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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 140.21kb Publisher : 郑康臣

load .x file to application
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 308kb Publisher : 李洪斌

这是我自己参考大量的科研论文自己编制的离散高程数据(x,y,h)的三角形网格化源代码能够根据指定离散数据文件自动绘制出三角形网格,并且源代码已经实现了等值点的追踪,大家少加修改,加入拟和算法就可以绘制出等值线,源代码完全采用面向对象的方法编制,对于delphi新手学习面向对象的方法也有很大帮助。编译环境为delphi7操作系统为win2003。大家如果对源代码有何建议请联系我 QQ:58092190, is my reference to the large number of research papers prepared by their own discrete elevation data (x, y, h) of the triangular mesh of the source code can be specified discrete data files automatically mapped mesh, and the source code has achieved the equivalent point tracking, all small change, accession to and algorithms can be mapped contours, the source code uses the object-oriented method for delphi novice learning object-oriented methods have much help. Delphi7 compiler environment for the operating system to Win2003. If you source code to any suggestions please contact me QQ : 58092190, email :
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 224kb Publisher : 马占寅

为了实现图像处理的需要,实现二维图像的三维显示,于是写了本代码,希望与此有兴趣的读者共享。图像的获取一是bmp图像文件,二是来自剪贴板。本代码在MFC中调用OpenGL库函数来实现二维图像的三维显示,图像的宽度、高度和象素的亮度分别为三维空间的x,z,y坐标。程序主要有初始化、绘图、资源释放和操作部分,这些功能在OGL_MFCView.cpp文件中实现。OpenGL库的初始化在该文件中的OnCreate,InitScene和DrawScene函数中实现,主要初始化OpenGL运行时的环境变量,三维物体的光照,材质等,由于介绍OpenGL库的初始化的文档很多,在这里我就不多说了,感兴趣的读者可以参考有关的文档。在DrawScene函数中调用全局函数GLDraw3DBMP完成绘图部分。 编译源代码时,必须把opengl32.lib glu32.lib链到工程中。 可以通过对话框改变材质。按上下箭头键可以实现三维图像的绕x轴旋转,按左右箭头键可以实现三维图像绕z轴旋转。 本代码在Windows2000下编译通过。-image processing in order to achieve the necessary two-dimensional realization of the three-dimensional images, then wrote the code, with the readers are interested in sharing. Image Access First bmp image files, two from the clipboard. The MFC code Calling OpenGL library functions to achieve the three-dimensional two-dimensional image display, image width, height and pixel brightness of the three-dimensional space x, z, y coordinates. Main initialization procedures, mapping, the release of resources and operation, the function of these documents OGL_MFCView.cpp achieve. OpenGL library initialization of the documents, the OnCreate, InitScene DrawScene function and the realization of the main initialization OpenGL runtime environment variables, 3D objects light, material, and as such introd
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 103kb Publisher : 周立

d3d游戏开发中使用.x的例子,如果您是一位d3d的初学者,则其在您的mesh动画方面一定有所参考价值.-D3D game developers use. X example, if you are a D3D beginners then in your mesh animation must have reference value.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 233kb Publisher :

Direct3D中使用网格模型------复杂的几何模型通常是由3D建模软体创建并保存到文件中。例如.x文件就是这样的一种格式,Microsoft Direct3D使用的网格模型都是载入这些文件中的对象。-use Direct3D mesh------ complex geometrical model is usually 3D Modeling software creation and preservation of documents. For example. X document is such a format, Microsoft Direct3D use of mesh are stored in the object file.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : weiguian

一个很好的海浪模拟程序. 注意编译环境是VC2003.net和directx 9.0 sdk-a good wave simulation program. Attention to the environment is compiled and direct x 9.0 sdk
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.25mb Publisher : 苏衍宇

DL : 0
关于介绍directx中网络模型的例子.可以读取.x文件,适合初学者学习-for the presentation of directx network model example. Can read. X documents for beginners learning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.51mb Publisher : 曹钰

将3ds转换为mesh文件的好工具, 将3ds转换为mesh文件的好工具, -Will be converted to mesh files 3ds good tools to convert 3ds files mesh a good tool to convert 3ds files mesh a good tool,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.94mb Publisher : 欧阳意

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Mesh网络开发语言C++,Direct3D-Mesh network development language C++, Direct3D
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 429kb Publisher : 郑康臣

