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[Multimedia programSTMidiBrower

Description: Midi浏览器 V2.20 --以Freeware的Digital Disk Joke为范本模仿的Midi播放软件。 for VB6,使用MMControl的图形介面MIDI播放程序,能挑选你想要听的Midi放在清单里一首接着一首的播放。 可以连续播放数千首MIDI音乐、可随机播放。 2.20版改掉第一版的小毛病,并且改成图形按钮。 -Midi V2.20 browser -- Freeware Digital Disk J oke as the model to imitate Midi player software. For VB6, MMControl use graphical interface MIDI player. select what you want to hear Midi on the list, followed by a one player. Continuous playback thousands of MIDI music, random players. 2.20 version of the first edition of modifying the minor ailments, as well as into graphics buttons.
Platform: | Size: 28486 | Author: 王明仁 | Hits:

[Multimedia programMFC_MMControl

Description: MMControl播放器,比较原始,只能播放有限的集中格式。-MMControl players, primitive and only played a limited focus format.
Platform: | Size: 38110 | Author: 孙韩 | Hits:

[Multimedia programplayermm

Description: 使用MMControl控件设计一个多媒体播放器,它能够播放WAV、MIDI和AVI文件。-use MMControl control design a multimedia player, it can play WAV, MIDI and AVI file.
Platform: | Size: 1011 | Author: 王昊 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developplayermm

Description: 使用MMControl控件设计一个多媒体播放器,它能够播放WAV、MIDI和AVI文件。-use MMControl control design a multimedia player, it can play WAV, MIDI and AVI file.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王昊 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopSTMidiBrower

Description: Midi浏览器 V2.20 --以Freeware的Digital Disk Joke为范本模仿的Midi播放软件。 for VB6,使用MMControl的图形介面MIDI播放程序,能挑选你想要听的Midi放在清单里一首接着一首的播放。 可以连续播放数千首MIDI音乐、可随机播放。 2.20版改掉第一版的小毛病,并且改成图形按钮。 -Midi V2.20 browser-- Freeware Digital Disk J oke as the model to imitate Midi player software. For VB6, MMControl use graphical interface MIDI player. select what you want to hear Midi on the list, followed by a one player. Continuous playback thousands of MIDI music, random players. 2.20 version of the first edition of modifying the minor ailments, as well as into graphics buttons.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 王明仁 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopMFC_MMControl

Description: MMControl播放器,比较原始,只能播放有限的集中格式。-MMControl players, primitive and only played a limited focus format.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 孙韩 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVBshejijuli

Description: 内含多个多媒体设计实例,百叶窗 打字游戏(菜单) MMcontrol的用法 mediaplayer控件的用法 屏幕图像的捕捉 图像的滤镜效果 真彩色画图板 等等,很多,自己看看吧。-Contains a number of multimedia design example, blinds typing games (menu) MMcontrol use mediaplayer control the usage of the screen image capture image filter effects True Color drawing board and so on, a lot of you could see for himself.
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: 张一 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopSmallCalculator

Description: 一个会发出声音并支持键盘操作的计算器,通过调用API和MMControl控件实现-A calculator that could tell and support keyborad operation
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: 刘明 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVB.code.development.MMControl.Control.Play.Set

Description: VB开发MMControl控件播放设置代码VB code development MMControl Control Play Set -VB code development MMControl Control Play Set
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: w | Hits:

[Multimedia Develop200481420302380

Description: 1、作品名称:蓝霞家庭音乐视听系统6.0 2、作品说明: 用VB写了个VCD播放系统,用的是mmcontrol控件,和解霸差不多啦!!!(有点吹牛)不过的确有好多多媒体编程方法什得学习,我可是写了近一个学期呀! 3、作者: 华北电力大学2000-4号信箱(071003) 4、作者Email:zxzxq8402@sina.com -1 Title: Blue Ha music video home system 6.0 2, Description: The VB wrote a VCD playback system, using a mmcontrol control, and Jieba about it! ! ! (A little bragging) but does have a lot of multimedia programming even have to learn, I m almost a semester to write it! 3, of: North China Electric Power University, PO Box 2000-4 (071003) 4, the author Email: zxzxq8402@sina.com
Platform: | Size: 468992 | Author: swf | Hits:

[Button controlExample140

Description: vc MMControl控件播放多媒体 的程序源码,感兴趣的可以参考下-vc MMControl control playback multimedia program source code, can refer interested
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: | Hits:

[Audio programspeechwatermark

Description: 程序对音频文件的播放,暂停,停止等功能,调用控件MMcontrol,即多媒体控件,程序简单,界面简洁-Program for audio file playback, pause, stop and other functions, call control MMcontrol, the multimedia controls, the program is simple, clean interface
Platform: | Size: 18333696 | Author: 清钱 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopMultimedia-Sound-and-Video

Description: The Microsoft Multimedia Control, or MMControl, is a Visual Basic tool that plays media files. You will not find MMControl to be one of the default tools in your toolbox, but you can add it to your list of controls with the Components list. You can add MMControl so you can integrate audio or video files to your project. However, MMControl accepts only one file at a time, so if you want to create your own MP3 player, you will need to use an array to store your track list.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: volfield | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMMControlplayer

Description: 让VB初学者熟悉MMControl控件的使用方法,具体使用细节,代码编写技巧等,为您以后开发基于VisualBasic6.0的音视频播放器打下基矗它支持打开mp3/WAV等音频文件,可拖动控制按钮控制播放进度-Let VB beginners familiar with the use of MMControl controls, specific usage details, coding skills for your future development based on VisualBasic6.0 of audio and video player that supports open and lay a foundation. Mp3/WAV other audio files, you can drag the control buttons to control the playback progress
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wpudn13 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developmmcontrol

Description: vb使用mmcontrol控件实现麦克风录音放音测试小工具。不过录音没有实现降噪。-vb use mmcontrol microphone recording and playback controls to achieve test gadget. But the recording does not implement noise reduction.
Platform: | Size: 2684928 | Author: hkw | Hits:

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