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matlab 数值计算 数据和源文件 -Matlab numerical data and source documents
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 245.67kb Publisher : 肖恒辉

Toolbox for Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler). Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory course in numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in- formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough about the mathe- matical functions in Matlab that you will be able to use them correctly, appreciate their limitations, and modify them when necessary to suit your own needs. The topics include * introduction to Matlab, * linear equations, * interpolation, * zero and roots, * least squares, * quadrature, * ordinary di?erential equations, * random numbers, * Fourier analysis, * eigenvalues and singular values, * partial differential equations.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 238.02kb Publisher : Michael A

matlab 数值计算 数据和源文件 -Matlab numerical data and source documents
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 245kb Publisher : 肖恒辉

DL : 0
Toolbox for Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler). Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory course in numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in- formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough about the mathe- matical functions in Matlab that you will be able to use them correctly, appreciate their limitations, and modify them when necessary to suit your own needs. The topics include * introduction to Matlab, * linear equations, * interpolation, * zero and roots, * least squares, * quadrature, * ordinary di?erential equations, * random numbers, * Fourier analysis, * eigenvalues and singular values, * partial differential equations.-Toolbox for Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler). Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory coursein numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in-formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough about the mathe-matical functions in Matlab that you will be able to use them correctly, appreciatetheir limitations, and modify them when necessary to suit your own needs. Thetopics include* introduction to Matlab,* linear equations,* interpolation,* zero and roots,* least squares,* quadrature,* ordinary di? erential equations,* random numbers,* Fourier analysis,* eigenvalues and singular values,* partial differential equations.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 238kb Publisher :

DL : 0
MATLAB 数值计算 入门 源码 ² introduction to MATLAB ² linear equations ² interpolation ² zero ¯ nding ² least squares ² quadrature ² ordinary di® erential equations ² random numbers ² Fourier analysis ² eigenvalues and singular values ² partial di® erential equations-Numerical Computing with MATLAB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 246kb Publisher : hanklynn

DL : 0
matlab编写的小程序,能够模拟人走路,参数可以设置。非常有意思,可以参考一下!-Walker. this code is a walker.It can simulate human being s walk.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : pengshanyue

DL : 0
本程序包适用于MATLAB数值计算(Cleve B.Moler著,喻文健译)的NCM程序包-The program of the book Numerical Computing with MATLAB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 238kb Publisher : gongshirui

DL : 0
matlab创始人moler的matlab书籍的源代码-founder moler the matlab matlab source code books
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 238kb Publisher : spline

DL : 0
Numerical Computing with MATLAB, source code in book
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 238kb Publisher : frank

DL : 0
matlab里面的一些简化工具包,便携易带,ncm工具包,还有一些教学演示程序-the matlab toolbox simple!please,if you want to show something,you can use it
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 256kb Publisher : caijunlong

DL : 0
numerical computing matthematics matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 270kb Publisher : anil

DL : 0
k近邻算法源代码,用matlab语言编写的,适用于分类及相关问题的分析-K neighbor algorithm source code, written with matlab language, suitable for classification and analysis of the related problem
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : panxinghui

DL : 0
经典教材 数值计算matlab 源代码 -matlab code for numerical computation using matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 523kb Publisher : niuniu

DL : 0
直线导航的非线性控制方法的matlab仿真程序-Nonlinear Control Methods linear navigation matlab simulation program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher :

matlab算法书的随书代码,cleve Moler所编著,从书籍官网下载-code for the book 《matlab algorithm..》,author Cleve Moler,download the official website
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : 叶群

压缩包中的文件主要是基于matlab的数值计算以及分析功能学习的很好的例程-The file compression package is mainly based on the numerical calculation of MATLAB and analysis of the function of learning a good routine
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : 庞成成

part 3 of answers for cleve
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : Cobin

DL : 0
matlab code for exercises
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 82kb Publisher : Cobin

MATLAB数值计算,课后,数值分析,源代码,NCM(ncm solution matlab code)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.22mb Publisher : 小芒果呀
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