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中国移动IVR开发范例,为青牛平台使用。现有的PSTN、PLMN、CATV、Internet等各种网络,有着不同的通信协议和媒体方式,融合通信平台构筑在现有的各种基础通信网络之上,在应用层屏蔽掉通信协议的差异,并实现统一的服务路由、统一的资源管理、计费管理、服务数据管理、认证服务、目录服务、内容管理等。通过融合通信平台可以实现信息发布、信息点播、电子商务、客户服务、市场营销、销售管理、资源管理、物流管理等多种增值服务。-China Mobile IVR development paradigm and cattle for the Green platform. The existing PSTN, PLMN, CATV, Internet and other networks have different communication protocols and the media, converged communications platform to build on the foundation of existing communications network, the application layer shielding swap communication protocol differences and achieve reunification of service routing, unified resource management, Billing management, data management services, authentication services, directory services, content management. Through converged communications platform to achieve release of information, information-on-demand, e-commerce, customer services, marketing, sales management, resource management, logistics management and other value-added services.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 106.89kb Publisher : zhao

中国移动IVR开发范例,为青牛平台使用。现有的PSTN、PLMN、CATV、Internet等各种网络,有着不同的通信协议和媒体方式,融合通信平台构筑在现有的各种基础通信网络之上,在应用层屏蔽掉通信协议的差异,并实现统一的服务路由、统一的资源管理、计费管理、服务数据管理、认证服务、目录服务、内容管理等。通过融合通信平台可以实现信息发布、信息点播、电子商务、客户服务、市场营销、销售管理、资源管理、物流管理等多种增值服务。-China Mobile IVR development paradigm and cattle for the Green platform. The existing PSTN, PLMN, CATV, Internet and other networks have different communication protocols and the media, converged communications platform to build on the foundation of existing communications network, the application layer shielding swap communication protocol differences and achieve reunification of service routing, unified resource management, Billing management, data management services, authentication services, directory services, content management. Through converged communications platform to achieve release of information, information-on-demand, e-commerce, customer services, marketing, sales management, resource management, logistics management and other value-added services.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 107kb Publisher : zhao

国产简体中文版专业通过Baidu.COM引擎快速搜集大量目标城市和行业的公司企业客户手机号码的手机号码 搜索软件工具。Baidu.COM中收录了全世界的中文公司企业网页,输入与手机号码相关的字符即可检索到大量的手机号码,而且这些号码都是活跃的、有效的,具有极高的市场营销价值。软件通过一次性导入上千个检索关键词列表,自动搜索和提取手机号码,自动纠正错误的手机号码。它可以全天候24小时无人值守工作,是一个真正的手机号码搜索机器人,为您通过手机短讯营销方式推销或采购产品助一臂之力。搜索到的号码可以保存为一行一个手机号码的文本文件,该文件可以直接被配套的新狐手机发送软件导入后点击发送按钮即自动连续发送出去。本软件是服务型企业、广告主、展览商不可多得的一款新时代市场营销制胜法宝。 (这是一个公司对他们产品的宣传,我自己也做了这样一个类似的软件来开源)-homemade English version of the professional rapid adoption Baidu.COM engines collect a large number of target cities and industries Corporate customers phone numbers phone number search software tools. Baidu.COM which includes the world's Chinese website companies, Input and phone numbers of characters can be retrieved a large number of phone numbers, but these numbers are active. effective, high marketing value. Through a one-time software into more than 1,000 key words list, automatically search and extract phone numbers, automatically correcting erroneous phone number. It's all-weather, 24-hour unattended, is a real phone number search robots, for your phone through SMS marketing methods to sell or purchase products help. Search the numbers can be saved as his phone number to a
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 398kb Publisher : 肖滔

DL : 0
一个使用.net2005编写的手机销售系统的小 程序,SQL相关文件都已放于文件中(无数据库).使现手机销售以及信息查询等功能.-A use. Net2005 prepared mobile marketing system of small procedures, SQL-related documents have been put in the paper (no database). So that the existing mobile phone sales and information inquiries and other functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 238kb Publisher : 田园

沈杰 华为技术有限公司 移动产品行销 WCDMA产品拓展部 3G培训教程-Shen Jie Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. WCDMA mobile product marketing 3G Product Development Training Course
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 658kb Publisher : liuyang

本程序可查指定手机号码的归属地,是通过获取IP138上的数据。把上面的所有广告信息全部出除了。 为了支持原创,请保留该处注释,谢谢! 作者:下载摆渡 上百度 下摆渡,摆资料 渡难关 下载摆渡 超过10万的海量信息与知识,并以日增数千的速度递增; 包罗万象的资讯类别,提供管理、营销、教育、专题等无限数据; 本站PR=3 本站愿与同类网站做友情连接 QQ:174322509-This procedure can be found on the attribution of the designated mobile phone number, it is through access to data on IP138. The above information on all advertising except all out. In order to support the original, please preserve the notes, thank you! Author: download ferry on the ferry the next Baidu, to tide over the crisis facing the information downloaded more than 100,000 ferry mass of information and knowledge, and increasing the speed of thousands of incremental all-inclusive category of information, provide management , marketing, education, topics such as infinite data site PR = 3 site is willing to work with to do the same Web site Link QQ: 174322509
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : yuanxl

