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This paper addresses the issues relating to the enforcement of robust stability when implementing the Adaptive Inverse Control (AIC) scheme. In this scheme, an adaptive FIR filter is added to a closed-loop system in order to reduce the output error caused by external disturbances, enhancing the performance achieved by linear time-invariant controllers alone.-This paper addresses the issues relating to theenforcement of robust stability when implementing the AdaptiveInverse Control (AIC) scheme. In this scheme, an adaptiveFIR filter is added to a closed-loop system in order toreduce the output error caused by external disturbances, enhancing the performance achieved by linear time-invariantcontrollers alone.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 412kb Publisher : rifer

本函数包括三个例程 一个图像去噪(椒盐) 一个寻找图像中特定方向的直线 一个自己写的图像线形过滤-this function include a three routines image denoising (Impulse) looking for a specific image in the direction of a straight line since Image has written linear filter
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 142kb Publisher : guozhi

给于MATLAB 环境下的非线性滤波器。此设计中用到了,混合网络建模。B样条网络和对角递归神经元网络。-In the MATLAB environment to the non-linear filter. This design used a mixed network modeling. B-spline network and on the diagonal recurrent neural network.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : 庞宇

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该程序描述了二阶锁相环的环路滤波器的设计和线性模型分析-The program describes the second-order PLL loop filter design and linear model analysis
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : vie

- 1、限幅滤波法(又称程序判断滤波法) 2、中位值滤波法 3、算术平均滤波法 4、递推平均滤波法(又称滑动平均滤波法) 5、中位值平均滤波法(又称防脉冲干扰平均滤波法) 6、限幅平均滤波法 7、一阶滞后滤波法 8、加权递推平均滤波法 9、消抖滤波法 10、限幅消抖滤波法 -- 1, limiting filtering method (also known as filtering method to determine the procedure) 2, the median filtering method 3, the arithmetic average filtering method 4, the average recursive filtering method (also known as the moving average filtering method) 5, with a median value of the average filter Act (also known as anti-pulse interference average filtering method) 6, limiting the average filtering method 7, the first order lag filtering method 8, the weighted average recursive filtering method 9, extinction Buffeting filtering method 10, limiting consumer Buffeting filtering method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 張治國

ex5_1 I-型线性相位FIR滤波器 ex5_2 II-型线性相位FIR滤波器 ex5_3 III-型线性相位FIR滤波器 ex5_4 IV-型线性相位FIR滤波器 ex5_5 矩形窗频响 ex5_6 希尔伯特变换器设计-汉宁窗 ex5_7 低通滤波器设计-汉明窗 ex5_8 带通滤波器设计-布莱克曼窗 ex5_9 低通滤波器设计-凯塞窗 ex5_11 频率采样技术:低通,朴素法 ex5_12 频率采样技术:低通, 最优法T1 & T2 ex5_13 频率采样技术:带通, 最优法T1 & T2 ex5_14 频率采样技术:高通, 最优法T1 ex5_15 频率采样技术:差分器 ex5_16 频率采样技术: 希尔伯特变换器 ex5_17 利用Parks-McClella算法设计低通滤波器 ex5_18 用PM算法进行的带通滤波器设计 ex5_19 用PM算法进行的高通滤波器设计 ex5_20 用PM算法进行的阶梯滤波器设计 ex5_21 用PM算法进行的差分器设计 ex5_22 用PM算法进行的希尔伯特变换器设计-ex5_1 I-type linear phase FIR filter ex5_2 II-type linear phase FIR filter ex5_3 III-type linear phase FIR filter ex5_4 IV-type linear phase FIR filter rectangular window frequency response ex5_5 Hilbert ex5_6 converter design- Hanning window low-pass filter design ex5_7- Hamming window ex5_8 bandpass filter design- Blackman window ex5_9 low-pass filter design- Kaiser window ex5_11 sampling frequency: low-pass, a simple method ex5_12 sampling frequency: low-pass, optimal method T1 & T2 sampling frequency ex5_13: band-pass, optimal method T1 & T2 ex5_14 sampling frequency: high-pass, optimal method T1 sampling frequency ex5_15: differentiator sampling frequency ex5_16: Hilbert converter Parks-McClella use ex5_17 algorithm design low-pass filter PM algorithm ex5_18 with the band-pass filter design PM algorithm ex5_19 with the high-pass filter design PM algorithm used ex5_20 ladder filter design PM algorithm used ex5_21 differential design PM al
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 张满超

现代通信系统书籍底八章仿真程序,很好的程序,初学习这很好的教材-The Slepian-Wolf (SW) cooperation proposed in [1] is probably the first practical cooperative scheme that implements the idea of compress-and-forward. Through the exploitation of efficient distributed source coding (DSC) technology, the authors of [1] demonstrate the effectiveness of Slepian-Wolf cooperation in combating inter-user channel outage in wireless environment. In this paper, we discuss the general framework of Slepian-Wolf cooperation using the two most popular DSC technologies: the binning/syndrome approach and the parity approach. We show that the latter is particularly useful in SW cooperation, since it is conceptually simpler, provides certain performance advantages, and enables any (system) linear channel code to be readily exploited. Examples using convolutional codes, low-density generator-matrix codes and low-density paritycheck codes are demonstrated and practical algorithms for estimating the source-relay correlation and for decoding the compound packets
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : 史志举

