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: 本文以扩频理论为基础, 用 M A T L A B 对直接序列扩频通信系统进行了仿真。 系统中扩频编码采用 m序列, 整个系统 采用 Q P S K调制方式, 接收端同步捕获过程采用数字匹配滤波器的原理。在给定的仿真条件下, 对仿真程序进行了运行测试, 得 到了预期的仿真结果。
Update : 2011-01-12 Size : 244.84kb Publisher :

M AT L A B是一个可视化的计算程序,被广泛地使用于从个人计算机到超级计算机范围内 的各种计算机上。matlab学习手册-M AT A B L is a visualization of the calculation procedures, been widely used in personal computers to supercomputers within the computer. Matlab learning manuals
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.92mb Publisher : 张飞佑

结合单片机和M a t l a b 两者的优点,基于事件驱动的中断通信机制,提出一种Matlab 环境下PC 机与 单片机实时串行通信及数据处理的方法;完成单片机数据采集系统与PC 机的RS-232/RS-485 串行通 信及其通信数据的分析处理、文件存储、F I R 滤波及图形显示;简化系统开发流程,提高开发效率。 该方法已成功应用于一个P I C 1 6 F 8 7 6 单片机应用系统实例之中-Combination of single-chip and M atlab strong points of both, based on event-driven interruption of communication mechanism, a Matlab environment PC and MCU in real-time serial communication and data processing methods complete single-chip data acquisition system with PC-RS-232/RS-485 serial communication and analysis of communication data processing, file storage, FIR filtering and graphical display simplify the system development flow, improve development efficiency. The method has been successfully applied to a PIC 1 6 F 8 7 6 examples of single-chip microcomputer application systems
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 148kb Publisher : pengrong

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一维信号的计盒分形维数,用 m a t l a b编辑的-One-dimensional signal box fractal dimension, using matlab editor
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : jiezhiwei1

M a t l a b 中读取视频avi文件的小程序-M atlab read avi video files applet
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18kb Publisher : wang

M a t l a b 在图像处理中应用的各种函数集,做图像处理的查询很方便-M atlab applications in image processing various function sets, the query to do image processing easily
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 28kb Publisher : wang

% function [L, a, b] = RGB2Lab(R, G, B) % RGB2Lab takes matrices corresponding to Red, Green, and Blue, and % transforms them into CIELab. This transform is based on ITU-R % Recommendation BT.709 using the D65 white point reference. % The error in transforming RGB -> Lab -> RGB is approximately % 10^-5. RGB values can be either between 0 and 1 or between 0 and 255. % By Mark Ruzon from C code by Yossi Rubner, 23 September 1997. % Updated for MATLAB 5 28 January 1998.-% function [L, a, b] = RGB2Lab(R, G, B) % RGB2Lab takes matrices corresponding to Red, Green, and Blue, and % transforms them into CIELab. This transform is based on ITU-R % Recommendation BT.709 using the D65 white point reference. % The error in transforming RGB-> Lab-> RGB is approximately % 10^-5. RGB values can be either between 0 and 1 or between 0 and 255. % By Mark Ruzon from C code by Yossi Rubner, 23 September 1997. % Updated for MATLAB 5 28 January 1998.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 郑成勇

【 摘 要】 提出了一种基于负熵的快速不动点1 C A算法, 介绍了负熵的定义和如何将其用作代价函数度量混合信号的非 高斯性。 详细介绍了基于负熵的固定点准则以及简化算法。实验选取 3个非高斯向量作为信号源进行 Ma t l a b分离仿真, 结果显示 分离效果良好。-Abstract Based on the rapid Negentropy 1 CA fixed point algorithm, introduced the definition of negentropy and how to measure its cost function for mixed-signal of the non-Gaussian. Described in detail based on the fixed-point Negentropy criteria and simplify the algorithm. Experiment to select three non-Gaussian vector as a signal source separation Ma tlab simulation results showed good separation efficiency.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 138kb Publisher : 金振东

Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE(S,A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = dest<-src , or alternatively, S = src->dest . Supported color spaces are RGB R G B Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected) YPbPr Luma (ITU-R BT.601) + Chroma YCbCr / YCC Luma + Chroma ("digitized" version of Y PbPr) YUV NTSC PAL Y UV Luma + Chroma YIQ NTSC Y IQ Luma + Chroma YDbDr SECAM Y DbDr Luma + Chroma JPEGYCbCr JPEG-Y CbCr Luma + Chroma HSV / HSB Hue Saturation Value/Brightness HSL / HLS / HSI Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity XYZ CIE XYZ Lab CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) Luv CIE L*u*v* (CIELUV) Lch CIE L*ch (CIELCH)-Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE (S, A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = ' dest <-src' , or alternatively, S = ' src-> dest' . Supported color spaces are ' RGB' R' G' B ' Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected)' YPbPr ' Luma (ITU-R BT.601 )+ Chroma ' YCbCr' /' YCC' Luma+ Chroma ( " digitized" version of Y' PbPr) ' YUV' NTSC PAL Y' UV Luma+ Chroma ' YIQ' NTSC Y' IQ Luma+ Chroma ' YDbDr' SECAM Y ' DbDr Luma+ Chroma ' JPEGYCbCr' JPEG-Y' CbCr Luma+ Chroma ' HSV' /' HSB' Hue Saturation Value/Brightness' HSL ' /' HLS ' /' HSI ' Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity' XYZ ' CIE XYZ' Lab ' CIE L* a* b* (CIELAB)' Luv ' CIE L* u* v* (CIELUV)' Lch ' CIE L* ch (CIE
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 张灯结

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m a t l a b 编 程 实 例!-matlab program
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher :

matlab图像分割的实例,包括基于L*a*b空间的彩色图像分割,检测汽车目标,分水岭分割等程序源代码-matlab examples of segmentation, including those based on L* a* b color space, image segmentation, target detection vehicles, watershed segmentation source code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.31mb Publisher : 梁玉梅

基于L*a*b*空间的彩色图像分割Matlab程序-Based on L* a* b* color space, image segmentation Matlab program
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 耿鑫

DL : 0
将图片从RGB空间转换到Lab空间的Matlab文件-The image from the RGB space is transformed into Lab space Matlab files
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : faniky

M AT L A B拥有大量简单、灵活、易用的二维和三维图形绘图命令,本教程用于学习MATLAB 绘图。-M AT LAB has a large number of simple, flexible, easy to use two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics drawing commands, the tutorial for learning MATLAB graphics.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.79mb Publisher : yyp

Matlab入门介绍电子教程:MAT L A B能做什么-textbook of matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9.3mb Publisher : 温硕

介绍了一种基于 MA T L A B的多个特定人连接词语音识别的方法,并提出了在进行端点检测时,引入平均的概念能进一 步提高识别率。 此设计是以 L P C C系数、 D T W 算法为核心的基于图形界面的设计。 通过大量的实验测试 ,表明该方法基本达 到屏蔽外界环境的影响 , 具有非常高的精度识别-: In this paper based on a number of specific persons MA TLAB conjunctions speech recognition method, and presented during endpoint detection, the introduction of the concept of the average recognition rate can be further improved. This design is LPCC coefficients, DTW algorithm as the core design based on graphical interface. Through a large number of experimental tests show that the method is basically to shield the external environment, with very high accuracy recognition
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 242kb Publisher : 薛莉

基于L*a*b空间的色彩分割是根据图像中色彩空间不同的颜色来确定不同色彩所在的区域从而对图像进行划分。 这种基于色彩的图像分割方法简单而且易于理解,并且在实际应用中颜色通常具有很明显的区域特征,因此这种方法在实际应用中也有很广泛的用途-Based on L* a* b color space segmentation is based on the image color space to determine the different colors in different colors to the area where the image is divided. Color-based image segmentation method is simple and easy to understand, and color in practical applications usually have a very clear regional characteristics, so this method in practical applications there is also a wide range of uses
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 吴祥

DL : 0
matlab入门教程,M AT L A B是一个可视化的计算程序,被广泛地使用于从个人计算机到超级计算机范围内 的各种计算机上-matlab introductory tutorial, M AT LAB is a calculation program visualization, are widely used in a variety of computers from personal computers to supercomputers within
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.23mb Publisher : summer

MATLAB在时间序列分析中的应用 张善文(MATLAB M A T L A B MATLAB)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.66mb Publisher : 寒生

借 助 于 M at l a b 信 号 处理 工 具箱 的强大分 析 能力,利 用 双 谱 估 计 对 信 号 进行处理,获取 频 率信 息,并提 出 了 判 断 列 车 运 行 不 平 稳 的准则(With the help of the powerful analysis ability of matlabsignal processing toolbox, bispectrum estimation is used to process the signal, obtain the frequency information, and put forward to judge the train operation)
Update : 2020-03-02 Size : 390kb Publisher : 切切啊
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