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MIMO多径瑞利信道下的迫零+串行干扰抵消+自适应功率分配预编码算法仿真链路(simulink+m files)-Rayleigh MIMO multi-path channel under the zero forcing serial interference cancellation adaptive power distribution pre-coding algorithm simulation Chains (Simulink m files)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 19kb Publisher :

ofdm仿真器,外部功能。输入发射天线数和接收天线数,输出信噪比、误比特率-ofdm simulator, the external function. Importation fired several antennas and receiving antennas few, and the output signal-to-noise ratio, bit error rate
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : luoyanqun

Interpolation Techniques for MIMO OFDM with Interference Cancellation.pdf
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 516kb Publisher : andy

Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with 2 Tx, 2Rx MIMO channel Zero Forcing Equalization with Successive Interference Cancellation (ZF-SIC)-Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with 2 Tx, 2Rx MIMO channel Zero Forcing Equalization with Successive Interference Cancellation (ZF-SIC)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : mohanad1

MIMO Interference Alignment
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 133kb Publisher : Nissar

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信道均衡技术是移动通信中抗衰落的三大技术之一。均衡是用来解决由于信道的非线性和时变性引起的码间干扰的有效技术。如何有效解决码间干扰问题,具有重要的理论意义。     本文在介绍自适应均衡技术的基本原理和均衡研究现状的基础上,阐述了目前几种典型的自适应均衡算法及其它们存在的一些问题。文章在传统自适应算法的基础上,提出了两种改进算法:基于RLS的自适应MIMO-DFE算法和基于分数间隔的改进CMA+SDD算法。计算机仿真结果表明,两种算法的收敛速度快,稳态误差小,均衡效果与传统算法相比都取得了明显提高。-Channel equalization in mobile communications technology is the anti-fading of the three technologies. Balance is used to solve due to channel non-linear and time-varying inter-symbol interference caused by effective techniques. How to effectively solve the inter-symbol interference problem, has important theoretical significance. This paper introduces the basic principle of adaptive equalization and balanced study of the status quo, based on the current set of several typical adaptive equalization algorithm and some of the problems of their existence. Article in the traditional adaptive algorithm based on the proposed two improved algorithms: RLS-based adaptive MIMO-DFE algorithms and interval-based scores improved CMA+ SDD algorithm. Computer simulation results show that the two kinds of convergence of the algorithm fast, steady-state error is small, compared to equilibrium results with the traditional algorithms have achieved significantly improved.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 41.02mb Publisher : 阿郎

MIMO with Zero Forcing Successive Interference Cancellation equalizer
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 113kb Publisher : sun2012flower

近年来随着移动互联网业务和物联网业务的兴起与 发展,用户对移动宽带业务需求越来越旺盛,对移动通信 网络的接入速率和质量要求也越来越高,原有基于码分多 址(CDMA)的3G及其增强技术未来将无法满足业务发展 需要,因此3GPP及3GPP2组织自2004年开始启动长期 演进(LTE)/空口演进(AIE,后改名为超移动宽带UMB)项 目,旨在通过引入一些关键技术,如正交频分复用(OFDM) 调制技术、多入多出(MIMO)技术、混合自动重传请求 (HARQ)、全IP扁平化架构及动态带宽分配等实现网络变 革,达到以下所述的网络性能,为移动宽带多媒体业务持 续发展提供技术保障。-Abstract:To meet the needs of mobile broadband services,LTE is being deployed and becoming ma- tured,which includes key technologies such as OFDM,high-order modulation,HARQ,enhanced multi-antenna technologies,fast synchronization technologies,scalable control channel design,adap- tive resource allocation,interference suppression technologies etc.Moreover,the discussion on LTE- Advanced has started,where technologies being considered includes aggregate multi-carrier,high- er-order MIMO,smart relay,heterogeneous net- work,multipoint collaboration as well as enhanced interference management.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 77kb Publisher :

多天线正交频分复用(MIMO-OFDM,Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex)系统中,精确的符号定时同步可使接收端解调数据时消除载波频率偏移和符号间干扰。而由于MIMO空间信道复杂度较高,使得单天线OFDM系统的同步方法不能直接应用于MIMO-OFDM系统中。提出的两步同步方法首先利用时域导频作为第一步同步进行粗同步,然后利用循环交织前缀作为第二步同步对每一个MIMO-OFDM符号进行同步偏差调整。需要指出的是,两次同步过程均可以产生尖锐的相关峰,使得同步精度大为提高。-Accurate timing synchronization of symbol is important for MIMO-OFDM system,and it can eliminate the integral frequency shift of carrier and intersymbol interference.Two-step timing synchronization method is proposed in this thesis.First,the time-domain pilot is employed to obtain coarse timing synchronization,then the interleaved cyclic prefix and maximum likelihood estimation method are adopted to adjust the synchronization difference,through which the correlational characteristic of that window could be ...
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 789kb Publisher : 王睿

