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用虚拟现实语言VRML编写的一个导弹模型以及飞行的虚拟场景!-using VRML preparation of a missile flight model and the virtual scene!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 57kb Publisher : 周晓尧

BTT导弹控制技术是当今导弹控制的一项新技术,相对于STT导弹控制技术来说,BTT有很多的优点。本论文基于线性控制系统理论中的特征结构配置和模型跟踪方法,提出了路棒控制的方法和可抑制抖动的多模型切换控制方法。有很好的借鉴意义。-BTT missile control technology is today's missile control of a new technology, Comparing with STT missile control technology, BTT many advantages. In this paper, based on the theory of linear control systems to the feature configuration and model tracking, Lu made the wand control of jitter and inhibited the multi-model switching control methods. A very good reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 592kb Publisher : 阳关

这是一个完整的missile test的源代码 ,覆盖了很多知识点,导弹三维模型, 3D模型的读取,整个程序的框架-This is a complete source code of the missile test, covering a lot of knowledge points, three-dimensional model of the missile, 3D model of the read, the whole process framework
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.18mb Publisher : 阮健

VRML编写的导弹模型,较简单,用于和其他小文件内联成大系统-VRML prepared missile model, relatively simple, and other small documents for inline systems at National Cheng Kung University
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 贾志明

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btt导弹六自由度仿真模型 所包含分模块结构清晰 内容充分 有助于自学-btt missile six degree of freedom simulation model contained in sub-module structure fully contribute to self-definition content
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 487kb Publisher : 胡小三

根据导弹仿真数据,绘制可直观显示弹道特性的理想弹道曲线。给出了比例导引法的差分方程,建立了 比例导引法的三维弹道仿真模型。在对比例导引法进行三维弹道仿真的基础上,分别对增量比例导引、基于二次 型的最优制导律和考虑动态特性的二次型最优制导律进行了三维弹道仿真,绘制出了可直观显示弹道特性的理想 弹道,计算了导弹与目标的遭遇时间,并对结果进行了比较分析。最后得出考虑弹体动态特性的二次型最优制导 律具有最优性。-According to the missile simulation data, mapping can be visual display characteristics of an ideal ballistic ballistic curve. Proportional navigation law gives the differential equation, proportional navigation law established a three-dimensional trajectory simulation model. Proportional navigation in the three-dimensional trajectory simulation method, based on the respective proportion of the incremental guidance, based on quadratic optimal guidance law and consider the dynamic characteristics of quadratic optimal guidance law for a three-dimensional trajectory simulation, rendering a visual display may be the ideal ballistic trajectory characteristics, calculated the missile with the target
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 185kb Publisher : 特步

运用Matlab仿真导弹六自由度仿真模型,有用-The use of Matlab simulation six degrees of freedom missile simulation model, useful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : 韩磊

用Simulink工具箱,对导弹仿真模型进行了模块化设计,条理清晰,信息流流向明确,具有很好 的可视化效果,增加了模块的可移植性。最后在一定条件下仿真得出了弹道及部分参数的变化结果,结果已经得到初步验证。 -Using Simulink toolbox, the missile simulation model modular design, the clarity of the information flow the flow of clear, with good visualization to increase the portability of the module. Finally, under certain conditions, the trajectory simulation obtained and some parameters of changes in the results of preliminary verification results have been.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 237kb Publisher : 李恒

提出了基于MATLAB/Simulink的导弹三通道弹道动力学模型仿真方法。分析了运动受力情况,给出导弹空间六自由度运动动力 学模型,对在某初始条件下的三通道弹道进行了仿真和分析,结果很好地反映了弹道特点,证明该仿真方法有效可行。-Based on MATLAB/Simulink ballistic missile dynamic model of three-channel simulation method. Analysis of the movement by force, is given a missile in space dynamic model of six degrees of freedom movement, the initial conditions in a three-channel under the ballistic simulation and analysis, the results well reflect the ballistic characteristics of the simulation method proved effective feasible.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 137kb Publisher : 李恒

对于导弹控制的入门者,这是本很好的工具书。该书详细地描述了导弹的模型的建立,制导方式和控制原理等等。-For the missile control entry, which is a good instrument of this book. The book describes in detail the model set up of missiles, guided mode and control theory and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.47mb Publisher : 刘慧

针对助推- 滑翔导弹的弹道优化问题,给出了一种求解其最大射程弹道的分段优化方法,建立了其 纵平面运动模型和弹道优化模型。在考虑攻角绝对值、攻角变化率、法向过载、分离点攻角衔接及落地条件等约束 下,应用序列二次规划法求解了其最大射程弹道。分析表明,助推- 滑翔导弹比传统弹道导弹射程显著提高,其最 优弹道的起伏有助于增大射程和提高突防能力-For booster- Optimize glider ballistic missile problem, give a maximum range of its ballistic solution of the sub-optimization method, set up the vertical plane motion model and optimization model of trajectory. In considering the absolute angle of attack, the rate of change of angle of attack, normal load, the separation point of convergence and the arrival angle of attack constraint conditions, the application of sequential quadratic programming method to solve a maximum range of its ballistic. Analysis showed that propelled- gliding range ballistic missile than the traditional significantly improve, the optimal trajectory of the ups and downs will help increase the range and ability to enhance penetration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 373kb Publisher : 王敏

