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[Embeded-SCM Developmini2440BSPformini2440micro2440

Description: mini2440-bsp-20090821·BSP formini2440micro2440 (源代码)-mini2440-bsp-20090821 · BSP formini2440micro2440 (source code)
Platform: | Size: 4877312 | Author: 杨伟明 | Hits:

[Driver Developmini2440-20091130pre

Description: mini2440 BSP 包 Mini2440-CE6-Suite-0947.zip-Mini2440 BSP Mini2440-CE6-Suite-0947.zip
Platform: | Size: 1389568 | Author: cauby | Hits:

[Windows CEHowToUseI2cDriver_Mini2440_WindowsCE6

Description: This document explains how to use I2C driver with the mini2440 Windows CE 6 BSP. A source code sample is joined.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: domodom | Hits:

[Windows CEwince6BSP-mini2440

Description: Windows Embedded CE6.0 mini2440 BSP
Platform: | Size: 3909632 | Author: yanzhangwei | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsmini2440-ce5-bsp-20100202

Description: 友善之臂的mini2440 BSP 欢迎缺少此BSP的朋友前来下载-A friendly welcome of the lack of arm mini2440 BSP BSP' s friends to come here to download
Platform: | Size: 3898368 | Author: sunxinqiu | Hits:


Description: BSP for mini2440. very usefu-BSP for mini2440. very usefull
Platform: | Size: 4940800 | Author: nguyen | Hits:


Description: Mini2440 Bsp for X35 Touchscreen .
Platform: | Size: 3884032 | Author: Ali | Hits:


Description: 基于MINI2440下的实时操作系统UCCOSII的各项外围BSP。-MINI2440-based real-time operating system UCCOSII under the external BSP.
Platform: | Size: 788480 | Author: 郑超 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringmini2440-bsp-en-090901

Description: Mini2440 bsp for qtopia
Platform: | Size: 5208064 | Author: SRIDI | Hits:


Description: 2440 bsp for vxworks 欢迎下载- 2440 bsp for vxworks welcome download
Platform: | Size: 1178624 | Author: sharp | Hits:

[Software EngineeringEmbedded.Linux

Description: For Embedded Linux user with pengutronics BSP for mini2440 and super 6410 Enjoy the Linux magic-For Embedded Linux user with pengutronics BSP for mini2440 and super 6410 Enjoy the Linux magic......
Platform: | Size: 2979840 | Author: magesh | Hits:


Description: 花了一天时间在MINI2440上编译VXWORKS BSP通过,在TQ2440 VxWorks基础上调通,原代码编译bootrom时有问题,发上来避免朋友们再走弯路。解压到config/s3c2440x下即可用-This is a vxworks bsp, which have been verified OK on MINI2440
Platform: | Size: 1126400 | Author: 何足道 | Hits:


Description: 这是在MINI2440上调通的vxworks BSP,网卡是CS8900(This is the VxWorks BSP on the MINI2440 pass. The network card is CS8900)
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 沙漠骆驼 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net