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Description: Meschach 可以解稠密或稀疏线性方程组、计算特征值和特征向量和解最小平方问题,另外还有其它功能。它为双精度数和复数提供了近 400 个函数。它提供的教程以说明性的小案例研究的形式介绍了这些函数。-Meschach is a C-language library of routines for performing matrix computations
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: 刘伟 | Hits:


Description: 这是C语言的稀疏矩阵库Meschach Library(mesch12b),我用Vc++6.0将他们移植到了window下。里面包含了调试通过的库中例子。By klingy-This is a sparse matrix library in C Meschach Library (mesch12b), I use Vc++6.0 will they migrate to the next window. Which contains the debugging examples by the library. By klingy
Platform: | Size: 5677056 | Author: KKK | Hits:

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