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[Windows DevelopRoom_Book

Description: mess management system
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: sivashankar | Hits:

[WEB Codetushu

Description: 鑫鑫图书馆管理系统是一款专业的图书馆管理软件,其中包含读者信管理,图书管理,图书借还,系统查询,图书馆信息等模块。 具有非常方便的借书、还书等操作。 普通用户不需培训也能很快上手。适用于单位企业图书馆,学校图书馆,是针对图书租借机构的最新管理软件, 是您进行图书管理信息化的强大工具。 界面美观华丽,功能强大,上手简单。 计算机化管理,使库存不再是糊涂帐。 强大的报表功能,让您随时了解图书馆的各种情况。 独创关联数据模式,让所有查询都简单方便。 为图书馆管理量身定制,使繁锁的业务管理变得方便明晰,有效提高工作效率。 功能强大,使业务全程实现信息化管理。-The Xinxin Library Management System is a professional library management software, which contains readers letter management, library management, library circulation system query, library information, and other modules. Very convenient library, books and other operations. The ordinary users do not need training can get started quickly. Applicable to the unit Enterprise Library, school libraries, the latest management software for book rental agencies, You a powerful tool for library management information. The interface is beautiful and gorgeous, powerful, simple to get started. Computerized management, inventory is no longer a mess. Powerful reporting feature that allows you to keep abreast of the various situations of the Library. Original associated data model, so that all queries are simple and convenient. Tailor-made for library management, cumbersome business management to facilitate clarity, improve work efficiency. Powerful of their business, the entire information m
Platform: | Size: 3119104 | Author: 王玲 | Hits:


Description: 办公室系统,一个简单重要的系统原数据,管理各个信息 -Office systems, a simple system of the original data, manon the F: \ mess \ Delphi \ Chapter VIII of the
Platform: | Size: 1448960 | Author: lulu | Hits:

[WEB Codebaidutop2.0

Description: 前几天在发了“百度搜索风云榜(百度排行榜)小偷程序”,受到很多网友的关注。有热心网友要求发部个完整版本,在此感谢广大网友的支持。 今天特意在我的“天下网民”自助链上提取了所需要的文件,做成了独立版本。 相比上一个版本增加了数据库,并带有4000多条记录。相应的增加了采集简介功能,完全不用人为干预,所有操作让程序自动完成。 本程由于写的有点乱,有些功能没有添加。不过我会在下一个版本不断完善。 广告在AD下的JS代码里,可以相应的修改。相关后续版本,请及时关注本站。。。 如果你是新手站长,建意你不要修改代码以免出错。 后台管理入口:admin/index.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin -A few days ago in the " Baidu search ranking ( Baidu ranking) thief procedures ", by many netizens concern. There are enthusiastic users requirements of a full version, thanks for the support. So today in my " world netizen " self-help chain to extract the required documents, made an independent version. Compared to the last version of a database, and with more than 4000 records. A corresponding increase in the collection function, without human intervention, all operation for a program automatically. The process of being written in a bit of a mess, some functions do not add. But I can in the next version of continuous improvement. Advertisement in the AD JS code, can be amended. The relevant follow-up version, please pay attention to the station... If you are a novice webmaster, intended to build you do not modify the code to avoid mistakes. The backstage management entrance: admin/index.asp Username: Password: admin admin
Platform: | Size: 913408 | Author: dfgasdgko | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLMS

Description: The main objective of this Online Leave Management System is to reduce the paper work and make it easier for maintaining the leave records of department members by having a particular portal for leaves and notice maintenance. Where in the existing system, one has to apply for the leave and get it approved from the respective authority and need to inform in the hostel personally. Whereas in this system one can inform his absence to the mess committee and academic section easily.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: GP | Hits:


Description: java数据库个人信息管理,实现信息的录入与删除-java database of personal information management, entry and deletion of information
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 孙子君 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net