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Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王胜斌

对低质量图像分割和计数,以大米照片为例。-Of low-quality image segmentation and counting to rice as an example photo.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 55kb Publisher : 杨大

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基于matlab的图像纹理处理,用盒维分形算法实现。-Matlab image texture based on the treatment, using box-counting dimension of fractal algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 217kb Publisher : 张雪

使用盒维数法求一幅大小为N*N图象的分形维数-The use of box dimension method the size of an N* N image fractal dimension
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 112kb Publisher : 撒谎的

计算分形维数的计盒算法,用于边长相等的图像的算法-Calculation of fractal dimension of the box algorithms for the edge of the image appearance, such as the algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 顾斌

目标跟踪,本文围绕人运动的视觉分析中的重要课题——基于模型的行人跟踪——展开研究,它不仅涉及底层视觉的许多问题,还是高层视觉处理的基础。基于模型的跟踪是解决行人跟踪问题的一般性框架。-A Method of Passing People Tracking and Counting Based on Real- Time Image- Sequence
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 761kb Publisher : 练江伟

A set (e.g. an image) is called "fractal" if it displays self-similarity: it can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole. A possible characterisation of a fractal set is provided by the "box-counting" method: The number N of boxes of size R needed to cover a fractal set follows a power-law, N = N0 * R^(-DF), with DF<=D (D is the dimension of the space, usually D=1, 2, 3). DF is known as the Minkowski-Bouligand dimension, or Kolmogorov capacity, or Kolmogorov dimension, or simply box-counting dimension.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.6mb Publisher : piri_small

算差分盒维数的matlab程序。 让窗口中的每个像素都对分数维作出贡献。首先,计算某一尺度窗口的平均灰度值 ,然后判断每一个像素的灰度 ,若大于灰度平均值 ,则累加其灰度值为 max ,若小于灰度平均值 ,则累加其灰度值为min ,用max 和min代替 在 Sarkar 和 Chaudhuri 算法中的最大值和最小值 ,再通过拟合求出分数维。 -Differential count box dimension matlab program. Let window on the fractal dimension of each pixel to contribute. First, the calculation of an average gray scale of the window, and then determine the gray scale of each pixel, if the intensity is greater than the average, the cumulative value of its gray max, if less than the average gray level, the accumulation of its gray value of min, max and min to use instead of the algorithm in Sarkar and Chaudhuri maximum and minimum, and then by fitting the calculated fractal dimension.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 冯家乐

此程序是关于图像分割技术,用分水岭和suan算子对细胞图像进行分割,并对细胞进行计数和统计。算出细胞个数和细胞面积。-This program is about image segmentation, watershed and suan operator with the cell image segmentation, and cell counting and statistics. Calculate the cell number and cell size.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 915kb Publisher : xuyan

matlab programs counting coins finding an object in an image gui in matlab codes in image processing in matlab , math calculator with gui in matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : nashwa

Edge detection result should be enhanced using linear method like Median filter to remove the garbage around the pupil to gain clear pupil to determine perfect centre. Get the centre of the pupil by counting the number of black pixels (zero value) of each column and row. Then get each row and column that has the maximum number of these black pixels. Then determine the center by simple calculation according to the image coordinate to set it correct on the image, consequently we can determine the radius of the pupil. Thus we can find the pupillary boundary (inner). A similar procedure is extended by using a coarse scale to locate the outer boundary (limbus) which can be apparent by using the mid-point algorithms of circle and ellipse.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : boss

Edge detection result should be enhanced using linear method like Median filter to remove the garbage around the pupil to gain clear pupil to determine perfect centre. Get the centre of the pupil by counting the number of black pixels (zero value) of each column and row. Then get each row and column that has the maximum number of these black pixels. Then determine the center by simple calculation according to the image coordinate to set it correct on the image, consequently we can determine the radius of the pupil. Thus we can find the pupillary boundary (inner). A similar procedure is extended by using a coarse scale to locate the outer boundary (limbus) which can be apparent by using the mid-point algorithms of circle and ellipse.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : boss

利用差分盒计数法计算图像分维数,利用matlab语言编写-Using the differential box counting method to calculate the image the fractal dimension
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher :

本程序是基于Matlab的米粒图像的分割、计数以及周长、面积、形状因子等参数的计算。图像分割是基于腐蚀膨胀算法,选用边界跟踪法计算周长,程序代码清晰明了,对于参数的计算速度较快,且参数计算精度较高。-This procedure is based on the Matlab image segmentation grain of rice, counting and perimeter, area, shape factor and other parameters of the calculation. Image segmentation is based on the corrosion expansion algorithm, the choice of boundary tracking method perimeter, code clarity, the parameter calculation is faster and higher precision parameters.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : yingl

基于图像处理的鱼卵计数方法研究 针对传统的鱼卵计数方法效率低、精度差、对鱼卵有损伤等缺点,提出了基于图像处理的鱼卵计数方法: 通 过Matlab 软件中强大的图像处理功能,对经过Photoshop 预处理的图像进行灰度化、去除噪音、二值化和形态学处 理,采用连通图计数和面积计数法进行鱼卵的计数,精确性在95 以上。该方法减轻了操作者劳动强度,弥补了 人视觉的不足之处,可以有效地提高工作效率和计数精度,并且可避免鱼卵损伤,有利于后续工作的开展,具有一 定的理论和应用价值。-In view of the traditional method of counting fish spawns has many shortcomings,such as poor precision, low efficiency and eggs damage. In order to cover the shortcomings,being helpful for follow-up work,two methods of counting fish spawns based on image processing was proposed in this paper. Through the powerful image processing function of Matlab software,putting up median filter,gray processing,binary processing and morphological operation to the reading image dealt by Photoshop software. Then on the theory of connected graph counting and area comparison,counting up the number of spawns,the degree of counting precision is higher than 95 which have certain theoretical and practical value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 230kb Publisher : 孔珺

MATLAB图像处理,使用界面设计GUI,对一幅图像中的红细胞进行计数-MATLAB image processing, user interface design GUI, to an image of red blood cell counts
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : 薛莉

The input images are Harris corner detection, counting image mosaic children's shoes can look at, each line ending with an explanation and perfectly suited to new to this novice. Sponsored links
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Ace04

可以对简单的细胞图像进行分割并计算细胞的数量(It can segment the simple cell image and calculate the number of cells.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 51kb Publisher : EricKwok

谷物作为主要粮食和饲料作物,在农业生产中占有重要地位。提高谷物产量和质量的主要方法是选育出优质品种,而在选育品种过程中,对种子的计数是不可缺少的内容。目前,种子的计数方法通常采用人工计数,或半自动的光电计数器,很显然传统的计数方法存在着效率低、准确性不高等缺点。笔者利用计算机图像识别和处理技术实现考种过程中的计数,为谷物粒群的识别、精选、分级等的进一步研究奠定必要的理论与实践基础,并为育种工作提供一种高效、快捷的谷物计数新技术 用Matlab实现这种方法,既能分步对谷物颗粒图像预处理算法进行仿真测试,又可以很直接地得到谷物颗粒个数的结果。实验证明,用Matlab实现的处理结果比较理想,满足识别的应用性。本文介绍用matlab实现了对谷物颗粒图像的灰度化处理、去除噪声处理、灰度图像的二值化、谷物颗粒的数值计算等。并选取较好的处理步骤和算法参数解决谷物颗粒图像预处理的问题。(The grain plays an important role in the production of agriculture as main food supplyment of mankind and animals. The main way to improve grain yield and quality is to breed high-quality varieties.However, in the process of breeding varieties, counting seeds is an essential element.Nowadays, the counting of seeds is usually done manually,or semi-automatic photoelectric counter. It is obvious that the traditional counting method has the disadvantages of low efficiency and low accuracy. The use of computer image recognition and processing technology to achieve the counting test in the process of selection for identification, grain group, lay the theoretical and practical foundation for further research of the necessary classification, and for breeding work provides an efficient, fast new grain counting technique)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 99kb Publisher : 王世神龙

基于matlab图像处理的谷物颗粒计数方法(A method of grain particle counting based on matlab image processing)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 161kb Publisher : 老蝴蝶
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