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此设计要求能够实现将医学图像进行识别的过程,包括了图像预处理、图像特征提取及分类判决三大模块。在预处理这一步中主要实现的是将彩色图像转换为灰度图像,灰度图像的二值化,直方图修正,去除干扰、噪声以及差异,边缘增强等;第二模块是图像的特征提取。由于对象的物理与几何特性差异,在影像中表现为局部区域的灰度产生明显变化,形成影像特征,而图像特征提取就是对其进行加工、整理、分析、归纳以便提取构成目标影像的特征,得到能反映图像内容区别于其他事物的本质特征;分类判决作为第三模块,则是要在第二步的基础上采用某种分类判别函数与判别规则,通过对目标特征的分析和匹配来识别目标。-this design requirements to achieve medical image identification process, including the image preprocessing, Image feature extraction and classification ruling three modules. This pretreatment step in the main achievement of the color image is converted to grayscale images, the two gray-scale image value, histogram amendment to remove interference and noise variance Edge Enhancement; the second module is the image feature extraction. Because of the physical objects with geometric characteristics difference in the images showed local area Gray significant changes, the video features, feature extraction and image is its processing, compilation, analysis, summarized in order to extract constitute the target image features can be reflected image as distinct from the other characteristics of th
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 6kb Publisher : uhih

常见的图像处理matlab源代码!!包括反色,常见滤波,去噪,和常用变换!-common image processing Matlab source code! ! Anti- including color, common filtering, noise removal, and common Transform!
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : zrx

图像线性滤波复原 运用MATLAB软件,并结合维纳滤波法对各种模糊图像进行复原重建 创建一个仿真运动模糊的PSF来模糊图像。 (2)利用deconvwnr函数对无噪声模糊图像进行复原重建 (3)利用deconvwnr函数对有噪声模糊图像进行复原重建 -images linear filtering using MATLAB software recovery, and the Wiener filter to various fuzzy image restoration reconstruction campaign to create a simulation of the PSF to Fuzzy Fuzzy Image . (2) the use of deconvwnr function without noise fuzzy image restoration reconstruction (3) using decon vwnr function of a fuzzy image noise recovery reconstruction
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : 深蓝

彩色图像的篡改检测及自恢复算法赵春晖,孙建军,朱海峰(哈尔滨工程大学信息与通信工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001)摘要:数字水印是图像认证的有效手段之一.利用小波变换提出一种计算简单的彩色图像水印算法,将一个图像的主要内容嵌入该图像自身之中,用均值量化的方法在亮度信号中嵌入水印,实现篡改检测和定位篡改区域;用多余的色度空间嵌入亮度信号和色度信号,用于恢复被篡改的图像内容.该算法可以获取较高的峰值信噪比,具有很好的鲁棒性.实验结果表明,该算法对删除、替换等恶意图像篡改具有良好的检测、定位和自修复能力.-color image tamper detection and self-recovery algorithm Zhao Chunhui, Sun Jianjun, Zhu Haifeng (Harbin Engineering University, Information and Communication Engineering Institute, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001) Abstract : digital watermark image authentication is one of the effective means. Using wavelet transform A simple calculation of the color image watermarking algorithm, an image of the main elements embedded in the image itself, and use of quantitative methods mean the luminance signal embedded watermark, achieve tamper detection and localization tampering with the region; use of surplus space embedded color luminance signals and chrominance signals, for the restoration of tampering with the image content. The algorithm can generate a higher signal-to-noise ratio of the peak value, h
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 232kb Publisher : ghostsx

This toolbox has functions to perform nonlinear diffusion images. This kind of image filtering is particularly useful for reducing noise and to simplify images for further segmentation. Much of these functions are based on Perona and Malick s work, and also on J. Weickert s papers. The fast AOS diffusion is implemented. There is also 3D diffusion functions, color image diffusion and Coherence-Enhancing diffusion -This toolbox has functions to perform nonl inear diffusion images. This kind of image fi ltering is particularly useful for reducing no ise and to simplify images for further segmenta tion. Much of these functions are based on Peron a and Malick's work, and also on J. Weickert's papers. The hypothetical fast AOS fusion is implemented. There is also 3D diffusi on functions, color image diffusion and Coherence- enhancin g diffusion
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 142kb Publisher :

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复数噪声信号的产生,包括高斯白噪声和色噪声(滤波器可定义)-plural noise signal produced, including white Gaussian noise and color noise (Filter definable)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : cuixu

MATLAB代码,利用卡尔曼滤波实现加入彩色噪声的语音信号增强.效果不错.-MATLAB code, the use of Kalman filter color noise adding realize voice signal enhancement. Good results.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李茉

