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Description: 这个为模式识别工具箱,里面有很多源代码,希望对学习模式识别的读者有用。-pattern recognition to the toolbox, which contains many source code, and I hope to learn a useful pattern recognition readers.
Platform: | Size: 627712 | Author: 覃美凤 | Hits:


Description: MATLAB高级编程,MATLAB工程数学,MATLAB实用教程,MATLAB图形图像等源码集锦-MATLAB high-level programming, engineering MATLAB mathematics, MATLAB practical guides, such as MATLAB graphics source Collection
Platform: | Size: 1854464 | Author: 王春明 | Hits:


Description: 用lanczos求特征值的matlab程序-with lanczos eigenvalues for the Matlab procedures
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 韩国锋 | Hits:


Description: Matlab系列。特征值计算各类算法分析-Matlab series. Eigenvalue calculation analysis of the various algorithms
Platform: | Size: 309248 | Author: 夏泽洋 | Hits:


Description: 使用QR分解方法计算矩阵特征值的matlab源码-Calculated using the QR decomposition of the matrix eigenvalue matlab source
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 党项南 | Hits:


Description: 《MATLAB实用教程》用到的部分程序,比较全的。-" MATLAB Practical Guide" Part of the procedure used to compare the sound.
Platform: | Size: 626688 | Author: zym | Hits:


Description: matlab eig 函数说明 横不错哦-matlab eig function shows a good cross-Oh
Platform: | Size: 697344 | Author: care | Hits:


Description: 用Jacobi法求解实对称矩阵A的特征值,和matlab的eig函数等效-Jacobi eigenvalue
Platform: | Size: 174080 | Author: 李棋 | Hits:


Description: 利用matlab自带的eig函数,对带非值二维场的eof分析-Using eig function in Matlab, eof for the two-dimensional field with some non-value data
Platform: | Size: 21956608 | Author: mawenlong | Hits:


Description: 利用幂法和反幂法求解按模最小特征值,按模最大特征值。与MATLAB中eig功能相似 -get the character value of a matrix, similiar with the function eig in matlab
Platform: | Size: 2342912 | Author: zhao | Hits:

[source in ebookPrPrcs_Data

Description: 利用雅克比计算矩阵的特征值与特征向量,相当于matlab里面的eig函数-Using Jacobi matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector, equivalent to the inside of the matlab with eig sells its function
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 檀转霞 | Hits:


Description: 利用雅克比计算矩阵的特征值与特征向量,相当于matlab里面的eig函数用-Using Jacobi matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector, equivalent to the inside of the matlab with eig sells its function
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 檀转霞 | Hits:

[Data structsMAT

Description: 仿MATLAB矩阵C++运算库,包括加、减、乘、除、点加、点减、点乘、点除、赋值、转置、rank、det、eig、svd、pinv、power等的运算。inv运算使用pinv运算。最难实现的是非方阵的除法。-MatLab Matrix simulator
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: maguangzhi | Hits:


Description: 利用matlab中的eig函数计算有限元弹簧支撑梁的固有频率和振型-The eig function using matlab finite element calculation of the spring support beam natural frequencies and mode shapes
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 赵云云 | Hits:


Description: 数值计算中的特征值、特征向量计算,采用matlab代码-eigenvalue computation
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: han | Hits:


Description: 本程序详细区别了matlab中pca、svd、eig三个函数的区别和联系。对于学习pca有极大帮助-This program detailing the differences between the differences and connections in matlab pca, svd, eig three functions. Pca great help for learning
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王伟 | Hits:


Description: 层次分析法matlab实现 clc,clear fid=fopen('txt3.txt','r'); n1=6;n2=3; a=[]; for i=1:n1 tmp=str2num(fgetl(fid)); a=[a;tmp]; %读准则层判断矩阵 end for i=1:n1 str1=char(['b',int2str(i),'=[];']); str2=char(['b',int2str(i),'=[b',int2str(i),';tmp];']); eval(str1); for j=1:n2 tmp=str2num(fgetl(fid)); eval(str2); %读方案层的判断矩阵 end end ri=[0,0,0.58,0.90,1.12,1.24,1.32,1.41,1.45]; %一致性指标 [x,y]=eig(a); lamda=max(diag(y)); num=find(diag(y)==lamda); w0=x(:,num)/sum(x(:,num)); cr0=(lamda-n1)/(n1-1)/ri(n1) for i=1:n1 [x,y]=eig(eval(char(['b',int2str(i)]))); lamda=max(diag(y)); num=find(diag(y)==lamda); w1(:,i)=x(:,num)/sum(x(:,num)); cr1(i)=(lamda-n2)/(n2-1)/ri(n2); end cr1, ts=w1*w0, cr=cr1*w0(Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), MATLAB, implementation)
Platform: | Size: 163840 | Author: ddd121 | Hits:


