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Description: 非常好,非常有名的求解线性规划和混合整型规划的源代码,用c语言编写,作者M. Berkelaar-very good, very well-known for linear programming and mixed-integer planning the source code, using the c language, the author M. Berkelaar
Platform: | Size: 315022 | Author: 雷锋 | Hits:

[SourceCodeLinear Mixed Integer Program Solver

Description: Linear Mixed Integer Program Solver 线性混合整数规划工具箱
Platform: | Size: 9301 | Author: sxgywjj2009 | Hits:


Description: 非常好,非常有名的求解线性规划和混合整型规划的源代码,用c语言编写,作者M. Berkelaar-very good, very well-known for linear programming and mixed-integer planning the source code, using the c language, the author M. Berkelaar
Platform: | Size: 314368 | Author: 雷锋 | Hits:


Description: matlab 7.0 以上版本提供了强大的优化工具箱,但在整数规划方面,只提供了bintprog()这个m文件以求解0-1整数规划,而对于一般的整数规划模型没有具体的算法提供。我们一般情况只是用最简单的分值定界思想编写matlab程序求解整数规划问题,但效率低下,如何利用求解整数规划的先进算法编写matlab程序提上日程,香港大学的李端和复旦大学编写的《Nonlinear Integer Programming》(非线性整数规划)为编写解决整数规划问题提供强大有效的算法,其中算法针对具体问题包括: lagrangian 对偶问题 代理对偶问题 非线性lagrangian 和强对偶问题 非线性背包问题 可分解的整数规划问题 二次目标函数的整数规划问题 非约束的0-1多项式规划问题 约束的 0-1多项式规划问题 混合整数非线性规划问题 -In spite of shortcoming of matlab 7.0 that it can t provide the toolbox in order to dealing with general integer programming problem, therefore, we need goog algorithm to write matlab code to solve general integer programming, in 2006, Li duan from Hongkong university and Sun xiaoling from Fudan university proposed a book named Nonlinear Integer programming, and it include the problems as follows: lagrangian duality problem surrogate duality problem nonlinear lagrangian problem nonlinear knapsack problem nonlinear integer programming with a quadratic objective functions nonconstrained polynomial 0-1 optimization constrained polynomial 0-1 programming mixed-integer nonlinear programming
Platform: | Size: 13763584 | Author: feimaxiao | Hits:


Description: 非线性整数规划算法,求解非线性整数规划活混合规划问题,常用的算法是分枝定界算法。基于该算法编成的现成函数bnb20()-Nonlinear integer programming algorithm for solving nonlinear mixed integer programming live planning problem, commonly used algorithms are branch-and-bound algorithm. Based on the algorithm into off-the-shelf function bnb20 ()
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: wangjunxia | Hits:


Description: 利用分支定届算法实现线性混合整数规划模型的求解(MATLAB代码)- using branch algorithm to solve the mixed integer linear programming model (MATLAB code)
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: Lizzer Wee | Hits:

[Energy industryMIP

Description: 运用分支定界法求解混合整数线性规划,可用于求解电力系统机组组合问题- solving mixed integer linear programming branch and bound method ,and the program can solve unit commitment problem
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 苏济归 | Hits:


Description: Lingo是最优化问题的一种建模语言,包括许多常用的函数可供使用者建立优化模型时调用,并提供与其他数据文件(如文本文件、Excel电子表格文件、数据库文件等)的接口,易于方便地输入、求解和分析大规模最优化问题。   由于这些特点,Lindo系统公司的线性、非线性和整数规划求解程序已经被全世界数千万的公司用来做最大化利润和最小化成本的分析。应用的范围包含生产线规划、运输、财务金融、投资分配、资本预算、混合排程、库存管理、资源配置等等... -Lingo is a kind of optimization problem modeling language, including many commonly used functions available for users to create optimized model call, and provide other data files (such as a text file, Excel spreadsheet files, database files, etc.) interface, easy easy to enter, solving and analyzing large-scale optimization problem. As a result of these characteristics, Lindo Systems, Inc. linear, nonlinear and integer programming solver has been the company tens of millions around the world used to maximize profit and minimize the cost of analysis. The scope of application include production line planning, transport, finance finance, investment allocation, capital budgeting, mixed scheduling, inventory management, resource allocation and so on ...
Platform: | Size: 317440 | Author: huierqing | Hits:


