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Description: 局域网,广域网监控源代码,我自己编写的只要公司经理安装一个服务器端,然后在员工的电脑安装客户端,经理就可以随时知道每个员工在做什么,要是员工做别的事,经理可以发送警告信息,同时把员工的行为记忆下来,强烈推荐。- The local area network, the WAN monitoring source code, I compile so long as company executive installs a server end, then in staff s computer installment customer end, manager may know as necessary each staff is making any, if the staff makes other matter, manager may transmit the warning information, simultaneously gets down staff s behavior memory, intense recommendation.
Platform: | Size: 401947 | Author: 罗家兄弟 | Hits:

[Develop Tools从问题到程序

Description: 从问题到程序是裘宗燕编写的教材.介绍什么是好的程序设计以及如何进行好的程序设计... 任何语言都有弱点。有句名言说:“再好的语言也不能阻止人写出坏程序”。这不是说语言不重要,而是说任何语言都有合理使用,写好程序的问题。C在这方面的问题突出一点,读者应特别注意。 -.... A famous saying : "no matter how good the language is also not prevent people write bad procedures." This is not to say that language is not important, but said that any use of language is reasonable, written procedures. C in this issue highlight 1:00, the reader should pay particular attention to.
Platform: | Size: 4900090 | Author: 肖巍 | Hits:

[File Operatewenying

Description: 打开文件,取出内部的一列数据进行分析 可以不用输出字符,不管内部字符的空格影响-Open file,and then get a line of data to analyse,need not output any char no matter if there have any space chars.
Platform: | Size: 52906 | Author: 文英 | Hits:

[Other resource2296_Regression

Description: Polynomial fit functions === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.-Polynomial fit functions === === === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.
Platform: | Size: 5122 | Author: qiao | Hits:


Description: 汽车修理管理系统是一个汽车修理行业不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于企业的管理者和技术工人来说都至关重要,所以...因此,使用VFP6.0开发这样一套管理软件成为很有必要的事情,在下面的各章中我们将以开发一套汽车修理管理系统,... -The motor repair management system management system is a motor repair profession essential part,Its content said regarding enterprise s superintendents and the technical worker all very important,Therefore...Therefore,Uses VFP6.0 to develop this kind of set of management software to become has the necessity very much the matter,By will develop a set of motor repairs management system management...
Platform: | Size: 133289 | Author: 云间 | Hits:


Description: 首先,需要在你的程序中嵌入IE浏览器的窗口。有两种实现方法,其一,添加CHtmlView的视类;其二,添加IE浏览器的ActiveX控件。其实不管用什么方法,除了函数名称稍有区别外,它们最终都调用了微软的IWebBrowser2的接口。IWebBrowser2的功能非常强劲,使用它的技术叫DHTML(动态HTML,以后再给大家介绍)。在这篇文章中,先给大家举例介绍一些初级的使用,起到抛砖引玉的作用。更多功能可以参考MSDN-First, you need to embed the process of the browser window.CHtmlViewIEActiveX In fact, no matter what means, in addition to slightly different function names, they were eventually called the Microsoft IWebBrowser2 interface. IWebBrowser2 function very strong, the use of its technology called DHTML (Dynamic HTML, after you give). In this article, for example letting you highlight some of the primary use, the role played congregate. More features can refer to the MSDN
Platform: | Size: 20999 | Author: 王志雄 | Hits:


Description: MySQL_Data_Provider_for_DotNet,一看名字就知道怎么回事了。用.NET开发MySQL系统的必备工具-MySQL_Data_Provider_for_DotNet, saw the name one knew how matter. Used. MySQL NET development tool for system
Platform: | Size: 206164 | Author: zeng | Hits:


Description: 相信不少朋友在做导航条的时候感到很麻烦吧,因为每做一页,连接就要修改一次,页面多起来的时候简直就是折磨了。这种情况在使用js 的情况下会有所改善,因为每个连接都是一样的,并且以后有栏目修改,增加减少的时候会倍感方便。但使用手工修改的时候未免会出更多的麻烦,js 错一个字整个 js 都不能运行。 Html2js 就是在这种情况下产生的,可以直接把 html代码转换成 js代码 ,那么这样一来,无论作什么修改,在 html 里面做好,然后转换就是了。-believe so many friends in the time of the navigation is very troublesome problem, as do every one, it is necessary to connect the revisions, the increase in pages when it is a torment. In such circumstances the use js circumstances will improve, because each link is the same, and after the columns are amended by increasing the reduction will more conveniently. But the use of manual changes of time it will be more trouble, a word wrong js whole js can run. Html2js is under such circumstances, can be directly converted into html code js code, then this one, no matter what changes they do in html and then converting the grindstone.
Platform: | Size: 415714 | Author: 陈国炎 | Hits:

