Description: Matlab 下 BP 神经网络的举例及详细说明。美国大学的一个实验。 虽然是 PDF文件,但程序可以直接粘贴下来运行。-The process to train and test a designed MLP neural network :
1) We make training patterns and test patterns.
2) A network architecture should be defined by newff MATLAB function with the
number of layers, neurons and transfer functions.
3) The defined neural network architecture is trained by train MATLAB function with
input patterns and training parameters.
4) We can easily check the result by using a sim MATLAB function.
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Size: 100352 |
Author:zhulz |
Description: 作者采用具有高度非线性识别能力的人工神经网络与遗传算法相结合的方法,探讨了建立智能预报模型的基本方法,进一步对如何提高预报精度的问题进行了研究,并结合黄河洪水预报实例检验了神经网络模型的可行性。-The author used to identify the capacity of highly non-linear artificial neural network combining with genetic algorithm approach to explore the establishment of intelligent prediction model of the basic ways to further improve the forecast accuracy of how the issues of research and examples of combination of the Yellow River flood forecasting tests the feasibility of neural network model. Platform: |
Size: 101376 |
Author:Eason.Yuan |
Description: this MLP project in Neural Network that have userinterface. run GUI.m to execute project -this is MLP project in Neural Network that have userinterface. run GUI.m to execute project Platform: |
Size: 24576 |
Author:autstudent |
Description: wavelet network (wavelet function as activation function of the nodes of the hiden layer of the neural network , MLP) can be used for classification Platform: |
Size: 86016 |
Author:redouane |
Description: Online identify the plant dynamic by using intelligent architectures here using MLP architecture neural network for the plant. Platform: |
Size: 83968 |
Author:bui hai linh |
Description: 几种常见的神经网络的matlab实现,包括BP网络,RBF网络,MLP网络,线性网络。-Several common neural network matlab implementation, including the BP network, RBF network, the MLP networks, linear networks. Platform: |
Size: 4096 |
Author:liuwei |
Description: this MLP neural network code in Matlab for implementing multiplication.-this is MLP neural network code in Matlab for implementing multiplication. Platform: |
Size: 148480 |
Author:am |