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利用数据结构的二叉树概念编写的MATLAB程序实现HUFFMAN编码。-Binary tree data structure using the concept of the preparation of the MATLAB program Huffman coding.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 沈少云

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C4.5算法有如下优点:产生的分类规则易于理解,准确率较高。其缺点是:在构造树的过程中,需要对数据集进行多次的顺序扫描和排序,因而导致算法的低效。此外,C4.5只适合于能够驻留于内存的数据集,当训练集大得无法在内存容纳时程序无法运行。-C4.5 algorithm has the following advantages: the classification rules easier to understand, accurate and a higher rate. Its shortcomings are as follows: in the tree structure, the need for a number of data sets the order of scanning and sorting, thus leading to inefficient algorithms. In addition, C4.5 can only be applied to the presence of a data set in memory, when the training set too great to accommodate in memory when the program can not run.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : xinyuanwo

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EZW算法的过程详解和Matlab代码(1)构建扫描次序表(修正小波树结构)写出EZW算法的Matlab程序,可以实现图像的任意级别的小波分解和重构、以及任意精度的EZW编解码过程。下面,我们以一幅16*16的Lena局部图像经过3级小波分解后的小波数据为例详细的说明EZW算法的编解码过程,并给出相应的Matlab代码。-Explain the process of EZW algorithm and Matlab code (1) building a scan list (Amendment wavelet tree structure) to write the Matlab program EZW algorithm, can achieve any level of image wavelet decomposition and reconstruction, as well as the accuracy of any EZW codec process. Next, we 16* 16 in a partial image of Lena after three after the wavelet decomposition as an example of the wavelet detail data EZW codec algorithm process and the corresponding Matlab code is given.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : lucy

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kd-tree 是广泛用来处理多维寻找最近点的数据结构。该文件中是由matlab调用c++代码实现的,其中实现包括kd-tree的建立最近点的查找等。-kd-tree is kind of data structure which is widely used to find the nearest point in multi-demensions.The zip file contain matlab and cpp files.The functions implemented include kd-tree building and nearest points searching and so on.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 129kb Publisher : yaoyao

kd-tree 是一种常用的数据结构,它在搜索最近点中有普遍用处。该文件是一个用纯matlab写成的源代码。-kd-tree is a commonly used data structure, it is commonly used in searches for the nearest point. The file is a pure source code written in matlab.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 59kb Publisher : yaoyao

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Shapiro提出的内嵌零树小波编码算法(EZW Embedded Zerotree Wavelet),其出发点在于小波变换后各级子带系数之间在空间上和方向上所呈现出带间相似性,这种空间相似性可以用一种新型的数据结构--零树(Zerotree).EZW算法就是充分利用这种相似性,获得高性能的图像编码算法.-Shapiro' s embedded zero tree wavelet coding algorithm (EZW Embedded Zerotree Wavelet), whose starting point is at all levels of sub-band wavelet transform coefficients and the direction in space with the similarity between shows, this space can be similar with a new data structure- zero tree (Zerotree). EZW algorithm is to take full advantage of this similarity, access to high-performance image coding algorithms.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 23kb Publisher : wangjin

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KNN分类器的MATLAB代码,速度快效果好,适合初学者使用。-KNN search without using any gancy data structure, such as kd-tree. However, it is the fastest knn matlab implementation I ever found.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 赵子龙

为树轮研究开发的数据分析matlab工具箱-Tree-ring and climate-data analysis grplot grouped plots of ring width series skelcrn - skeleton plot crn file or ring-width series climgram - climatogram IO and formatting of tree-ring data crn2vec2 convert .crn file to vectors rwl2tsm convert .rwl file to time series matrix rwlinp - load rwl series as indexed vector into MATLAB IO and formatting of climate data c132tss Thirteen-column monthly climate matrix to time-series structure File and directory management dirfiles list of files with specified suffix Time series analysis acf autocorrelation function and confidence limits arspectrum spectrum of an AR(1) or AR(2) process corrone product-moment correlation of one variable with several others mafilt1 evenly-weighted moving average of an annual time series pdgmraw raw periodogram of a time series pdgmsim exact simulation of Gaussian time series its periodogram specbt1 spectrum of a single time series by Blackman Tukey method whit1 fit an AR model to t
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 77kb Publisher : wuming
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