[Other resource邮局选址问题

Description: 这个是大家非常熟悉的一个非常常用的算法,邮局选择问题,相信大家一定可以学到很多东西的-This is all very familiar with a very commonly used algorithm, the post office matter of choice, I am sure that you can learn a lot of things
Platform: | Size: 7322 | Author: 周华 | Hits:

[Develop ToolsASP.net开发

Description: 非常经典的ASP.net开发人员指南,帮您省下买书钱事小,直接获益多多。-very classic ASP.net Developer's Guide help you save money to buy books small matter directly benefit a lot.
Platform: | Size: 6188709 | Author: 洪春 | Hits:

[Com Portapartmentsrc

Description: 大学毕业前的最后一学期,在一家公司实习,当时的工作需要用到一些操作系统提供的组件。那时候只知道COM这个名词,并不知道到底是怎么回事,只知道上网到处找别人的源码解决自己的问题;那段日子到现在回忆起来都是灰色的,每天呆坐在电脑前,一个网站一个网站的查找自己需要的源码。但并不清楚自己到底在做什么;那时候对自己能不能成为一个程序员充满了怀疑。在实习结束返校的火车上,一夜间,我把一本《COM本质论》翻看了120多页。当我和当时的女友吹嘘自己一夜可以看100多页书的时候,她马上问我:看懂多少?当时我哑口无言。她忍受不了我那段日子的失落和抱怨,从那时候起,我们结束了那段简短的感情。到如今我还在一个人漂泊着,而上周她成为了别人的妻子。想不到用什么方式去纪念我迄今为止经历过的唯一一段感情,我和她的感情并不完全是因为COM结束的,但由于对COM的迷惑,使我走向了迷茫,失落;对自己失去了信心,在她面前变成了一个悲观失望的人。写这篇文章权当对这份感情的一份纪念吧。 -University graduate, the last one semester, in a corporate internships, then the need to resort to some of the operating system components. COM then only know the term, we do not know is how matter in the end, only know that the Internet only to find that other people's source code to solve their own problems; now those days are remembers Gray, daily sitting on the front of a computer, a web site a site search for the source of their needs. But it is not clear in what to do in the end; Then he can not become a programmer is full of doubts. Back-to-school internship at the end of the train, one night, I put a "COM Essence" going through the more than 120 pages. When my girlfriend and then brag about the night can watch more than 100 pages of the book, she immediately asked me
Platform: | Size: 27179 | Author: 阳广元 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeGISDeveloper_9

Description: 投稿有关事项: 一、稿件要求 1. 字数:原则上不限。但单篇文章以2000-5000 字为宜;内容较丰富者,建议按连载形式投稿、刊载。 2. 格式:请使用 Word 文件格式,如果文章有插图,除 Word 中的文章插图外,再请单独保存原始的图片文件,以保证图片质量清晰可用。   3. 稿件不推荐提供学术论文。 4. 稿件应是其原创作品,或对所投作品拥有合法著作权之作品(编译的稿件请附原文)。 二、注意事项 1. 投稿方式: 1) 电子邮件投稿。E-mail: editor@gischina.com。请在投稿时在邮件标题注明“投稿”字样。 2) 信函投稿。投稿地址:北京市学清路8号科技财富中心B座7层 (邮编:100085)收件人:《GIS开发者》编辑部。请在投稿时在信封上注明“投稿”字样。 2. 请务必注明作者信息,包括 作者简介、Email、 联系地址、邮编、真实姓名、身份证号,便于我们与您联系。我们在收到稿件的15天内必给予答复,如没有回复请致电:010-82736655-6303。 3. 咨询及联络方式: MSN: giscamelboy@hotmail.com; 电话: 010-82736655 转6306。-submissions related matters : 1, contributions, a request. Wordage : principle limits. But the single article to the appropriate word 2000-5000; Rich content, the form of a series of recommendations by the journal published. 2. Format : Please use Word file format, if the article illustrated, with the exception of Word of the article illustrated, again separate preservation of the original image files, to ensure clear picture quality available. 3. Said is not recommended for academic papers. 4. Contributions should be their original works, or works cast has a legitimate copyright works (compiler COMMUNICATIONS Please attach originals). Second, pay attention to a matter. Writing : 1) E-mail submissions. E-mail : editor@gischina.com. Please drop in the mail when the title with "writing&
Platform: | Size: 994446 | Author: 钟禄登 | Hits:


