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LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector Field. LINEINTRGAL(X,Y,U,V,C) computes the line integral along the lines given in cell array C. X and Y define the coordinates of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defined. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid as % produced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.-LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector-Fi eld. LINEINTRGAL (X, Y, U, V, C) computes the line integral along the lines gi ven in cell array C. X and Y coordinate define the s of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defi ned. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid% as pro duced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.53kb Publisher : 左贤君

LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector Field. LINEINTRGAL(X,Y,U,V,C) computes the line integral along the lines given in cell array C. X and Y define the coordinates of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defined. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid as % produced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.-LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector-Fi eld. LINEINTRGAL (X, Y, U, V, C) computes the line integral along the lines gi ven in cell array C. X and Y coordinate define the s of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defi ned. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid% as pro duced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 左贤君

DL : 0
选取windows系统自带的ding.wav信号作为分析对象,在Matlab软件平台下,利用函数wavread对音频信号进行采样,记住采样频率和采样点数,听一下原始声音sound(y, fs, bits)。 (2)音频信号的频谱分析,先画出音频信号的时域波形;然后对音频号进行快速傅里叶变换fft(y,N),N取32768,画出信号的频谱特性,加深对频谱特性的理解。 (3)根据频谱,反演时域特性,画出时域波形。寻找幅值最大的两个频率,此频率除以fft点数在乘以采样频率就是信号的主频,即可合成信号的时域图形,听一下声音。 (4)对原音频信号进行1024点的分段付立业分析meshgrid (5)根据主要频线合成音频,并画出时域图形,试听合成效果。 (6)采用线性插值(linspace)和傅立业反变换(fliplr, ifft)分别合成音频,并画出时域图形,试听效果。 -err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 何亮

将不同的有限元网格合并成一套,利用之进行数值计算-merge meshgrid
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : sc

meshgrid method in matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Evgeny

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This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+C you can change the degree of the equation between 1 - 50. higher number in iteration, points in axes gives better results in image besides more resulting time. to zoom an area of the figure you must aproximately choose the point and then change the center values to this point values then push Show Graph button. because of this is the first version there can be any lack of usage. -This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+C you can change the degree of the equation between 1- 50. higher number in iteration, points in axes gives better results in image besides more resulting time. to zoom an area of the figure you must aproximately choose the point and then change the center values to this point values then push Show Graph button. because of this is the first version there can be any lack of usage.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : Mike Gao

DL : 0
clear all I=imread( lena.bmp ) figure imshow(I) I2=imrotate(I,-4, bilinear ) 逆时针旋转4度 figure imshow(I2) I3=fliplr(I) 垂直镜像 figure imshow(I3) I4=imresize(I,0.5, bilinear ) 缩小为原图的1/2 figure imshow(I4) A=double(I) 转换为double类型 计算7个不变矩 [nc,nr]=size(A) [x,y]=meshgrid(1:nr,1:nc) 得到网格 x=x(:) y=y(:) A=A(:) m.m00=sum(A) if m.m00==0 m.m00=eps end m.m10=sum(x.*A) m.m01=sum(y.*A) 计算均值 xmean=m.m10/m.m00 ymean=m.m01/m.m00 计算中心矩-li9_23.rar cm.cm00=m.m00 cm.cm02=(sum((y-ymean).^2.*A))/(m.m00^2) cm.cm03=(sum((y-ymean).^3.*A))/(m.m00^2.5) cm.cm11=(sum((x-xmean).*(y-ymean).*A))/(m.m00^2) cm.cm12=(sum((x-xmean).*(y-ymean).^2.*A))/(m.m00^2.5) cm.cm20=(sum((x-xmean).^2.*A))/(m.m00^2) cm.cm21=(sum((x-xmean).^2.*(y-ymean).*A))/(m.m00^2.5) cm.cm30=(sum((x-xmean).^3.*A))/(m.m00^2.5) im(1)=cm.cm20+cm.cm02 im(2)=(cm.cm20-cm.cm02)^2+4*cm.cm11^2 im(3)=(cm.cm30-3*cm.cm12)^2+(3*cm.cm21-cm.cm03)^2 im(4)=(cm.cm30+cm.cm12)^2+(cm.cm21+cm.cm03)^2 im(5)=(cm.cm30-3*cm.cm12)*(cm.cm30+cm.cm12)... *((cm.cm30+cm.cm12)^2-3*(cm.cm21+cm.cm03)^2)... +(3*cm.cm21-cm.cm03)*(cm.cm21+cm.cm03)... +(3*(cm.cm30+cm.cm12)^2-(cm.cm21+cm.cm03)^2) im(6)=(cm.cm20-cm.cm02)*((cm.cm30+cm.cm12)^2-(cm.cm21+cm.cm03)^2)... +4*cm.cm11*(cm.cm30+cm.cm12)*(cm.cm21+cm.cm03) im(7)=(3*cm.cm21-cm.cm03)*(cm.cm30+cm.cm12)... *((cm.cm30+cm.cm12)^2-3*(cm.cm21+cm.cm03)^2)... +(3*cm.cm12-cm.cm30)*(cm.cm21+cm.cm03)... *(
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : lzp_llz

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meshgrid,gradient和quiver的基本用法,meshgrid,gradient和quiver的基本用法-meshgrid, gradient and the quiver of the basic usage, meshgrid, gradient, and basic use of quiver
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14kb Publisher : lin

各种matlab代码,实现各种功能,供查阅者参考,熟悉matlab软件的使用-x=linspace(0,1,21) y=linspace(0,1,21) [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y) z=(X.*Y)./(X+Y) meshc(X,Y,z)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : wangchaoyang

griddata 3D meshgrid
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : gao

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how to plot using fuction "meshgrid", "mesh"
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : james jean

matlab中meshgrid命令的详解,以及plot3、mesh、surf、surfc、surfl、waterfall等命令的用法-The explanation of meshgrid command in matlab, and the usage of plot3, mesh, surf, surfc, surfl, waterfall and other commands
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : 杨过

用于高度计数据的绘图和网格化处理,利用matlab本身meshgrid函数-For altimeter data mapping and gridding processing
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 海月

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利用matlab采用meshgrid函数进行三维图形绘制,颜色、坐标轴都可以设置-based on matlab software to map 3D picture,the color can be altered
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 烟雨

DL : 0
plot 3d with matlab with this code you can plot a surface with matlab functions: meshgrid, zeros, rastriginsfcn, meshc, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, clear, clc
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : msimchi

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mesh grid with output
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 37kb Publisher : Pravat

计算网格距离,以此来进行频率域下的滤波。- DFTUV Computes meshgrid(网格数组) frequency matrices(频率矩阵). [U,V]=DFTUV(M,N) computes meshgrid frequency matrices U and V.U and V are useful for computing frequency-domain(频率域) filter(滤波) funcitions that can be used with DFTFILT.U and V are both M-by-N and of class single.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘林

相信很多人为画三元隐函数曲面头疼不已,程序给出了一种三元隐函数曲面的画法,供参考-I believe a lot of people draw three yuan implicit surface headache, the program gives a Ternary implicit surface of the painting, for reference
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : junyi li

均匀圆阵的二维music算法,有两个信号,采用meshgrid画图-Uniform circular array music algorithm, there are two signals, using meshgrid drawing
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : lestin

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通过matlab画出心形的图案,压缩包包含3个代码,形成立体的彩色心形图案,且颜色可替换。-matlab heart meshgrid
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 孟思岐
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