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这是一个居于2440的SPI通信实例,采用dma方式通信-2440 This is a living example of the SPI communications, using methods of communication dma
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : 庄辉

DNW - Windows XP serial terminal to FriendlyARM Mini/Micro2440 + USB loader. also check for Mini/Micro2440 windows XP USB driver.-DNW- Windows XP serial terminal to FriendlyARM Mini/Micro2440+ USB loader. also check for Mini/Micro2440 windows XP USB driver.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : pula

使用servfox 和spcaview架设嵌入式Linux视频服务器。采用servfox做为采集端,移植到arm板上编译执行。Spcaview直接make即可生成可执行文件spcaview。在开发板上servfox –d /dev/video0 –s 640x480 –w。在PC上,spcaview –w就可以看到摄像头采集来的图片。 -Use servfox and spcaview set up embedded Linux video server. As the acquisition by servfox end, ported to compile arm-board implementation. Spcaview can directly make an executable file spcaview. The development board servfox-d/dev/video0-s 640x480-w In the PC on, spcaview-w can see the camera to capture images.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 327kb Publisher : mini

Linux-内核在mini2440上的移植-mkdir bin boot dev etc home lib mnt proc root sbin sys tmp usr var www mkdir etc/init.d etc/rc.d etc/sysconfig mkdir usr/sbin usr/bin usr/lib usr/modules echo "make node in dev/console dev/null"
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.7mb Publisher : taoyi

1. 在linux2.6.30 -linux2.6.32 中通过ZC301摄像头使用WebCam开源项目:mjpg-streamer 2. 可以使用客户端软件viewer_client.exe测试,也可以在网页中使用IP地址或花生壳免费域名访问,不需要特别安装Java 补丁也可以浏览 3. 访问的端口号用7070 , 可以跳过电信对普通端口的限制 , 网页访问方式时用域名或IP :7070 /javascript_simple.html ( 或 javascript.html 等其它方式) 4. 无线网卡vnt6656 采用wlan_run脚本 在 /etc/init.d/rcS 文件中加载 5. 用start_uvc.sh脚本启动usb摄像头的视频传输-To implement cmos and usb camera video monitoring and video can be observed through the client software
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 987kb Publisher :
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