二值化 灰度调整 细化1 线性滤波2 直方图 直方图均化.txt 中值滤波2.txt 自适应滤波3.txt -Binarization of gray-scale adjustment of a linear filter refinement 2 Histogram Histogram equalization. Txt median filter 2.txt adaptive filtering 3.txt Adaptive Filtering.m Linear Filtering.m Median Filtering.m
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.15mb Publisher : jk

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Smooth Linear filter Median filter Laplacian Unsharp masking Sobel filter
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : lin

英文文献,详细介绍了应用Matlab编写非线性滤波器的软件工程方法。对于想利用matlab作为工具解决滤波问题的同僚们有很大帮助。-English documents, which presents how to design the non-linear filter with matlab. Very praticle to those who are eager to solve filter problems with matlab.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 926kb Publisher : 丁海洋

印度GURUNANAK ENGINEERING COLLEGE数字信号处理实验室的DSP+c+Matlab联合编程手册-DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB (IV-I SEM) INDEX 1. Architecture of DSP chips-TMS 320C 6713 DSP Processor 2. Linear convolution 3. Circular convolution 4. FIR Filter (LP/HP) Using Windowing technique a. Rectangular window b. Triangular window c. Kaiser window 5. IIR Filter(LP/HP) on DSP processors 6. N-point FFT algorithm 7. Power Spectral Density of a sinusoidal signals 8. FFT of 1-D signal plot 9. MATLAB program to generate sum of sinusoidal signals 10. MATLAB program to find frequency response of analog
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.51mb Publisher : wangjin

A similar non-linear filter with slightly different properties is the mode filter which replaces each pixel with the mode of its neighboring pixels. I additionally make a slight modification so that “bad” pixels are ignored entirely in the computation of the mode.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 26kb Publisher : 宁之林

Example of a two-dimensional Gabor filterIn image processing, a Gabor filter, named after Dennis Gabor, is a linear filter used for edge detection. Frequency and orientation representations of Gabor filter are similar to those of human visual system, and it has been found to be particularly appropriate for texture representation and discrimination. In the spatial domain, a 2D Gabor filter is a Gaussian kernel function modulated by a sinusoidal plane wave. The Gabor filters are self-similar – all filters can be generated from one mother wavelet by dilation and rotation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : Real1

粒子滤波算法;粒子滤波算法源于Montecarlo的思想,即以某事件出现的频率来指代该事件的概率。因此在滤波过程中,需要用到概率如P(x)的地方,一概对变量x采样,以大量采样的分布近似来表示P(x)。因此,采用此一思想,在滤波过程中粒子滤波可以处理任意形式的概率,而不像Kalman滤波只能处理高斯分布的概率问题。他的一大优势也在于此。-these codes are particle filter resources codes which solve non-linear estimation problems.I wish that it is helpful to some people.I am glad to share it with others.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : lixiangyang

MATLAB7.X信号处理工具箱函数汇总 1、 滤波器分析与实现 2、 FIR数字滤波器设计 3、 IIR数字滤波器设计 4、 模拟滤波器设计 5、 模拟滤波器变换 6、 滤波器离散化 7、 线性系统变换 8、 窗函数 9、 变换 10、 统计信号处理与谱分析 11、 参数模型 12、 线性预测 13、 多采样率信号处理 14、 波形产生 15、 特殊操作-MATLAB7.X Signal Processing Toolbox functions Rollup 1, filter analysis and implementation of 2, FIR digital filter design 3, IIR digital filter design 4, 5 analog filter design, analog filter transform 6, 7 discrete filter, 8 linear system transformation, the window function 9, 10 transformation, statistical signal processing and spectrum analysis 11, 12-parameter model, linear prediction 13, 14 of multirate signal processing, waveform generator 15, a special operation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 26kb Publisher : zhaohengzheng

包含各种自适应滤波程序,线性、非线性,FIR及IIR,matlab实现-Program includes a variety of adaptive filtering, linear, nonlinear, FIR and IIR, matlab implementation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 135kb Publisher : wah

线性滤波器、均值滤波器、中值滤波器、梯度倒数滤波器的matlab源程序-Linear filter, mean filter, median filter, gradient countdown of the filter matlab source
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : cgy

MATLAB code for Linear filtering without using imfilter function
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Premnath D

MATLAB codes for adaptive filtering using least mean square, nominal LMS and Wiener filter using forward linear prediction and backward linear prediction.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 172kb Publisher : MHQ

卡尔曼滤波(Kalman filtering)一种利用线性系统状态方程,通过系统输入输出观测数据,对系统状态进行最优估计的算法。由于观测数据中包括系统中的噪声和干扰的影响,所以最优估计也可看作是滤波过程。(Kalman filtering, Kalman filtering) a system of linear equation of state, through the system input and output data, the optimal estimation of the system state is presented.Due to the observation data are included in the system the influence of the noise and interference, so the optimal estimate can be regarded as filtering process.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 子木李
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