Description: MUSIC 算法MATLAB仿真源代码 clc clear all format long %将数据显示为长整型科学计数 N=200;%快拍数 doa=[20 60]/180*pi; %信号到达角 w=[pi/4 pi/3]';%信号频率 M=10;%阵元数 P=length(w); %信号个数 lambda=150;%波长 d=lambda/2;%阵元间距 snr=20;%信噪比 B=zeros(P,M); %创建一个P行M列的0矩阵 for k=1:P B(k,:)=exp(-j*2*pi*d*sin(doa(k))/lambda*[0:M-1]); %矩阵赋值 end B=B'; xx=2*exp(j*(w*[1:N])); %仿真信号 x=B*xx; x=x+awgn(x,snr);%加入高斯白噪声 R=x*x'; %数据协方差矩阵 [U,V]=eig(R); %求R的特征值和特征向量 UU=U(:,1:M-P); %估计噪声子空间 theta=-90:0.5:90; %%谱峰搜索 for ii=1:length(theta) AA=zeros(1,length(M)); for jj=0:M-1 AA(1+jj)=exp(-j*2*jj*pi*d*sin(theta(ii)/180*pi)/lambda); end WW=AA*UU*UU'*AA'; Pmusic(ii)=abs(1/ WW); end Pmusic=10*log10(Pmusic/max(Pmusic)); %空间谱函数 plot(theta,Pmusic,'-k') xlabel('角度 \theta/degree') ylabel('谱函数P(\theta) /dB') title('MUSIC算法的DOA估计谱') grid on(MUSIC algorithm MATLAB simulation source code)
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 冠华 | Hits:


Description: 以悬臂梁为例,用有限元法编程生成质量矩阵和刚度矩阵(采用平面梁单元,单元数在10到30之间)。 使用matlab的用于广义特征值问题分析的函数(eig(A,B,'chol'),该命令使用乔莱斯基分解的方法,计算对称矩阵A和对称正定矩阵B的广义特征值问题。A对应刚度矩阵,B对应质量矩阵)计算梁的前三阶固有频率和振型,计算得到梁的前三阶固有频率和振型,并画出振型图。(Taking cantilever beam as an example, the mass matrix and stiffness matrix are programmed by finite element method (using planar beam elements, with units ranging from 10 to 30). Using Matlab's function (eig (A, B,'chol') for the generalized eigenvalue problem analysis, the command uses the Jo Lessky decomposition method to calculate the generalized eigenvalue problem of the symmetric matrix A and the symmetric positive definite matrix B. A corresponds to the stiffness matrix and B corresponding to the mass matrix. The first three natural frequencies and modes of the beam are calculated, and the first three natural frequencies and modes of the beams are calculated, and the vibration pattern is drawn.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 余柏树 | Hits:

[Othermatlab数值特征值与特征向量计算 实例源程序代码

Description: 特征值与特征向量的计算 339   10.1 特征值问题概述 339   10.1.1 特征多项式 339   10.1.2 特征值范围估计 340   10.2 幂法及反幂法 341   10.2.1 幂法 341   10.2.2 幂法的加速 344   10.2.3 反幂法 350   10.2.4 混合幂法 352   10.3 实对称矩阵的Jacobi法 353   10.3.1 Givens变换 353   10.3.2 基本Jacobi法 358   10.4 Givens法和Householder法 360   10.4.1 Householder变换 360   10.4.2 一般矩阵约化为上Hessenberg矩阵 362   10.4.3 实对称矩阵的三对角化 365   10.4.4 三对角阵特征值与特征向量的求解 367   10.5 QR方法 369   10.5.1 QR分解 369   10.5.2 基本QR方法 370   10.5.3 带原点位移的QR方法 372   10.6 MATLAB自带函数应用 373   10.6.1 hess函数 373   10.6.2 qr函数 374   10.6.3 eig函数 374   10.7 应用案例 376(Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Computation)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: XWLYF | Hits:

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