Description: OWC是Office Web Compent的缩写,即Microsoft的Office Web组件,它为在Web中绘制图形提供了灵活的同时也是最基本的机制。在一个Intranet环境中,如果可以假设客户机上存在特定的浏览器和一些功能强大的软件(如IE6和Office 2000/XP/2003),那么就有能力利用Office Web组件提供一个交互式图形开发环境。这种模式下,客户端工作站将在整个任务中分担很大的比重。理论上说Excel能做的图都可以通过OWC画。-OWC is an acronym for Office Web Compent that Microsoft' s Office Web components, in the Web in its graphics rendering, while providing a flexible mechanism is the most basic. In an Intranet environment, if the client can assume the existence of a particular browser, and some powerful software (such as IE6 and Office 2000/XP/2003), then it would be able to take advantage of Office Web components to provide an interactive graphical development environment . This mode, client workstations will be shared throughout the task in a large part. Excel can do in theory plans are available through OWC painting. Platform: |
Size: 54272 |
Author:zgp |