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function [h,s,v] = rgb2hsv(r,g,b)
%RGB2HSV Convert red-green-blue colors to hue-saturation-value.
%   H = RGB2HSV(M) converts an RGB color map to an HSV color map.
%   Each map is a matrix with any number of rows, exactly three columns,
%   and elements in the interval 0 to 1.  The columns of the input matrix,
%   M, represent intensity of red, blue and green, respectively.  The
%   columns of the resulting output matrix, H, represent hue, saturation
%   and color value, respectively.
%   HSV = RGB2HSV(RGB) converts the RGB image RGB (3-D array) to the
%   equivalent HSV image HSV (3-D array).

Update : 2008-12-16 Size : 1.48kb Publisher : leohee

一个简单的数字基带传输系统的MATLAB仿真实现源代码,包括: 一、A/D转换 二、码型变换(AMI码) 三、随机噪声信道的MATLAB仿真实现 四、抽样判决的MATLAB仿真实现 五、码型反变换 六、D/A转换
Update : 2009-04-05 Size : 4.04kb Publisher :

Huffman 这个名字,程序员们至少会联想到二叉树和二进制编码。的确,我们总以 Huffman 编码来概括 D.A.Huffman 个人对计算机领域特别是数据压缩领域的杰出贡献。我们知道,压缩 = 模型 + 编码,作为一种压缩方法,我们必须全面考虑其模型和编码两个模块的功效;但同时,模型和编码两个模块又相互具有独立性。-Huffman, programmers will at least think of a binary tree and binary coding. Indeed, we always Huffman coding to summarize D. A. Huffman personal computer areas, especially in the field of data compression outstanding contribution. We know that the compression encoding = model, as a compression method, we must take full account of two model and coding module effectiveness; But at the same time, model and coding module of two mutual independence.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 亞男

AFD - Advanced Filter Design using MATLABMiroslav D. Lutovac, Dejan V. Tosicversion 1.00 released 15 October 1999This program is freeware.Unpack with path names, for exampleDOS: pkunzip -d afdunix: unzip -L afdAfter unpacking, and run MATLAB,change directory to afdfrom the MATLAB command window.Execute demoafd to quickly scan the AFD operation.-AFD- Advanced Filter Design using MATLABMiroslav D. Lutovac, Dejan V. Tosicversion 1.00 released 15 October 1999This program is freeware.Unpack with path names, for exampleDOS: pkunzip-d afdunix: unzip-L afdAfter unpacking, and run MATLAB,change directory to afdfrom the MATLAB command window.Execute demoafd to quickly scan the AFD operation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 274kb Publisher : 肖克

MATLABThe CD-ROM accompanying this book contains MATLAB® M-files (MATLAB language source code) and Simulink® block diagram models for designing, implementing and testing control systems.-MATLABThe CD-ROM accompanying this book contains MATLAB ? M-files (MATLAB language source code) and Simulink ? block diagram models for designing, implementing and testing control systems.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 571kb Publisher : l

数字信号处理matlab源程序,对于学习数字信号处理的人大有帮助。-digital signal processing Matlab source for learning digital signal processing of the people it helps.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : 刘龙伟

VC调用MATLAB编译的D-VC Calling MATLAB Compiler DLL
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.47mb Publisher : 吴真

DL : 0
Second and Higher-Order Statistics based Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output System Blind Identification Matlab Code -Second and Higher-Order Statistics based Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output System Blin Matlab d Identification Code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 于蕾

数字版权保护的毕业设计,利用DCT进行变换,但是算法比较新颖,里面包括所有的matlab程序。-digital copyright protection graduation design, for the use of DCT transformation, but rather novel algorithm, includes all the Matlab procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : 刘伟

DL : 1
D-S证据理论数据融合,基于权重系数与冲突概率重新分配的证据合成方法,叶 清,系统工程与电子技术。-DS evidence theory data fusion, based on the weight coefficient with the probability of conflict redistribution of evidence synthesis methods, Qing Ye, systems engineering and electronic technology.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李彪

DL : 1
D-S证据理论,一种基于证据补偿证据冲突的改进方法,基于交并集合。-DS evidence theory, a kind of evidence-based compensation method to improve the conflict of evidence, based on the delivery and collection.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李彪

DL : 1
floyd算法,matlab实现,是.m文件。简单明了-floyd algorithm, matlab realize is. m file. Simple
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

DL : 0
%求输入一维信号的计盒分形维数 %y是一维信号 %cellmax:方格子的最大边长,可以取2的偶数次幂次(1,2,4,8...),取大于数据长度的偶数 %D是y的计盒维数(一般情况下D>=1),D=lim(log(N(e))/log(k/e)),- For the importation of one-dimensional signal box fractal dimension y is one-dimensional signal cellmax: Lattice of the largest side length, you can take 2 dual power several (1,2,4,8 ...), check data length greater than the even-numbered D is the y of the box-counting dimension (generally D> = 1), D = lim (log (N (e))/log (k/e)),
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhu

2-D histogram代码从国外网站下载,感觉不错,内附讲解-2-D histogram code downloaded from the web sites from abroad, I feel pretty good, containing a brief
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 李晓阳

利用水平积的方法对一个2维的图像进去去噪处理,在MATLAB下实现的代码-The level of plot to use the method to a 2-D image denoising into treatment, in the MATLAB code to achieve
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : xuk

采用3D Bresenham算法在两点间划一直线 % This program is ported to MATLAB from: % B.Pendleton. line3d - 3D Bresenham s (a 3D line drawing algorithm) %, 1992 % % Which is referenced by: % Fischer, J., A. del Rio (2004). A Fast Method for Applying Rigid % Transformations to Volume Data, WSCG2004 Conference. % -3D Bresenham algorithm used in a straight line between two points This program is ported to MATLAB from: B. Pendleton. Line3d- 3D Bresenham s (a 3D line drawing algorithm), 1992 Which is referenced by: Fischer, J., A. del Rio (2004). A Fast Method for Applying Rigid Transformations to Volume Data, WSCG2004 Conference. http ://
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : zzn

DL : 0
这是MATLAB小型的。下下去看看嘛,活血对你以后的学习有帮助-This is a small MATLAB. To see them go under, Huoxue after learning of your help
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.57mb Publisher : 雨林

可以对D-INSAR数据的沉陷应变进行有效计算-On D-INSAR data for effective calculation of subsidence strain
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 小云

根据D-InSAR测量的变形数据绘制地表变形曲线图-According to D-InSAR measurements of deformation data mapping ground deformation curves
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 小云

DL : 0
从实用的角度出发,详细介绍了在MATLAB软件环境下,如何利用研 华的数据采集与控制多功能板卡实现数据采集与控制仿真。 本手册适合工程技术人员、科学研究人员和大中专学校的学生参 考。-From the practical point of view, described in detail in the MATLAB software environment, how to use Advantech' s Data Acquisition and Control of multi-board data acquisition and control simulation. The manual for engineering and technical personnel, scientific research and large secondary school students.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 290kb Publisher : 滕达
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