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Description: The main MIPS processor of SMP8630 comes with a JTAG interface, allowing:  access to caches and data bus (DRAM) with a bandwidth of about 200kbit/s  examining the processor state whatever the execution mode (monice)  connecting to monice using mdi-server and using a gdb client on the processor to step and break accurately whatever the execution mode  running semi-hosted applications  fl ash write tool  memory testing (MT command)  real-time traces: has not been built in CPU (Config3_TL=0) and only supported by MajicPLUS probes (maybe built into emulator?)
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 江海之舟 | Hits:


Description: innova card usip(mips 4ksd )usb,包括mass_storage和鼠标。 -innova card usip (mips 4ksd) usb, including mass_storage and mouse.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: ding | Hits:

[USB developopenocd-0.4.0

Description: openocd源码,是比较好的调试工具软件,支持wiggle调试arm,MIPS,也支持其他调试接口USB口的FT2232.协议采用GDB -openocd source, is a better debugging tools, support wiggle commissioning arm, MIPS, debugging interface also supports other USB port FT2232. Agreement with GDB
Platform: | Size: 2075648 | Author: 李立 | Hits:


Description: 本文介绍了一种调试工具。硬件上利用了商品化的低价设备,因为其电路极其简单,所以也完全可以自行制作。软件基于开放源码平台GNU的GDB调试程序,没有任何版权的问题,而且开放源码的特性使得功能的添加和修改完全自主可控,具有良好的可扩展性;另外其可移植性也比较好,理论上在任何 类UNIX平台上都能移植。此系统实际在linux和cygwin上都已能正常工作。-This paper presents a debugging tool. Use of commercial hardware, low-cost device, because the circuit is very simple, so it can produce their own. Platform based on open source software GNU' s GDB debugger, there is no copyright issue, but the features that make open source add and modify functions completely independent and controllable, with good scalability also its portability is relatively good, Theory on the UNIX platform in any class can be transplanted. This system actually have on linux and cygwin to work.
Platform: | Size: 1131520 | Author: 李立 | Hits:


Description: VMips,另一个MIPS系统的实现,当然了,这个是C版本,可以编译运行在大多数Unix系统上。VMips提供了一个完整的MIPS体系指令集合,同样,可以在这个环境下用gcc做交叉编译,用gdb作交叉开发和调试... -MIPS virtual machine
Platform: | Size: 1038336 | Author: sdssssds | Hits:

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