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欧几里德距离计算代码,通常用于特征相似性度量-Euclidean distance-based code, normally used for the characteristics of similarity measure
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : 建国

在MATLAB提供的距离变换函数的基础上,对二值BMP图像进行不同距离度量的距离变换,并给出变换效果。程序已经在MATLAB6.5上运行通过。-Provided in MATLAB distance transform function based on the binary BMP images of different distance measure of distance transform, and gives the effect of transformation. Procedures have been adopted in MATLAB6.5 run.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 张朝晖

一种基于方向信息的鲁棒型Hausdorff距离匹配方法。该方法采用方向信息提取图 像边缘,通过计算边缘匹配率( edge matching rate, EMR)获得候选匹配区域,然后采用修正后的Hausdorff距离构造 相似性测度。实验结果表明,该方法加快了匹配过程,提高了抗噪性能,并能够准确匹配含有遮挡和伪边缘点的图 像,从而解决了基于传统Hausdorff距离匹配方法因噪声点、伪边缘点和出格点而造成的误匹配问题。-Based on the direction of information Robust Hausdorff distance matching method. Methods The direction of the image edge information extraction, matching the rate by calculating the edge (edge matching rate, EMR) access to the candidate matching area, and then adopt a revised structure Hausdorff distance similarity measure. Experimental results show that the method to accelerate the matching process and enhance the anti-noise performance and the ability to accurately match the containing block and pseudo-edge image, so as to solve the Hausdorff distance based on the traditional matching method because of the noise, the pseudo-edge point and the far point matching problem caused by misuse.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : 南飞燕

用超声波来测量距离,程序有些是借鉴网上的,不过大部分是自己写的-Using ultrasound to measure distance, procedures and some are from the Internet, but most are written in their own
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 103kb Publisher : 陈永喜

红外遥控六足爬虫机器人设计红外传感器:红外传感器是用来测量距离和感知周围情况的。-Infrared remote control six-legged robot design reptiles infrared sensors: infrared sensor is used to measure distance and perception of the surrounding circumstances.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 372kb Publisher : zs

Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR) Objective Speech Quality Measure
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Mehrtash

超声波测距原代码,可以以此为原本用来做测速,避障,等的智能小车-measure distance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : sbiharj

Line Based Recognition using a Multidimensional Hausdorff Distance _______ DESCRIPTION _______ Matching the image with its rotated and scaled version using 4 dimensional hausdorff measure. ___REFERENCE___ Paper 1: Line Based Recognition using a Multidimensional Hausdorff Distance Xilin Yi , Octavia I. Camps. - IEEE Trans. on Patt. Ana. and Mac. Int. - Vol:21 - No:9- Line Based Recognition using a Multidimensional Hausdorff Distance _______ DESCRIPTION _______ Matching the image with its rotated and scaled version using 4 dimensional hausdorff measure. ___REFERENCE___ Paper 1: Line Based Recognition using a Multidimensional Hausdorff Distance Xilin Yi , Octavia I. Camps.- IEEE Trans. on Patt. Ana. and Mac. Int.- Vol:21- No:9
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 77kb Publisher : Mehmet

火灾视觉特征的提取是视觉火灾探测中的关键问题. 我们主要研究色彩、纹理以及轮廓脉动 等特征的提取,并提出一种度量轮廓脉动信息的距离模型,该模型在规格化的傅立叶描述子空间能 够准确地度量这种时空闪烁特征. 实验结果表明,该方法具有比较好的鲁棒性,有助于提高视觉火 灾探测的准确率、降低误报漏报率.-Based on investigating color , text ure and temporal feat ures for vision based fire detection , a distance model of contour fluct uation between two successive f rames in t he normalized Fourier descriptor s domain was presented to measure t his time varying contour fluct uation feat ure of flame. The model of contour fluct uation is effective and robust for fire recognition. To f urt her reduce fal se alarms , several features ext racted according to color , text ure and the distance model were toget her regarded as a joint feature vector for artificial neural network to detect fire. Experiment s show t hat the algorithm is effective and robust , and t hat it is significant for improving accuracy and reducing fal se alarms.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 800kb Publisher : 陈卿