针对分水岭算法存在的过分割问题以及VCH-F1切片图像的特点,提出一种能够有效消除局部极小值和噪声干扰的自动分割方法。首先比较彩色分量梯度图,选择分量图像的梯度信息,达到有效提取图像边缘信息的目的;然后提出基于多阈值分割的方法消除无效梯度信息;最后介绍了算法的步骤及结果。实验结果证明,通过该方法处理的梯度图像再进行分水岭算法处理,即使不进行区域合并也能达到很好的效果。-Watershed algorithm for over-segmentation problem of the existence of VCH-F1 as well as the characteristics of the image slice, a can effectively eliminate the local minimum value and noise automatic segmentation method. Comparing the first color component gradient map, select the quantity of image gradient information, achieve an effective extraction of image edge information purposes then made based on multi-threshold segmentation method to eliminate invalid gradient information Finally introduce the steps of the algorithm and results. Experimental results show that the adoption of the method of treatment of gradient watershed algorithm for image re-treatment, even if there is no regional merger will also achieve good results.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3.09mb Publisher : 李胖子

:为实现番茄收获机械自动化,提出了利用计算机视觉代替人眼对成熟番茄进行自动识别的方法。首先对番茄图像进 行了各种去除噪声方法的比较,提出用HSI 颜色系统的H 色调分量作为识别的颜色特征参数。利用最大方差自动取阈法及 数学形态运算等构成的识别算法对采集的番茄图像进行自动识别.-: In order to realize automation of tomato harvesting, the use of computer vision to replace the human eye of a mature tomato automatic identification method. First, a variety of tomato image noise removal methods, the use of HSI color hue component H system as a means of identification of the color feature parameter. Automatic check using the maximum variance threshold method and mathematical form of computing, such as recognition algorithm consisting of tomato collected images of automatic identification.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 92kb Publisher : daiyu

数字图像处理编程入门 书和书的 源代码 1) windows位图bitmap(即bmp文件)的结构和调色版的概念; (2) 图象的平移、旋转、镜象变换、转置变换、放缩; (3) 图象的平滑(去噪声)、锐化; (4) 图象的半影调、抖动技术; (5) 图象的直方图修正、彩色变换; (6) 图象的腐蚀和膨胀效果、细化算法、骨架的提取; (7) 图象的边沿检测与抽取、hough变换、轮廓跟踪; (8) 图象的检测、模板匹配; (9) 图象的压缩编码、JPEG压缩编码标准; (10) 图象处理编程工具lead.ocx、DirectDraw及简单的多媒体编程技术。 -Introduction to digital image processing programming books and the book s source code 1) windows bitmap bitmap (ie bmp files) of the structure and color version of the concept (2) image translation, rotation, mirror transform, transpose transform, zoom (3) image smoothing (to noise), sharpening (4) of the penumbral image transfer, jitter technology (5) to amend the image histogram, color transform (6) images the effect of corrosion and expansion, thinning algorithm, skeleton extraction (7) Image edge detection and extraction, hough transform, contour tracking (8) images of the detection, template matching (9) image compression encoding, JPEG compression coding standard (10) image processing, programming tools lead.ocx, DirectDraw and simple multimedia programming technology.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : 郭东

MATLAB车牌号识别、污染图片叠加去噪、滤波器去噪、彩色图片处理等 直方图均衡-MATLAB license plate number recognition, picture superimposed noise pollution, noise filters, Image processing, such as color histogram equalization
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 117kb Publisher : 李锋

应用matlab或VC语言编制图像处理软件,软件功能如下: 一、实验类型 1. 读入图像,并对灰度图像或彩色图像进行显示,对彩色图像可以转化为灰度图像;(8学时) 2. 对读入的图像可以实现减小和提高图像分辨率的功能(16学时) 3. 计算灰度图像的直方图并进行显示,讨论不同图像灰度分布的直方图特征(16学时) 4. 对上述图像进行直方图均衡化处理,分析直方图均衡化的处理结果;(16学时) 5. 对给定的彩色图像,显示其R、G、B三分量图像的噪声图像及H、S、I三分量完成中值滤波和均值滤波,模板大小取 , , , ;(16学时) 6. 对上述功能设计功能界面(8学时) 二、设计类型 1、 噪声分析 在不同光照条件下获取图像,从图像中截取一部分背景灰度区(单一灰度),对该子图像进行直方图统计,分析不同光照条件下的噪声强度。 2、 设计一高斯平滑滤波器和加权平滑滤波器,分别采用两种滤波器取模板大小为 , , , 的情况下进行图像平滑,分析两种滤波器的处理结果,并讨论不同模板大小情况下的处理结果。 3、 对上述功能设计功能界面 -VC application or language matlab image processing software, software features are as follows: First, the experiment type 1. Read into the image, and gray-scale images or color images show that color images can be transformed into gray-scale image (8 hours) 2. To read the image can be reduced and improve the function of image resolution (16 hours) 3. Gray-scale image histogram calculation and display, to discuss the distribution of different gray-scale image histogram features (16 hours) 4. The above histogram equalization image processing, analysis, histogram equalization processing results (16 hours) 5. Of a given color image shows the R, G, B three-component image and the noise image H, S, I completed three-component median filter and mean filter, template size check,,, (16 hours) 6. Functional design features of the above-mentioned interface (8 hours) Second, design the type of 1, the noise analysis in different light conditions to obtain images from the image
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 82kb Publisher : yangyong

