine (PGE) LUA 0.01发布,一个火凤凰的游戏引擎,它的特色在于:
    * pge.controls - Handling button and analog input.
    * pge.dir - Directory access and file system operations that deal with directories.
    * pge.file - File access and file system operations that deal with files.
    * pge.font - TrueType font loading and drawing.
    * pge.gfx - Graphic primitives drawing.
    * pge.math - VFPU math module.
    * pge.mp3 - MP3 playback for background music.
    * - Net and socket functions.
    * pge.texture - Image loading and drawing.
    * pge.timer - Timer module.
    * pge.usb - USB functions.
    * pge.utils - Utility functions for using the dialogs and retrieving system information.
    * pge.wav - WAV loading and playback for sound effects.
    * - ZIP file access and extraction.

Update : 2009-01-06 Size : 3.92mb Publisher : blauer

Update : 2011-12-07 Size : 196.45kb Publisher :

除了支持一般的小数运算,还支持常见的函数运算。 几个包中的MathFP是针对不同需要而提供的不同版本,开发J2ME只要使用net.jscience.math.MathFP就可以。-addition to general support for the fractional arithmetic, but also the common computing functions. Several packets of MathFP is different needs of the different versions, as long as the use of J2ME development net.jscience.math.MathFP can.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 81kb Publisher : 何福保

Math.NET开源数学库 C#实现 具体功能: - A linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra. - A sparse linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Sparse. - Non-uniform random generators, see MathNet.Numerics.Generators. - Distribution fonctions, see MathNet.Numerics.Distributions. - Statistical accumulator, see MathNet.Numerics.Statistics. - Fourier transformations, see MathNet.Numerics.Transformations. - Miscellaneous utilies (polynomials, rationals, collections).-Math.NET revenue math C# achieve specific functions :- A linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.- A spar se linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Sparse .- Non-uniform random generators. see MathNet.Numerics.Generators.- Distribu tion fonctions. see MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.- Stati stical accumulator, see MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.- Fourier t ransformations. see MathNet.Numerics.Transformations.- Mis cellaneous utilies (polynomials. rationals, collections).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 875kb Publisher : 李华明

[什么是数学:对思想和方法的基本研究(增订版)],它连续23次蝉联互动出版网数学类图书月销售排行第一名,英文原版. 20世纪杰出的数学家,哥廷根学派重要成员,曾任纽约大学数学系和数学科学研究院的主任,西方公认的数学权威——R·柯朗(Richard Courant)等三位数学大师亲自执笔.对我们编程人员的思维训练非常有帮助. 之前找到好多地方都没有找到这样一本书,现在找到了,不敢独占,拿出来分享给大家.-[What is Mathematics: The ideas and methods of basic research (updated version)], it won 23 consecutive interactive mathematical books published on net sales ranked first in the original English edition. The 20th century, an outstanding mathematician, G?ttingen school an important member, a former New York University Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Director, the West recognized the authority of mathematics- R Courant (Richard Courant), such as mathematical master of the three written. of our programmers have a very intensive way of thinking help. before finding a lot of places do not find such a book, now found, they dare not exclusive, and show to share with everyone.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.47mb Publisher : 朱国志

.net计算器。主要利用反射功能,完成自定义数学函数运算-. net calculators. The main use of reflective function, the completion of custom math function computing
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 621kb Publisher : 孙洪颖

这里是用VB写的数学库。以前用C、C++写的比较多。内容有:复数运算、矩阵运算、解方程、积分微分等。非常有用。-Here is the math library written in VB. Previously used C, C++ to write many of the comparison. Are as follows: plural computing, matrix operations, solution of equations, such as integro-differential. Very useful.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 105kb Publisher : 李峰

BP神经网络程序,C语言源代码 如下: #include "iostream.h" #include "iomanip.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "math.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "time.h" #include "fstream.h" #define N 120 //学习样本个数 #define IN 3 //输入层神经元数目 #define HN 2 //隐层神经元数目 #define ON 2 //输出层神经元数目 #define Z 20000 //旧权值保存-》每次study的权值都保存下来 double P[IN] //单个样本输入数据 double T[ON] //单个样本教师数据 double U11[IN][HN] //输入层至第一隐层权值 double V[HN][ON] //隐层至输出层权值 double X1[HN] //第一隐层的输入 double Y[ON] //输出层的输入 double H1[HN] //第一隐层的输出 double O[ON] //输出层的输出 double YU_HN1[HN] //第一隐层的阈值 double YU_ON[ON] //输出层的阈值 double err_m[N] //第m个样本的总误差 double a //学习效率 double alpha //动量因子-BP net
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 梅汉文

DL : 0
是一个用asp.net和c#做得实现简单的算术运算。-use asp.NET and c# make math
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 42kb Publisher : 紫雨

DL : 0
Math Editor very flexible written in c#
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 83kb Publisher : somac

Math.NET Library Iridium is class library written in C#, that allows users computing various linear algebra and statistics.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.21mb Publisher : dostalj

Smarth Math Library for .Net
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.17mb Publisher : asdfgaa

Scientific Calculator developed in having complex math function-Scientific Calculator developed in having complex math function..
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 100kb Publisher : rashid

Python语言嵌入到MFC的开发中,通过这个例子可以利用两种语言的优势开发程序-Many of you might have seen the numeric input fields in most commercial CAD and scientific applications that facilitate the user to write mathematical expressions. This is to allow the user to use the edit box or the spinner box as a calculator on the fly. I was very much fascinated with this functionality and always wanted to easily have it in my applications. Writing a parser was a long job. When I just started learning Python, I came to know that it was a beautiful calculator by itself. You just need to type the expression on the command line and return-- you get the answer for any math function the C programmer is familiar with. After a long search on the net and the Python API doc, I finally came to know how to simply send a string to the interpreter and retrieve the results. I leveraged this ability of the Python API to embed it into a dialog box.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 25kb Publisher : liulei

DL : 0
通用初等函数计算器,在网页上模拟出键盘的风格,程序主要是进行数学运算,不但包括最基本的加减乘除运算,还有平方根、立方根、正弦、余弦运算,以及一些更复杂的数学函数。本计算器运行于PHP环境,更多功能希望与大家一起完善。 primary function calculator on the page to simulate the style of the keyboard, the program is mainly for mathematical operations, including not only the most basic addition and subtraction, multiplication and division operations, as well as square root, cube root, sine, cosine operations, as well as some more complex mathematical functions . This calculator runs on the PHP environment, more features hope we can improve.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher :

DL : 0
Math Library for .NET Micro Framework
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : majorbulk

DL : 0
 用C#写的比较基础的windows Form 程序,该计算器实现了基础的数学运算,如加,减,乘,除等任务.主要是通过该程序学习vs.net的   编程环境,以及windows Form程序.主要针对初学者-Comparison with C# to write programs based on windows Form, which implements the basic math calculator operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other tasks. Primarily through the program learning programming environment, and windows Form procedures. mainly for beginners
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 风寒

类似matlab的数学工具,功能强大,有很多功能,很实用。(Similar to Matlab's mathematical tools, powerful, a lot of functions, very practical.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 175kb Publisher : 11248
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