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使用ode45函数,计算双摆模型,同时动画显示结果。并画图相应的相图. -use ode45 function, double pendulum model calculation, the results show animation. Drawing and the corresponding phase diagram.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : miao

通过ode45函数,实现了三维混沌chen系统的吸引子的仿真。-Through the ode45 function, the realization of three-dimensional chaotic attractor chen system simulation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lauren

(有源代码)数值分析作业,本文主要包括两个部分,第一部分是常微分方程(ODE)的三个实验题,第二部分是有关的拓展讨论,包括高阶常微分的求解和边值问题的求解(BVP).文中的算法和算例都是基于Matlab计算的.ODE问题从刚性(STIFFNESS)来看分为非刚性的问题和刚性的问题,刚性问题(如大系数的VDP方程)用通常的方法如ODE45来求解,效率会很低,用ODE15S等,则效率会高多了.而通常的非刚性问题,用ODE45来求解会有很好的效果.从阶次来看可以分为高阶微分方程和一阶常微分方程,高阶的微分方程一般可以化为状态空间(STATE SPACE)的低阶微分方程来求解.从微分方程的性态看来,主要是微分方程式一阶导系数大的时候,步长应该选得响应的小些.或者如果问题的性态不是太好估计的话,用较小的步长是比较好的,此外的话Adams多步法在小步长的时候效率比R-K(RUNGE-KUTTA)方法要好些,而精度也高些,但是稳定区间要小些.从初值和边值来看,也是显著的不同的.此外对于非线性常微分方程还有打靶法,胞映射方法等.而对于微分方程稳定性的研究,则诸如相平面图等也是不可缺少的工具.值得提出的是,除了用ode系类函数外,用simulink等等模块图来求解微分方程也是一种非常不错的方法,甚至是更有优势的方法(在应用的角度来说).-(Source code) numerical analysis homework, this docment includes two parts, the first is ordinary differential equations (ODE) of the three examples, the second part is about the expansion of the discussion, including the higher-order ordinary differential & boundary value solution Problems (BVP). the text of the algorithm and numerical examples are based on the Matlab. ODE from the rigid (STIFFNESS) look into the issue of non-rigid and rigid problem, rigid problems (such as large coefficient VDP equation) such as using the always method ODE45 used to solve the problems , efficiency will be low, with ODE15S the other hand, many of the high efficiency. and the usual problem of non-rigid, there will be used to solve ODE45 very good results. Judging from the order can be for high-order differential equations and first-order ordinary differential equations, higher-order differential equations can be transformed into a general state space (STATE SPACE) used to solve the low-order different
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 343kb Publisher : wjl

比较欧拉公式与matlab的ode方法解微分方程的不同-Comparison of the Euler formula for the ode with matlab different method to solve differential equations
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 侯硕本

Show work of ODE45 function. As the example use lorenz equation. Example show ensemble Puankare and phase picture
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Alexandr

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MATLAB Example Code : For MATLAB developers, this example code will explain the usage of Ordinary Differential Equations ODE23 and ODE45 in the Matlab environment-MATLAB Example Code : For MATLAB developers, this example code will explain the usage of Ordinary Differential Equations ODE23 and ODE45 in the Matlab environment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : mansoor

一个运用简单的ode45函数制作的猫捉老鼠模拟小游戏,很容易懂,很容易改编-The use of a simple cat and mouse produced by ode45 function of simulation games, it is easy to understand, it is easy to adapt! ! !
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 217kb Publisher : 李若琪

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INDUCTION MOTOR RUN (Currents and speed as state variables) The motor is running at a specified load. After reaching steady state in an initialization first run, the initial conditions are established for a second run in which the load is pulsating. The dynamic equations are expressed in canonical first-order matrix form adopting currents and speed as state variables, and are solved using ODE45. The user has the choice of selecting one of three common (dq) reference frames: STATOR, ROTOR or SYNCHRONOUS. The torque, speed,and current responses are plotted. -INDUCTION MOTOR RUN (Currents and speed as state variables) The motor is running at a specified load. After reaching steady state in an initialization first run, the initial conditions are established for a second run in which the load is pulsating. The dynamic equations are expressed in canonical first-order matrix form adopting currents and speed as state variables, and are solved using ODE45. The user has the choice of selecting one of three common (dq) reference frames: STATOR, ROTOR or SYNCHRONOUS. The torque, speed,and current responses are plotted.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Ahmad

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Guide to use and solve Ordinary Differential equations using ode45 in MATLAB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 95kb Publisher : touchworks

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解常微分方程的Matlab程序 字符串ypfun是用以表示f(t, y)的M文件名, tspan=[t0, tfinal]表示自变量初值t0和终值tf y0表示初值向量y0,可选参数options为用odeset设置精度等参数。 输出列向量tout表示节点,输出矩阵yout 表示数值解,每一列对应y的一个分量。若无输出参数,则作出图形。-Solution of ordinary differential equations of the Matlab program is used to indicate ypfun string f (t, y) M-file name, tspan = [t0, tfinal] said that since the variable t0 initial and final values of tf y0, said initial vector y0 , optional parameters to set options for the use of odeset accuracy and other parameters. The output column vector tout that node, the output matrix yout that of numerical analysis, each column corresponds to y of a component. If there are no output parameters, then make a graph.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : jiajt

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单摆运动的仿真,用到了欧拉算法,ode45算法且对两种方法进行了对比-eulerode ode45 matlab pendulum
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王广佳

Numerical Methods for ODE in MATLAB MATLAB has a number of tools for numerically solving ordinary differential equations. We will focus on one of its most rudimentary solvers, ode45, which implements a version of the Runge–Kutta 4th order algorithm. (This is essentially the Taylor method of order 4, though implemented in an extremely clever way that avoids partial derivatives.) For a complete list of MATLAB’s solvers, type helpdesk and then search for nonlinear numerical methods.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 56kb Publisher : 送客

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ode45 function- the matlab code of ode function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : parsa

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matlab仿真模拟中的ode45的使用例程,文件代码是一个很好的ode45实验模板-ode45 matlab simulation in the use of routine, the file code is a good experimental template ode45
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 刘子超

常微分方程的MATLAB解法教程详解,包含ODE45等经典函数的例子-Detailed tutorials in how to get Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by MATLAB , includingclassic example of a function ODE45,ode23,etc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.09mb Publisher : RobinZhang

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调用matlab中的ode45函数解微分方程,ode45解方程方法用的是四阶五级的龙哥库塔法-Call the matlab ode45 function solving differential equations, ode45 solve the equation method of fourth order with is the fifth longge coulthard method
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : zengxuefen

用matlab中的ode45数值求解电路中的节点电压和元件电流(已运行可行)-Using matlab ode45 numerical solution of the node in the circuit voltage and component current (already running practicable))
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 82kb Publisher : lishuai

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学习使用MATLAB的多元微分算法,重点是ORD45和ord15(Multiple differential algorithms for learning and using MATLAB)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 小·东

主要用于多智能体系统数值仿真,采用MATLAB中ode45函数解线性微分方程组(It is mainly used in the numerical simulation of multi-agent system. The ode45 function in MATLAB is used to solve linear differential equations.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 木叶秋风

轴承动力学故障诊断,使用ode45解动力学微分方程(Bearing dynamic fault diagnosis, use ode45 to solve dynamic differential equations)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : anole
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