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NP是美国匹兹堡大学的T.L.Saaty 教授于1996年提出了一种适应非独立的递阶层次结构的决策方法,它是在网络分析法(AHP)基础上发展而形成的一种新的实用决策方法。其关键步骤有以下几个: 1 确定因素,并建立网络层和控制层模型。 2 创建比较矩阵。 3 按照指标类型针对每列进行规范化。 4 求出每个比较矩阵的最大特征值和对应的特征向量。 5 一致性检验。如果不满足,则调整相应的比较矩阵中的元素。 6 将各个特征向量单位化(归一化),组成判断矩阵。 7 将控制层的判断矩阵和网络层的判断矩阵相乘,得到加权超矩阵。 8 将加权超矩阵单位化(归一化),求其K次幂收敛时的矩阵。其中第j列就是网络层中各元素对于元素j的极限排序向量。 -NP is a professor at the University of Pittsburgh TLSaaty presented in 1996, an adaptation of non-independent Hierarchy of decision-making method, which is the analytic network process (AHP) formed on the basis of the development of a new and practical decision-making method . The key steps are the following: A determining factor, and a network layer and control layer model. 2 create a comparison matrix. For each of the three types of indicators in accordance with normalized columns. 4 find the maximum for each comparison matrix eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvectors. 5 consistency test. If not satisfied, then the comparison to adjust the corresponding matrix elements. 6 will each feature vector units of (normalized), to determine the composition of matrix. 7 to determine the control layer and network layer to determine matrix matrix multiplication, to be weighted super-matrix. 8 of the weighted super-matrix units of (normalized), seeking the powe
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : chen

平均周期图法和平滑平均周期图法估计功率谱 从经典功率谱估计周期图法原理入手,从理论上分析了其存在的局限性,借助Welch算法对其进行修正。依靠Matlab强大的数值分析和信号处理能力进行实验!! 用周期图法和welch法分别估计了一下信号的功率谱密度。采样频率200Hz,时间序列长度2048,FFT数据点数2048。其中welch法使用hanning窗,窗口长度600.-Average periodogram and periodogram smoothing method to estimate the average power spectrum from the classical power spectrum estimation periodogram principle starting from the theoretical analysis of the limitations of its existence, with the Welch algorithm, amending them. Rely on the powerful Matlab numerical analysis and signal processing capabilities to experiment!! With periodogram and welch method were estimated signal power spectral density about. Sampling frequency of 200Hz, the time sequence length 2048, FFT data points 2048. Welch method which uses hanning window, the window length of 600.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : renjie

In this paper Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is used for voltage stability and the compensation of reactive power. The STATCOM contains an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) based voltage source converter for voltage control and reactive power compensation. The STATCOM is used to control the reactive power with the voltage source converter in combination with a DC voltage source. The values of the DC link capacitor and battery source were optimized using the Genetic Algorithm technique and the simulations results for the same were observed under the inductive as well as capacitive load conditions. The comparison of voltage compensation for various conditions show that the performance of STATCOM tuned with GA was the best and closest to the nominal value of voltage. The simulation is done in MATLAB for STATCOM and Voltage Source Converter (VSC).
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 382kb Publisher : alok

基于Newton-Rapuson方法的配电网潮流计算的matlab源程序-power flow calculate matlab program
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : yangwanli

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powe system matlab simulink
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 26kb Publisher : sima

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Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : meenu

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Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : meenu

Performance of Distance Relays in powe system in various condition matlab code and simulation for studing tuniing relay performance.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 170kb Publisher : DARKMAN
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