本程序的开发环境为MATLAB6.5版本,所编程序须在此环境下运行。由于气动模型的离散性,且采用了许多工程计算经验公式和实验数据,所以在编程时会比较繁杂,为了使程序读起来方便清晰,在编制程序时采用了如下的思路: 考虑到程序的一般结构,这里将气动计算系统分为三大模块:输入模块、气动计算模块以及结果输出模块。考虑到本系统的特殊性,又将输入模块划分为初始数据输入模块、导弹外形参数模块以及插值数据库模块,并采用M文件格式编制;气动计算模块则采用了子系统的结构形式,并用Simulink 模块编制;结果输出模块则是采用M文件的形式将气动计算模块得到的结果输出到工作区间并将数据结果绘制成曲线。最后,为了运行的方便,编制了一个名为Start_file.m的M文件,按流程依次调用编写的所有程序,在运行此程序时,只需将所有程序加载于“Current Directory”指定的文件夹中(即路径的设定),并在“Command Window”中输入“Start_file”即可。 (导弹气动计算程序)-This procedure for the development environment MATLAB6.5 version, the proceedings shall be made to run in this environment. Due to the discreteness of the aerodynamic model, and used a lot of experience in engineering calculation formula and experimental data, it would be more complicated programming, in order to facilitate a clear reading procedure, the procedure used in the preparation of the following ideas: Procedures, taking into account the general structure of computing systems here will be divided into three pneumatic modules: input module, pneumatic calculation module, as well as the results of the output module. Taking into account the specificity of the system, will enter the module is divided into the initial data input module, the missile shape parameter interpolation module and database module, and the use of M file format aerodynamic calculation module uses the structure subsystem, and the preparation of Simulink module the results of output module is used in the for
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 100kb Publisher : 刘成

我这有几篇文章,是关于导弹建模的,主要适用simulink建模并仿真,希望对大家有所帮助。-I have several articles, on the missile model, the main application of simulink modeling and simulation, we hope to be helpful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.95mb Publisher : 选会

用比例导引法进行拦截弹针对机动目标的弹道仿真,仿真是基于三维模型。-Proportional navigation method used to intercept ballistic missile targets for motor simulation, simulation is based on three-dimensional model.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 康凯

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bayesian network is a probablistic model,used for various applications like satellite tracking,missile tracking and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.57mb Publisher : schumacher

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采用Creator 和Vega 平台以及Simulink仿真开发工具对空面导弹的飞行视景仿真技术进行了研究。提出了一种空面导弹飞行视景仿真系统的体系构架,利用获取的DED真实地形数据,通过Creator建立大地形三维模型;借助VC/MFC开发平台,实现了Simulink数字仿真系统与视景仿真的通信;在Vega中实现视景仿真系统的软件开发调试。仿真结果表明,该系统能够为空面武器系统研制阶段的参数优化和效能评估提供有效的验证平台。-Creator and Vega used Simulink simulation platform and development tools, face-to-air missile flight visual simulation technology was studied. A blank surface missile flight visual simulation system architecture, use the DED for real terrain data, terrain through the Creator to establish a large three-dimensional model with VC/MFC development platform, digital simulation implemented Simulink and Visual Simulation System communications in Vega to achieve visual simulation system software development and debugging. Simulation results show that the system can be empty surface weapon system development phase of the parameter optimization and performance evaluation of an effective verification platform.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : robert

导弹的三维模型 需要专门的googlesketchup软件打开 可以转换成3DS文件使用-The three-dimensional model of the missile googlesketchup requires specialized software to open 3DS files can be converted to use
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 278kb Publisher : wudi

用matlab/simulink搭建的六自由度无控弹道导弹模型,用来仿真在不加控制力作用下弹道导弹的飞行轨迹,simulink模型用RTW很方便转换成c/c++,适合飞行控制专业的新手学习,有问题请留言。-Using matlab/simulink to build the six degrees of freedom without controlled ballistic missile model is used to simulate the flight trajectory, in uncontrolled force of ballistic missile flight control, suitable for beginners to professional learning, have any questions please leave a message.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : 周胜俞

在matlab中编出的BTT导弹六自由度模型,可以参考-BTT six-DOF missile model
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 608kb Publisher : 韩苏

air-to-ground missile model
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 127kb Publisher : 张一凡
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