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利用小波变换实现对电能质量检测的算法实现-using wavelet transform to detect power quality algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 潘仁杰

提出了一种基于小波域的图像数字水印算法·该算法将相互正交的两种水印(鲁棒水印和参考 水印)同时添加到经过DWT后的载体图像小波系数中,然后用小波反变换得到添加了水印的图像·用提取出 的参考水印来估计图像所受到的攻击,由于提取出的鲁棒水印所受的攻击与参考水印受到的攻击一样,因此 可以估计出原始的鲁棒水印·通过对嵌入水印的图像进行加入噪声、滤波、压缩以及裁剪等大量图像处理等试 验,均能正确检测出水印,表明该算法具有很好的感知效果和鲁棒性 -A wavelet-based image digital watermarking algorithm that the algorithm will be mutually orthogonal two watermarks (watermark robust watermarking and reference) at the same time added to the carrier after image after DWT wavelet coefficients, and then using wavelet transform has been Add a watermark image to use to extract a reference to estimate the watermark image by the attacks, as a result of the robust watermark extracted suffered attacks and the reference watermark by the same attack, it can be estimated through the original Robust Watermarking of the embedded watermark image by adding noise, filtering, compression and cutting, such as a large number of image processing such as testing, can correctly detect the watermark, show that the algorithm has good performance and robustness of perception
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 186kb Publisher : 李倩

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matlab程序,运用小波变换的方法进行轴承故障诊断-matlab program, using wavelet transform to detect bearing fault
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : coco

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使用双正交小波变化,来检测图像的边缘特性。MATLAB下可以完整运行!-Using biorthogonal wavelet transform to detect image edge features. MATLAB may be a complete run!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : island

电压跌落是最严重的动态电能质量问题之一, 精确定位电压跌落起止时间是应对电压跌落问题的 重要前提和基础。由于电压采样信号往往有噪声分 量,现有的方法在定位电压跌落的起止时间时存在 局限性。本文提出利用多小波变换及相邻系数去噪 的电压跌落定位方法。多小波兼有对称性、正交性、 有限支撑性和二阶消失矩等优异的信号处理性能, 利用GHM多小波可以准确定位电压跌落起止时间。 多小波变换系数在每层之间具有对应关系,多小波 相邻系数将紧相邻的若干个系数作为一个整体来确 定阈值,考虑了系数之间的相关性,能获得更好的 去噪效果。通过 Matlab 进行仿真验证,仿真结果表 明,所提出的方法的正确性。 -Voltage sag is one of the most serious dynamic power quality problems. Critical start-time and end-time are important indices for voltage sags. But the sampling signals often have noisy component, the locations of start-time and end-time are hard to get. Wavelet is an effective tool for those non-stationary signal processing and has been used in this field. Local feature in the signal can be enlarged after the transformation using the scalar wavelet. But scalar wavelets cannot contain orthogonality, symmetry, compact support and higher order of vanishing moments simultaneously. In this thesis, multi-wavelets GHM is used to detect and locate power quality disturbances. Multi-wavelets offer many excellent properties such as the same approximation order but more compact support. The dependence of the multi-wavelets coefficients varies with the level, so neighboring coefficien
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 李荣
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