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全能MATLAB 可以运行多种功能,十分方便,界面清晰-Similarity measure and topology evolution of foreign exchange markets using dynamic time warping method: Evidence from minimal spanning tree
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23.39mb Publisher : 学习

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利用Matlab编写构造最小生成树的Prim算法,程序注释清晰,通俗易懂。-Minimal Spanning Tree-- Prim
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 39kb Publisher : wengfenghua

% 离散优化 % *enum - 枚举法 % *monte - 蒙特卡洛法 % *lpint (BranchBound)- 线性整数规划 % *L01p_e - 0-1整数规划枚举法 % *L01p_ie - 0-1整数规划隐枚举法 % *bnb18 - 非线性整数规划(在MATLAB5.3使用) % *bnbgui - 非线性整数规划图形工具(在MATLAB5.3使用) % *mintreek - 最小生成树kruskal算法 % *minroute - 最短路dijkstra算法 % *krusk - 最小生成树kruskal算法mex程序 % *dijkstra - 最短路dijkstra算法mex程序 % *dynprog - 动态规划(% Discrete Optimization % *enum - Enumeration % *monte - Monte Carlo method % *lpint (BranchBound) - Linear Integer Programming % *L01p_e - 0-1 integer plan enumeration % *L01p_ie - 0-1 Integer Programming Hidden Enumeration % *bnb18 - Non-linear integer programming (used in MATLAB 5.3) % *bnbgui - Non-linear integer programming graphics tool (used in MATLAB 5.3) % *mintreek - Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal Algorithm % *minroute - shortest dijkstra algorithm % *krusk - minimal spanning tree kruskal algorithm mex program % *dijkstra - shortest dijkstra algorithm mex program % *dynprog - Dynamic Planning)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 34kb Publisher : valen123
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