DL : 0
是一个完整版的自行车计数器,里面可以测路程、速度,里面还有一个时钟含闹钟等-The bike is a full version counter, which can measure distance, speed, and there is also a clock with alarm, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 91kb Publisher :

基于奇异值分解的人脸识别方法 梁毅雄 龚卫国 潘英俊 李伟红 刘嘉敏 张红梅 提出了一种将傅里叶变换和奇异值分解相结合的人脸自动识别方法.首先对人脸图像进行傅里叶变换,得到其具有位移不变特性的振幅谱表征.其次,从所有训练图像样本的振幅谱表征中给定标准脸并对其进行奇异值分解,求出标准特征矩阵,再将人脸的振幅谱表征投影到标准特征矩阵后得到的投影系数作为该人脸的模式特征.然后,对经典的最近邻分类器算法进行了改进,并采用模式特征之间的欧式距离作为相似性度量,从而完成对未知人脸的识别.采用ORL (Olivetti Research Laboratory)人脸库对本文提出的人脸识别方法进行验证,获得了100.00 的识别率.实验结果表明,本方法优于现有的基于奇异值分解的人脸识别方法,且对表情、姿态变换等具有一定的鲁棒性. -Face recognition based on singular value decomposition method Deliberate simultaneously Gong Weiguo Li Wei Hung Stephen Lau, Hong-Mei Zhang Ying-Jun Pan Paper, a Fourier transform and singular value decomposition of the combination of automatic face recognition. First of all, the face image by Fourier transformation, it has the same characteristics of the displacement amplitude spectra. Secondly, all training The amplitude spectrum of the sample images given in standard face representation and its singular value decomposition, find the standard characteristic matrix, then the amplitude of spectral characterization of human faces projected onto the standard characteristic matrix of projection coefficients obtained as the face of the model features . Then, the classical nearest neighbor classifier is improved, and the use of Euclidean distance between pattern features as the similarity measure, thus completing the identification of unknown human faces. using ORL (Olivetti Research La
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 57kb Publisher : houhj

实现GIS的一般量测功能,如距离量测,面积量测等。仿照Arcgis的量测工具所做。希望大家喜欢,也是在网上下载的开源的。-Measurement to achieve the general GIS functions such as distance measurement, area measurement and so on. Measurement tool modeled Arcgis made. Hope you like them, but also in the open source download.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 222kb Publisher : 蜗牛

测距小车内含详细程序和PBC文件,很实用-measure diantance car
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.45mb Publisher : daofeng

This file contains code which can measure distance between 2 given points-This file contains code which can measure distance between 2 given points
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.63mb Publisher : Sikor

应用超声波测量距离,精度可达1mm.可在51单片机上实现-Ultrasonic distance measurement accuracy up to 1mm. Available in 51 SCM to achieve
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : liuxiaoxu

这是一个c51的代码,可以实现超声波测距的功能,谢谢大家惠顾。-this is a program which could measure distance with supersonic distance measurement.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 101kb Publisher : yyy

超声测距——通过发射、接受超声波来完成对距离的测量,压缩包里包括原理图和程序。对于学习超声测距模块有很大的帮助-Done through the transmission and reception ultrasonic for measurement of the distance, the compression bag including schematic diagram and program.Have a great help for learning ultrasonic ranging module
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 338kb Publisher : 慕佰草

单片机开发,超声波测距代码模块,51单片机及相关程序下载。-Measure Distance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 39kb Publisher : 唐法庆

DL : 0
AE+C#:在图层上任意点击两点,测量两点之间的距离-AE+C#:measure distance between two points
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 128kb Publisher : 施凌萍

双目测距算法,利用两个摄像头读入视频,进行配准定位,进行测距-Binocular distance measurement algorithm, using two cameras read in video, and registration location, finally measure distance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59.25mb Publisher : michael liang
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