Description: Wealsh 游戏更新器(网吧版) 本次更新主要为: 采用文件修改时间验证更新文件(之前是CRC32,速度受不了了)。 在服务端生成的更新文件列表内容如: \\accounts\\account.dat|317!2005-11-23(文件路径|大小!修改时间)。 文件对比准确率为99.99%,即能精确找出需要更新的文件。 当每下载完一个文件后将其修改时间更改成与服务器里面的文件一至。因此不用理会客户机与服务器的系统时间是否一样,都能找出需要更新的游戏文件。哈哈,其实这些都比较简单的... 速度大大提高了! 服务器最好装上win2003吧,利用IIS6,其下载速度真的不错!能达到10M/s。-Wealsh game update (Internet edition) of this major update : using modified certification document updates (CRC before, speed straw). In the service-generated content updated list of documents such as : \\ accounts \\ account.dat | 317! 2005-11-23 (document Road Drive | Size! modified time). Document Comparison accuracy rate of 99.99%, that can pinpoint the need to update the document. When each download a document will be revised as time changes with the server inside a document to. It does not matter client and server systems timing just as able to identify the need to update the documents game. Haha, in fact these are relatively simple ... greatly increased the speed! The best server installed on Win2003 bar, the use of IIS6. download speed is really good! achieve 10M / s.
Platform: | Size: 829595 | Author: 范卫斌 | Hits:

[assembly languagepenight2b

Description: This a simple compressor based on aplib, yoda s Kernel code, and my own stuffing around. It only has one function with MANY limitations at the moment, but it is desinged for demo purposes only so it don t matter.
Platform: | Size: 24986 | Author: gogo | Hits:

[Graph Recognizebrian_rbf

Description: 一个RBF网络的matlab源文件,用于进行脑部图像的分类(脑灰质、脑白质等),包含示例图片。-A RBF network matlab source file, used for the classification of brain images (gray matter, white matter, etc.), contains the sample picture.
Platform: | Size: 165888 | Author: 段西尧 | Hits:


Description: 分类判别中,bayes判别的确具有明显的优势,与模糊,灰色,物元可拓相比,判别准确率一般都会高些,而BP神经网络由于调试麻烦,在调试过程中需要人工参与,而且存在明显的问题,局部极小点和精度与速度的矛盾,以及训练精度和仿真精度间的矛盾,等,尽管是非线性问题的一种重要方法,但是在我们项目中使用存在一定的局限,基于此,最近两天认真的研究了bayes判别,并写出bayes判别的matlab程序,与spss非逐步判别计算结果一致。-Classified Identifying, bayes discriminant does have a distinct advantage, with the fuzzy, gray, matter-element and extension compared to determine the exact rate will be higher in general, and the BP neural network trouble as a result of debugging, in the need to manually debug the process of participation, but also obvious problems, the local minimum point and the accuracy and speed of contradictions, as well as simulation training accuracy and precision of the conflict between, and so on, in spite of nonlinear problems is an important method, but the use of our project there are certain limitations, based on the Here, seriously the last couple of days to study the discriminant bayes and bayes discriminant of matlab to write procedures, and non-spss stepwise discriminant calculation results.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: lili | Hits:


Description: 在线通讯录的素材:包含页面(有代码),图片,swf等。-Online Address Book material: included page (with code), images, swf and so on.
Platform: | Size: 191488 | Author: 小幅 | Hits:

[Industry researchprogrammable-matter.pdf

Description: Programmable matter the CATOMS
Platform: | Size: 300032 | Author: kohan | Hits:


Description: A bayesian approach for stochastic white matter tractography
Platform: | Size: 575488 | Author: fover | Hits:

[GamesMatter Game

Description: Matter Game is a low end Game with minimum graphic usage and a good game to play too
Platform: | Size: 18580141 | Author: ahimsafollower@gmail.com | Hits:
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