Description: 通常matlab不能进行整数规划,现一款混合整数的线形规划matlab m文件-Matlab usually can not be integer programming, are a mixed-integer linear programming matlab m file
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李大峡 | Hits:


Description: Mixed integer linear programming source code
Platform: | Size: 9540608 | Author: park sang yoon | Hits:


Description: 用带线性松驰的分支定界算法求解混合整数线性规划问题的软件系统源代码-MINTO is a software system that solves mixed-integer linear programs by a branch-and-bound algorithm with linear programming relaxations.
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: 王鹏 | Hits:


Description: 整数规划mixed-integer linear programming problem-mixed-integer linear programming problem
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 谭文 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringA-multi-stage-vendor-selection-mixed-integer-progr

Description: 一种多阶段供应商选择的混合整数规划模型A multi-stage vendor selection mixed integer programming model-A multi-stage vendor selection mixed integer programming model
Platform: | Size: 133120 | Author: zhejiang001 | Hits:

[Special EffectsMixed-integer-transform-ased-on-high-capacity

Description: 基于混合整数变换的高容量可逆数字水印Mixed-integer transform based on high-capacity reversible watermarking-Mixed-integer transform based on high-capacity reversible watermarking
Platform: | Size: 388096 | Author: what1586 | Hits:


Description: 混合整数非线性规划中的BNB20的源码资料,源码中包含了和实数寻优函数fmincon的对比-Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming “BNB20” source of information, source code contains a real number and contrast optimization function “fmincon”
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 姚明 | Hits:


Description: 分支界定实现源程序,本程序用C语言实现,故依据C语言的语法,数字0表示甲城市,数字49表示乙城市.-This is a software system that solves mixed-integer linear programs by a branch-and-bound algorithm with linear programming relaxations.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: donkey2 | Hits:


Description: 处理混合整数规划问题,可以方便计算整数规划问题-Handle mixed integer programming problem
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: 卢飞鹏 | Hits:


Description: Optimal Component Selection Using Mixed-Integer Genetic Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 150528 | Author: Morteza | Hits:


Description: Linear Mixed Integer Program Solver
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: amir | Hits:


Description: 本书是The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications系列的一本,由Springer-Verlag发表,用于交流每年数学规划算法方面的新成果,希望对于广泛的科学团体有帮助。 许多工程,运筹,和科学应用包括离散或连续的决策变量,以及这些决策变量的非线性关系。这种 Mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP,混合整数非线性规划),兼具来自非线性问题的非凸函数优化,以及来自整数的离散优化,这两方面的挑战。这种问题是优化问题里面建模最灵活的类型之一,但是因为它范围极广,在最一般的情况下,它是几乎无法解的。然而,日渐壮大的研究者和程序员队伍,包括化学工程,运筹研究者,工业工程师,机械工程师,经济学家,统计学家,计算机科学家,运营经理,和数学程序员,都对求解大规模MINLP问题产生兴趣。-Many engineering, operations, and scientific applications include a mixture of discrete and continuous decision variables and nonlinear relationships involving the decision variables that have a pronounced effect on the set of feasible and optimal solutions. Mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems combine the numerical difficulties of handling nonlinear functions with the challenge of optimizing in the context of nonconvex functions and discrete variables. MINLP is one of the most flexible modeling paradigms available for optimization but because its scope is so broad, in the most general cases it is hopelessly intractable. Nonetheless, an expanding body of researchers and practitioners ― including chemical engineers, operations researchers, industrial engineers, mechanical engineers, economists, statisticians, computer scientists, operations managers, and mathematical programmers ― are interested in solving large-scale MINLP instances.
Platform: | Size: 6852608 | Author: equalization | Hits:
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