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dereverberator code for matlab using voiced-unvoiced classification of speech signals
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : clase

自相关虽然能够判断清/浊音,并估计浊音的基音周期,但是其运算量很大,用乘法运算所需时间较长。为了避免乘法,采用短时平均幅度差函数(AMDF),验证AMDF与自相关有类似的作用,即平均幅度差函数能够代替自相关函数进行语音分析。-Although autocorrelation can differ from the Voiced/Unvoiced and voiced the pitch period estimate, but the operation is large enough, with the multiplication time was needed. In order to avoid the multiplication using the short time average magnitude difference function (AMDF), verify the AMDF and autocorrelation have a similar effect, that the average magnitude difference function can replace the voice of the autocorrelation function.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20kb Publisher : 吴艳花

基于matlab软件,的语音清音帧和浊音帧进行线性分析。-Based on the MATLAB software,on speech unvoiced frames and voiced frame using linear prediction analysis,respectively.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王涛

Matlab code for doing Voiced Unvoiced and Silence Classification in a speech signal
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : Parvathy

Splice out the voiced plosive “b” in theword “be” and synthesize aword with an increase in the voice onset time of the “b.” What is the perceptual effect? Is it possible to transform the voiced plosive “b” to the unvoiced plosive “p” with this change in the voiced onset time? Consider attributes such as vocal cord vibration and aspiration. (In splicing, display the waveform and spectrogram of the word “be” and use the MATLAB function ginput.m.) Optional: If your transformed sound does not sound like a “p” then, again considering vocal cord vibration and aspiration, make a more accurate transformation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : asdamha

这个MATLAB构建一个锻炼LPC声码器,即,执行LPC分析和合成语音文件,导致合成语音近似原始的演讲。LPC分析使用一个标准的自相关分析来确定LPC系数的设置,一帧一帧的基础上,以及框架获得。一个独立的分析方法(cepstral螺距内检测器)把每一帧的言论是要么表示演讲(时间由cepstral峰值的位置在指定范围的音调时期)或无声的言论(模拟随机噪声帧)0帧基音周期的样本。独立的分析提供了一个两国并存的激发函数LPC合成处理的一部分,包括一系列的脉冲(表示帧期间)和/或噪声序列(在无声的帧)。-This MATLAB exercise builds an LPC vocoder, i.e., performs LPC analysis and synthesis on a speech file, resulting in a synthetic speech approximation to the original speech. The LPC analysis uses a standard autocorrelation analysis to determine the sets of LPC coefficients, on a frame-by-frame basis, along with the frame-based gain. An independent analysis method (a cepstral pitch period detector) classifies each frame of speech as being either voiced speech (with period determined by the location of the cepstral peak in a designated range of pitch periods) or unvoiced speech (simulated by a random noise frame) with a frame pitch period of 0 samples. The independent analysis provides a two-state excitation function for the LPC synthesis part of the processing, consisting of a series of pitch pulses (during voiced frames) and/or noise sequences (during unvoiced frames). The file 5.13 LPC Vocoder.pdf provides a User s Guide for this exercise.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.38mb Publisher : wujin

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基于MATLAB的自相关法基音提取的m文件。利用浊音和清音的自相关函数的不同,可以提取基音周期。 其中采用的三电平削波法,可修正中心削波。-Based on MATLAB autocorrelation pitch extracted files m. Using different voiced and unvoiced autocorrelation function can be extracted pitch. Three-level clipping method employed therein, may be amended center clipping.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : 花花

语音信号的时域、频域与倒谱域分析。 1.分析一帧清音和浊音的自相关函数和倒谱系数 2.用Matlab画出该段语音的时域波形、短时能量、短时平均幅度、短时过零率、短时过电平率 3.选择一帧无声、清音和浊音的语音,用Matlab画出它们的对数幅度谱(Time domain, frequency domain and cepstrum domain analysis of speech signals. 1. Analyze the autocorrelation function and cepstrum coefficient of unvoiced and voiced sounds 2. Use Matlab to plot the time domain waveform of the speech segment, short-term energy, short-term average amplitude, short-term zero-crossing rate, and short-term overshoot ratio. 3. Select an unvoiced, unvoiced, and voiced sound and use Matlab to plot its logarithmic amplitude spectrum)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 143kb Publisher : jacek
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