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calculate the correlation and convolution
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : Lee John

DL : 1
交互式的matlab plot绘图工具,绘制二维三维图形.-QPLOT interactive ploting program Qplot opens a standadr MATLAB figure with three options added to the menu bar: Qfile, Qoptions and Qgraph. Under Qfile you can read data files (text or Excel). Under Qoptions you can set the options of the graph: what columns are the X, the Y and the Z, axis labels, etc. Under Qgraph are the graph types that can be plotted under three categories: 2D, 3D and Stats. By default graphs are typically made with the X or X-Y columns. Any number of subplots can be opened within the figure. The full list of graphs is: 2D: XY Scatter, XY Line, XY Line with error bar, Horizontal Bar (grouped), Horizontal Bar (stacked), Vertical Bar (grouped), Vertical Bar (stacked), Vertical Bar with error bars, Histogram, stem, Stairs, Rose, Polar, Compass, Pie 3D: Scatter 3D, Stem 3D, Bar 3D, Waterfall, Ribbon, Grid, surface, Lighted Surface, Contour Stats: Histogram (yes is repeated), Histogram 3D, Correlation X-Y, Correlation All, QQplot, Normplot. Correl
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 149kb Publisher : frankcy

DL : 0
用matlab求图像各个波段之间的相关系数-correlation calculation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : jing
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