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[Speech/Voice recognition/combineACF

Description: 自适应滤波器设计的matlab源程序,包括LMS,RLS,Kalman滤波等
Platform: | Size: 20325 | Author: 马名 | Hits:


Description: 一种基音检测算法的matlab实现
Platform: | Size: 1662 | Author: y556688y@126.com | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineACF

Description: 自适应滤波器设计的matlab源程序,包括LMS,RLS,Kalman滤波等-Adaptive filter design matlab source code, including the LMS, RLS, Kalman filtering
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 马名 | Hits:


Description: 计算golden sequence的自相关,ACF_of_PN_Sequence-ACF_of_PN_Sequence
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 雅美 | Hits:


Description: This m-file finds the periodic ACF of all the m-sequences of length 31.In this program m-sequences of length 31 are generated and its periodic Autocorrelation function is plotted-This m-file finds the periodic ACF of all the m-sequences of length 31.In this program m-sequences of length 31 are generated and its periodic Autocorrelation function is plotted..
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Rafal | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineaudio_processing

Description: 语音信号处理-对输入语音信号进行端点检测和基音轨迹的检测(利用acf、amdf和acf/amdf三种方法)。-Speech Signal Processing- the input voice signal trajectory endpoint detection and pitch detection (using acf, amdf and acf/amdf three methods).
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineACF

Description: 语音信号处理中基音周期提取算法。运用传统的自相关方法。并加入了三电平削波的处理。-Speech Signal Processing pitch extraction algorithm. Using the traditional autocorrelation method. And joined the three-level clipping processing.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: liujiahui | Hits:


Description: measured ACF of TRI RV
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Raj | Hits:


Description: Matlab动力系统和时间序列分析工具箱:这个工具箱用来分析动力系统和时间序列,它可以定制为:常微分方程、随机微分方程。所有分析的方法被封装在工具箱中,你可以通过命令行或GUI来调用。包含的功能: ODE常微分方程, SDE随机微分方程和map integration 分析时间序列,过滤、归一化/均衡化、直方图、2D直方图、ACF, MAI, FFT,最大lyapunov指数计算、模式识别。 动力系统分析:创建Poincare截面、分岔图、计算lyapunov指数。-The kit used to analyze the power systems and time series, it can be customized as: ordinary differential equations, stochastic differential equations. All analysis methods are encapsulated in the toolbox, you can call the command line or GUI. Includes features: ODE ordinary differential equation, SDE Stochastic Differential Equations and map integration analysis of time series, filtering, normalization/equalization, histogram, 2D histogram, ACF, MAI, FFT, the maximum lyapunov index, pattern recognition . Power System Analysis: Creating Poincare section, bifurcation diagrams, calculations lyapunov index.
Platform: | Size: 381952 | Author: 朱凤宇 | Hits:


Description: Computes ACF for a given series. Returns a vector of autocorrelations through lag p. Also produces bar graph of autocorrelations, with rejection region bands for testing (under white noise assumption) each autocorrelation = 0. Example: >> myacf = acf(y,12) Does not require any toolboxes. MATLAB release MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Rafal | Hits:


Description: 利用 matlab 分别基于 ACF 和 W-AMDF 求基音频率,程序均调试通过。其中的 word 文档为下载资源,供大家参考对比-compute fundamental frequency of speech signal base on ACF and W-AMDF respectively, while the download word document for your reference.
Platform: | Size: 163840 | Author: han | Hits:

[Voice Compresschengxu

Description: ACF自相关算法的matlab程序,实现音频的基因检测过程-failed to translate
Platform: | Size: 312320 | Author: 安排那个 | Hits:


Description: it is acf matlab code
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: neda | Hits:


Description: it is acf2 matlab code
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: neda | Hits:


Description: Application au problème de la cuve. Comparaisons entre un contrô leur ACF, un contrô leur PID et le contrô leur à logique floue de Matlab. Application au problème du pendule inverse. Comparaisons entre un contrô leur ACF, un contrô leur PID et le contrô leur à logique floue de Matlab.
Platform: | Size: 332800 | Author: karim | Hits:


Description: Application au problème de la cuve. Comparaisons entre un contrô leur ACF, un contrô leur PID et le contrô leur à logique floue de Matlab. Application au problème du pendule inverse. Comparaisons entre un contrô leur ACF, un contrô leur PID et le contrô leur à logique floue de Matlab.
Platform: | Size: 332800 | Author: karim | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 340992 | Author: deepu | Hits:

[Other systemstrunk

Description: 为树轮研究开发的数据分析matlab工具箱-Tree-ring and climate-data analysis grplot grouped plots of ring width series skelcrn - skeleton plot crn file or ring-width series climgram - climatogram IO and formatting of tree-ring data crn2vec2 convert .crn file to vectors rwl2tsm convert .rwl file to time series matrix rwlinp - load rwl series as indexed vector into MATLAB IO and formatting of climate data c132tss Thirteen-column monthly climate matrix to time-series structure File and directory management dirfiles list of files with specified suffix Time series analysis acf autocorrelation function and confidence limits arspectrum spectrum of an AR(1) or AR(2) process corrone product-moment correlation of one variable with several others mafilt1 evenly-weighted moving average of an annual time series pdgmraw raw periodogram of a time series pdgmsim exact simulation of Gaussian time series its periodogram specbt1 spectrum of a single time series by Blackman Tukey method whit1 fit an AR model to t
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: wuming | Hits:

[Special EffectsImageaVideo-Matlab-Toolbox

Description: 这是一个matlab工具箱,里面包含图像和视频处理的代码,行人检测的相关代码,包含ACF,meanshift,HOG等的matlab源码-This is a matlab toolbox, which contains image and video processing code, pedestrian detection of the relevant code, including ACF, meanshift, HOG, etc. Matlab source
Platform: | Size: 57963520 | Author: aily | Hits:

[Special EffectsMatlab-ACF-LiveTracking-master

Description: 使用ACF聚合通道特征算法,实现人脸检测(Face detection using ACF aggregation channel feature algorithm)
Platform: | Size: 6290432 | Author: 爱喝可乐 | Hits:
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