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Update : 2010-09-25 Size : 622.08kb Publisher :

STM32 Cortex-M3下uCOS-II 2.88的最新版移植,包含uC-OSView GPS uCFS SD MMC驱动-STM32 Cortex-M3 under uCOS-II 2.88 of the latest version of transplantation, including uC-OSView GPS uCFS SD MMC driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : yuangaoping

实现了FATFS+SDHC+SD2.0+SD1.1+Shell+DataFlash。这样功能整合网上绝对没有。大约20 的代码是出自本人。 操作方法: 上电后,发字符串!s0! 进入dataflash shell模式,发字符串close则退出shell模式 发字符串!s1! 进入SD卡shell 模式,发字符串close则退出shell模式 支持MMC(没测试),SD1.0 SD2.0(普通与SDHC) 源码已经在Keil4中运行过,基于STM32F103平台 源码很多是基于网上的资料。感谢各位辛勤的开源大侠。-Achieved FATFS+ SDHC+ SD2.0+ SD1.1+ Shell+ DataFlash. This functional integration is absolutely no line. About 20 of the code is from himself. Operation method: After power-on, hair string! S0! Enter dataflash shell model, made out of shell pattern string close the hair string! S1! Into the SD card shell model, made a string out of shell mode support close the MMC (not test), SD1.0 SD2.0 (ordinary and SDHC) source has been Keil4 run-off, based on STM32F103 source platform is based on a lot of online information. Thank you for the hard open-source heroes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.52mb Publisher : BertonHe

DL : 0
stm32 sd driver stm3210X sd/mmc卡驱动程序代码,真的很好用啊-stm32 sd driver stm3210X sd/mmc card driver code, is actually pretty good ah
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : lion

STM32-P103 board is development board which allow exploring the complete features of the new ARM Cortex M3 STM32F103RBT6 microcontrollers produced by ST Microelectronics Inc. The board have SD/MMC card connector and allow USB Mass storage device demo to be evaluated. The RS232 driver and connector allow USB to Virtual COM port demo to be evaluated. The CAN port and driver allow CAN applications to be developed. The UXT connector allow access to all other UEXT modules produced by OLIMEX like MOD-MP3, MOD-NRF24LR, MOD-NOKIA6610 etc to be connected easily. In the prototype area customer can solder his own custom circuits and to interface them to USB, CAN, RS232 etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : Nguyen Van Huy

STM32通过SPI方式对MMC或SD卡的读写程序-STM32 way through the SPI MMC or SD card reader program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.01mb Publisher : keyin

stm32读写mmc卡 讲的比较详细 而且有程序-stm32 read and write mmc card speak more detailed procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 284kb Publisher : vctest

STM32 F207 under uCOS-II 2.92, including uC/TCP-IP 1.91 uCFS SD MMC driver, telnet tftp demo apps C-C-STM32 F207 under uCOS-II 2.92, including uC/TCP-IP 1.91 uCFS SD MMC driver, telnet tftp demo apps C-C++
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.97mb Publisher : Anton

STM32 mmc microcontroller flasher tool
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : mahatma
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