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车牌识别系统 需要注意的地方: 使用VC++6.0做开发工具, 采用简单的SDI框架结构 ,一次处理一幅位图(有兴趣的可以作成MDI) 1)位图信息的数据是从左下往右下为一行,一行一行往上排的。 2)每行像素应该是4的倍数,不足的地方用空点补齐,读的时候注意跳过冗余点。 3)主要数据都存在Doc里面,BMP的主要数据存在一个由ImgData指向的BYTE型的内存空间(根据位图的大小,动态分配的)。 4)数据读进来以后,注意向内存中贴图,以保证刷新的效率。 5)程序执行流程 应用程序生成--》打开--》CDipView的OnFileOpen 函数--》 调用CDipDoc的FileOpen 函数--》并使用myDoc->UpdateAllViews(NULL) 刷新 自动调用CDipView的OnPaint函数--》调用CDipView的OnDraw函数----一个像素点一个像素点的画 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 比较重要的地方 读BMP文件,只能打开256色 (可以是灰度) 显示和内存贴图技术 关于调色板: 调色板实际上是一个数组,4个BYTE 分别是 B,G,R,和 Reserved 每一个像素点都有一个相应的数组。-LPR system needs to the attention of the local : VC 6.0 do use development tools, SDI simple frame structure, handling a bitmap (interested can make MDI) 1) bitmap data is the information from the right and the left for his , and his party up his platoon. 2) pixels per line should be in multiples of four, the inadequacies of the points are filled with empty, Reading, the point to skip redundant. 3) key data exists inside Doc. BMP key data on the existence of a ImgData BYTE directly to the type of memory space (according to the Bitmap a small, dynamic allocation). 4) Data Reading come after, pay attention to the memory mapping, in order to ensure high efficiency. 5) implementation of procedures for application generation process -- "Open --" the OnFileOpe CDipView n Functions -- &
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 227.77kb Publisher : yanglin

Creation of Multiple Dynamic Views. How to initilize and use additional different views in your MDI app by using Doc view architecture. Example code of OpenGL window and a Dialog window-Creation of Multiple Dynamic Views. How to initilize and use additional different views i n your MDI app by using Doc view architecture. Ex ample code of OpenGL window and a window Dialog
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43.61kb Publisher : xuroc

车牌识别系统 需要注意的地方: 使用VC++6.0做开发工具, 采用简单的SDI框架结构 ,一次处理一幅位图(有兴趣的可以作成MDI) 1)位图信息的数据是从左下往右下为一行,一行一行往上排的。 2)每行像素应该是4的倍数,不足的地方用空点补齐,读的时候注意跳过冗余点。 3)主要数据都存在Doc里面,BMP的主要数据存在一个由ImgData指向的BYTE型的内存空间(根据位图的大小,动态分配的)。 4)数据读进来以后,注意向内存中贴图,以保证刷新的效率。 5)程序执行流程 应用程序生成--》打开--》CDipView的OnFileOpen 函数--》 调用CDipDoc的FileOpen 函数--》并使用myDoc->UpdateAllViews(NULL) 刷新 自动调用CDipView的OnPaint函数--》调用CDipView的OnDraw函数----一个像素点一个像素点的画 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 比较重要的地方 读BMP文件,只能打开256色 (可以是灰度) 显示和内存贴图技术 关于调色板: 调色板实际上是一个数组,4个BYTE 分别是 B,G,R,和 Reserved 每一个像素点都有一个相应的数组。-LPR system needs to the attention of the local : VC 6.0 do use development tools, SDI simple frame structure, handling a bitmap (interested can make MDI) 1) bitmap data is the information from the right and the left for his , and his party up his platoon. 2) pixels per line should be in multiples of four, the inadequacies of the points are filled with empty, Reading, the point to skip redundant. 3) key data exists inside Doc. BMP key data on the existence of a ImgData BYTE directly to the type of memory space (according to the Bitmap a small, dynamic allocation). 4) Data Reading come after, pay attention to the memory mapping, in order to ensure high efficiency. 5) implementation of procedures for application generation process-- "Open--" the OnFileOpe CDipView n Functions-- &
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 228kb Publisher : yanglin

Creation of Multiple Dynamic Views. How to initilize and use additional different views in your MDI app by using Doc view architecture. Example code of OpenGL window and a Dialog window-Creation of Multiple Dynamic Views. How to initilize and use additional different views i n your MDI app by using Doc view architecture. Ex ample code of OpenGL window and a window Dialog
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 43kb Publisher : xuroc

This ActiveX control and Demo will allow you to dock your toolbars/forms to a mdiform much in the way in which Visual C++ allows you to. 象Vc++一样使用多文本窗体 -This ActiveX control and will allow yo Demo u to dock your toolbars/forms to a mdiform much i n the way in which Visual C allows you to. the same as the use of vitamin C Text Window
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 55kb Publisher : cai

DL : 0
使用.NET编程MDI,本程序在SQL2008运行,版本过低无法打开-Use. NET programming MDI, this program is running in SQL2008, the version is too low can not be opened
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 144kb Publisher : 果果
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