为了抑制多用户MIMO-OFDM系统的共道干扰,采用MMSE干扰抑制和符号估计相结合的检测方案,该检测方案接收端译码简单.理论分析及仿真结果表明,与传统检测方案相比,该检测方案在没有增加计算复杂度的情况下有效地抑制并消除了共道用户干扰.-In order to restrain the interference of co-channel users in MIMO-OFDM system,in this paper,adopted the combination of the detection scheme about the linear MMSE interference suppression and symbol estimation,and the receiver maintained decoding simplicity.Theory analysis and simulation results reveal that the proposed scheme can suppress and cancel the interference from co-channel users effectively without increasing the complexity significantly.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 196kb Publisher : 王睿

Part II presents the fundamental concepts andMATLAB programs for simulation ofOFDM transmission techniques including OFDM basics, synchronization, channel estimation, peak-to-average power ratio reduction, and intercell interference mitigation
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6.5mb Publisher : Estifanos Yohannes

the code simulates the MIMO-OFDM spatial multiplexing with successive interference cancellation
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : sabah

MIMO-OFDM wireless communications with matlab 例程。包含propagation and fading、SISO channel models、MIMO Channel models、intorduction to ofdm、 synchronization for ofdm、channel estimation、Papr reduction、inter-cell interference mitigation techniques MIMO channel capacity,attenna diversty and space-time coding techniques, signal detection for spatially multiplexed mimo systems, exploitingchannel state information at the transmitter side, multi-user MIMO-MIMO-OFDM wireless communications with matlab routines. Includes propagation and fading, SISO channel models, MIMO Channel models, intorduction to ofdm, synchronization for ofdm, channel estimation, Papr reduction, inter-cell interference mitigation techniques MIMO channel capacity, attenna diversty and space-time coding techniques, signal detection for spatially multiplexed mimo systems, exploitingchannel state information at the transmitter side, multi-user MIMO
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 783kb Publisher : 吴世锋

The Feasibility of Interference Alignment over Measured MIMO-OFDM Channels
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 830kb Publisher : wang

Multiple Input Multiple Outputs, a wireless or radio communications technology normally used with OFDM for many wireless and radio communications. Multiple-input multiple-output, or MIMO, is a radio communications technology or RF technology that is being mentioned and used in many new technologies these days. Wi-Fi, LTE (3G long term evolution) and many other radio, wireless and RF technologies are using the new MIMO wireless technology to provide increased link capacity and spectral efficiency combined with improved link reliability using what were previously seen as interference paths. Even now many there are many MIMO wireless routers on the market, and as this RF technology is becoming more widespread, more MIMO routers and other items of wireless MIMO equipment will be seen.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 126kb Publisher : nebiyu

Multiple Input Multiple Outputs, a wireless or radio communications technology normally used with OFDM for many wireless and radio communications. Multiple-input multiple-output, or MIMO, is a radio communications technology or RF technology that is being mentioned and used in many new technologies these days. Wi-Fi, LTE (3G long term evolution) and many other radio, wireless and RF technologies are using the new MIMO wireless technology to provide increased link capacity and spectral efficiency combined with improved link reliability using what were previously seen as interference paths. Even now many there are many MIMO wireless routers on the market, and as this RF technology is becoming more widespread, more MIMO routers and other items of wireless MIMO equipment will be seen.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 566kb Publisher : nebiyu

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esprit算法对有干扰的信号频率进行估计,包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真。- esprit algorithm signal frequency interference can be assessed Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation, MIMO OFDM matlab simulation.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4kb Publisher : meiyao

With the increasing demand of higher data rate for telecommunication, the IEEE802.11n standard was constituted in 2009. The most important character of the standard is MIMO-OFDM, which not only improves the throughput but also the spectrum efficiency and channel capacity. And in wireless communication, the role of MIMO detectors plays an important part to remove inter-symbol interference (ISI) caused by multipath fading channel. In this paper the BER performance of IEEE 802.11n for 3x2, 4x2 and 4x3 antennas are compared using MMSE and ZF detectors in Matlab Simulink.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 455kb Publisher : wawi

The reference turbo decoder supports the Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) technique, which may be employed by the basestation eNB receiver as the channel coding equalisation technique to improve the throughput performance in the LTE-A standard.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 317kb Publisher : ghorbanii

OFDM Interference and its modelling
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 362kb Publisher : Lipika
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