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ad hoc网络mac层协议修改和仿真源程序-ad hoc network of mac layer protocol source code modification and simulation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 28kb Publisher : tle

aodv路由协议源码及简单注释 格式没有转换,用的是txt-AODV routing protocol and a simple note-source format does not convert, using a txt
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : linuxcai

该代码用来实现一个基本移动自组网的仿真,各个节点随机移动,通过相互交换数据观察最后运行结果,代码简洁,避免了一些大型仿真软件的复杂使用过程。-The code used to achieve a basic mobile ad hoc network simulation, each node random movement, through mutual exchange of data to observe the final results, the code is simple and avoids some of the complexity of large-scale simulation software use.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 32kb Publisher :

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is different than the Cellular Networks as I mentioned earlier. A WSN is composed of a large number of sensor nodes that communicate using a wireless medium (air). The sensor nodes are deployed randomly in the environment to be monitored. The sensor nodes distributed in ad hoc structure. In WSN there is no base station and not all nodes hear each other. The WSN is a multi-hop network. Basic part of my code is to randomly place the sensor nodes in the given space then connecting each two nodes if the distance between them less than or equal to the communication radius.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 41kb Publisher : khala

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this is a matlab source code for simulation and modification the mobile ad-hoc network-this is a matlab source code for simulation and modification the mobile ad-hoc network
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : aziz

An ad-hoc network with a sender, a destination and a third station act- ing as a relay is analysed. The channels are modelled containing thermal noise, Rayleigh fading and path loss. Di® erent combining methods and di- versity protocols are compared. The amplify and forward protocol shows a better performance than the decode and forward protocol, unless an error correcting code is simulated. To combine the incoming signals the chan- nel quality should be estimated as well as possible. Information about the average quality shows nice bene¯ ts, and a rough approximation about the variation of the channel quality increases the performance even more. What- ever combination of diversity protocol and combining method is used second level diversity is observed. The relative distances between the relay and the stations has a large e® ect on the performance.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 253kb Publisher : mahmoodshakir

matlab code for adhoc networks with different scenarios
Update : 2017-08-29 Size : 861.29kb Publisher :
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