彩色含噪图像的复原是一类较难的问题,此处作者编写了一个MATLAB的全变差(TV)图像复原算法,能较好地解决彩色图像的复原问题-Color images with noise is a kind of recovery is more difficult issues, here the author has prepared a MATLAB the total variation (TV) image restoration algorithm, can solve the problem of color image restoration
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 杨涵

摘 要:针对茄子图像的灰度和颜色特点,利用MATLAB中丰富的图像处理函数,分别进行了色差分割和色调分割。在 色调分割中,采用了自动选取阈值的Otsu法。在去除残留噪音的处理中,采用标注的方法对二值图像的各连通区域进行面积 统计。保留最大面积的区域,从而使分割效果大大改善。利用多参数来衡量分割效果,使评价做到最大程度的客观、合理。-Based on the gray- level and color characteristics of eggp lant image, hue and color- difference segmentation were conducted by using the rich image p rocessing functions embedded inMATLAB. The auto threshold- adap tivemethod ofOtsu operation was specially used for hue segmentation. And upon the elimination of the residue noise, labelingmethod for statistical calculation was introduced for the connected regions of the binary image. Themaximum areaswere p reserved to imp rove segmentation effects. In addi2 tion, multi- indiceswere app lied to assess the effect of segmentation, in order to get impersonal and reasonable assessment
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 552kb Publisher : renyh

该gui函数基本上包括图像处理里面的最基本处理,相当于一个小型photoshop。比如读取文件,几何变换中的垂直镜像,平移,旋转,缩放;正交变换的DFT,FFT,DCT,DST,DHT,DWashT;灰度处理中的反色,直方图均衡,全局线性变换,分段线性变换,指数非线性变换,对数非线性变换;图像增强里面的加噪声,平滑,锐化,伪彩色增强;图像分割里面的灰度阈值法,Robert,Laplace,sobel,prewitt,canny算子边缘检测法;图像恢复里面的直接逆滤波,维纳滤波;图像编码里面的霍夫曼编码,行程编码-Basically, the gui functions including the most basic image processing inside the handle, which is equivalent to a small photoshop. For example, read the document, the geometric transformation of the vertical mirroring, shifting, rotating, zooming orthogonal transformation of the DFT, FFT, DCT, DST, DHT, DWashT anti-gray color processing, histogram equalization, global linear transformation , piecewise linear transformation, index of non-linear transform of the number of non-linear transformation image enhancement which increases the noise, smoothing, sharpening, pseudo-color enhancement the gray-scale image segmentation inside the threshold, Robert, Laplace, sobel, prewitt, canny edge detection operator method image restoration inside direct inverse filtering, Wiener filtering image coding inside the Huffman code, and so on Run-Length Coding
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 389kb Publisher : guhuxiang

Image Edge Enhancing Coherence Filter Toolbox,各向异性非线性扩散滤波器-This toolbox will perform Anisotropic Non-Linear Diffusion filtering on a 2D gray/color or 3D image. This filtering will reduce the image noise while preserving the region edges, and also enhancing the edges by smoothing along them. This is one of the more advanced image enhancement methods available, and also contains HDCS from october 2009. The result looks like an artist painted the image, with clear brush strokes along the image edges and ridges, see screen-shot.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : 陈翼男

图像二值化,去离散噪声,彩色图像灰度化,特征提取,灰度化,彩色图像平均灰度-Image binarization, to discrete noise, color gray image feature extraction, gray, color image mean gray
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 19kb Publisher : cg

一个仿真了色噪声的程序源码(文档格式)。色噪声与高斯白噪声不同,有更好的实际意义-The function essentially simulates the colored noise which essentially is a correlated process and unlike the white noise does not have flat PSD. Although white noise is a realistic process color noise seems more practical and hence it requires correct modeling and simulation.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 小一

Matlab小程序,其功能可以产生高斯色噪声的随机数等,很有用的喽!-Matlab small program, its function can generate a random number of Gaussian color noise, etc., very useful myself!
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : GYuan

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里面包含了三段代码,主要是用matlab产生高斯随机信号以及高斯白噪声和色噪声,然后计算其数字特征及对这些信号进行频谱分析和功率谱分析,里面还有关于低通滤波器的设计的简单说明-Which contains three sections of code using matlab Gaussian random signals and white Gaussian noise and color noise, and then to calculate the numerical characteristics and spectral analysis and power spectral analysis of these signals, there is also the low-pass filter design BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : li
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