三维WRL格式数据的显示程序 除C++源代码外,还包含地形、人脸轮廓、venus轮廓三个WRL格式的数据以及简单的程序应用事例。-WRL format of three-dimensional data display program in addition to C++ Source code, it also includes terrain, face contour, venus three WRL format contour data, as well as application examples of a simple procedure.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 755kb Publisher : 朝露之叹

读取微软的DirectX使用的 .x 文件,能够获得.X文件中每一个节点的数据(如Mesh中每一个点的坐标)。需要DirectX的环境才能编译运行。-Read Microsoft s DirectX use. X files, can be. X document, each node of data (such as Mesh in the coordinates of each point). DirectX environment need to be able to run the compiler.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : fishjam

DL : 0
1. 在No.1图形窗口中绘制 y=sin(x)在[0,2*pi]内的曲线。要求曲线的颜色为绿色,线型为 点划线,用*标示坐标点,在x轴的附近用 黑体 标注 ‘x轴’字样,在图形的上方加上标题 ‘正弦函数’,严格控制x,y轴分度相等,并开启网格。 2. 在No.2图形窗口中创建四个子窗口,在第一、二子窗口中用不同的方法同时绘制 y=x^2,y=-x^2,y=x^2*sin(x) 在[0,2*pi]内的曲线,并要给出标注 在第三个子窗口中绘制 三维曲线 3. 把No.3图形窗口分成五个子窗口,分别用plot3 mesh meshc meshz surf 来绘制 z=x*exp(-x^2-y^2) 在 -5=<x,y<=5 内的空间曲面图形,说明他们的区别,其中要求在用surf绘制的窗口内加入位置为[1,0.5,2]的光源,加入颜色标尺,采用spring色系 -1. 在No.1图形窗口中绘制 y=sin(x)在[0,2*pi]内的曲线。要求曲线的颜色为绿色,线型为 点划线,用*标示坐标点,在x轴的附近用 黑体 标注 ‘x轴’字样,在图形的上方加上标题 ‘正弦函数’,严格控制x,y轴分度相等,并开启网格。 2. 在No.2图形窗口中创建四个子窗口,在第一、二子窗口中用不同的方法同时绘制 y=x^2,y=-x^2,y=x^2*sin(x) 在[0,2*pi]内的曲线,并要给出标注 在第三个子窗口中绘制 三维曲线 3. 把No.3图形窗口分成五个子窗口,分别用plot3 mesh meshc meshz surf 来绘制 z=x*exp(-x^2-y^2) 在-5=<x,y<=5 内的空间曲面图形,说明他们的区别,其中要求在用surf绘制的窗口内加入位置为[1,0.5,2]的光源,加入颜色标尺,采用spring色系
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李子木

Using the direct3dx library to load a mesh object form X files.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 154kb Publisher : Pintu

milkshape的.ms3d文件和3ds max的文件之间的转换工具,另外还支持gmax-A utility for importing and exporting .ms3d files into 3ds Max and Gmax. This is used in conjunction with GrumpyOldMan s meshconverter to get models from .mesh files into 3ds Max (and Gmax) which preserves all the mesh, bone, vertex weighting, etc. information and to export them out again. Also supports animations in that ms3d files which have merged animation files with them through the animmerge function of the Python animation utilities are supported for both import and export. This has been tested for regular units, mounts, and siege engines, but is still intended as an alpha release.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 50kb Publisher : 许志腾

Direct3D X File 模型動畫程式-Direct3D X File Mesh Animation Program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 754kb Publisher : 鍾聖志

DL : 0
matlab实例clearN=100f=zeros(50,50) f(15:35,23:28)=1 figure(1)imshow(f, notruesize )F=fft2(f,N,N) F2=fftshift(abs(F)) figure(2)x=1:N y=1:N mesh(x,y,F2(x,y)) colormap(gray) colorbar-matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 孙强

DL : 0
The X, Y and Z matrix arguments can be used exactly as in the surf and mesh functions. But attention to the colors, because DXF fiels do not uses RGB palete. Instead they use a scaled color palete between 0 and 255.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Kriubha

DL : 0
空间曲面图 mesh(x,y,z)其中x,y,z为同阶矩阵,每一组对应元素代表一个网格点。 -FIG curved surface mesh (x, y, z) where x, y, z for the same order matrix, each element represents a group corresponding grid point.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : mengxi

空间曲面图 mesh(x,y,z)其中x,y,z为同阶矩阵,每一组对应元素代表一个网格点。 -FIG curved surface mesh (x, y, z) where x, y, z for the same order matrix, each element represents a group corresponding grid point.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : otcall
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