移动通信作为一个科技密集型和知识密集型的高新技术产业,在现代市场经济条件下,在竞争空间日趋激烈和社会信息化发展趋势下,必须十分重视市场营销管理,重视市场营销管理体系建设。要充分根据市场需求的现状与趋势,制定计划,合理有效配置资源。通过有效地满足市场需求,来赢得竞争优势,在加快市场营销步伐的同时,努力建立和完善移动通信市场营销管理体系,以不断适应新的发展形势需要。-Mobile communications as a technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive high-tech industry, in a modern market economy, in the increasingly fierce competition in space and social development trend of information technology, we must attach great importance to marketing management, attention to marketing management system. We should fully in accordance with market demand status and trends, planning, rational and effective allocation of resources. Through effective to meet the market demand, to gain a competitive advantage in marketing to accelerate the pace at the same time, efforts to establish and improve the marketing of mobile communication management system to continuously adapt to the new developments needs.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 宋静

DL : 0
目前,中国移动江苏公司南通分公司的用户数量已经超过230万,随着用户规模的日益扩大,公司回报社会、回馈用户的营销活动也越来越频繁,每次营销活动都必然涉及到一定的物品,如购物券、油、酒等等。由于办理营销活动的营业厅分布广、地点多,营销物品的品种多、数量大,因此要花费很大的代价来进行营销物资管理。-At present, China Mobile Jiangsu Nantong branch of the company has more than 2.3 million users, with increasing the size of the user, the company back to society, back the user s marketing activities have become increasingly frequent, each marketing campaign will inevitably involve a certain degree of items such as coupons, oil, wine and so on. As the marketing activities of the business hall handle wide distribution, location and more variety of marketing materials and large quantities, so take a high price to carry out marketing materials management.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.9mb Publisher : zhangchh

移动彩铃营销平台的架构文档,使用统一过程语言、RUP等建模,可供参考-Mobile ring tones marketing platform architecture document, available for reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 76kb Publisher : 小山

一个简单但完善的手机销售系统,实现按品牌,价位搜索,适合初学者-A simple but complete mobile marketing system to achieve by brand, price search, suitable for beginners
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher :

手机销售信息管理系统的设计与开发,从根本上解决整个商品销售流程中数据处理效率低,处理能力差等操作过程中表现出来的不足之处。方便对商品资料、销售业绩等进行高效的管理。使用该程序,管理层可以及时查询、管理商品,还可以对当前销售业绩进行一些统计,给出统计表格,以便全面掌握商品的销售情况。(一个完整的手机销售系统,内含说明文档,课程设计报告)-Mobile phone sales information management system design and development, a fundamental solution to the merchandise sales data processing process inefficient, poor capacity during the operation shown deficiencies. Facilitate product information, sales performance for efficient management. Use the program, check in time management, management of goods, but also some of the current sales statistics, statistical tables are given in order to have complete control of the sale of goods. (A complete mobile marketing system that includes documentation, curriculum design report)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.1mb Publisher : 张鑫

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手机网上销售网站管理系统源码,手机数码产品网上专卖店网站管理系统源码正式版,由致力于手机网上销售网站管理系统源码-Mobile Internet marketing website management system source code, mobile digital products online store website management system source code official version, the website dedicated to mobile phones online sales management system source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.37mb Publisher : 刘元宝

手机销售系统 是一个简单销售系统 是纯C语言写的 -Mobile sales system is a simple marketing system is written in pure C
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 383kb Publisher : hzboytty

DL : 1
手机商店系统是个典型的基于电子商务的网络销售系统,它可以为现代手机销售行业提供比较方便销售方式。该系统的开发平台是基于SUN公司的MyEclipse,后台数据库开发是使用Mysql数据库作为开发工具,前台使用的JSP作为开发平台,并且结合Struts技术,在老师的指导下完成整个系统的开发。 本文以Jsp+JavaBean技术实现了网上手机商店系统开发与测试。 -Phone system is a typical store-based e-commerce network marketing system, which can sell for a modern mobile phone industry with sales of more convenient way. The system s development platform is based on SUN s MyEclipse, the background is to use Mysql database development database as a development tool, the future use as a development platform for JSP and Struts combination of technology, under the guidance of the teacher to complete the development of the whole system. In this paper, Jsp+ JavaBean technology to achieve a dynamic on-line book system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.56mb Publisher : grayfantasy

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基于JSP的手机销售系统 环境 myeclipse 8.5+sql server2005/2008-JSP-based mobile marketing system environment myeclipse 8.5+sql server2005/2008
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.63mb Publisher : 花笑野

晓风彩票代购合买管理系统v5.0版_彩票代购合买系统源码下载 晓风彩票网站源码由深圳英迈思文化科技有限公司独立开发的,完全拥有源码自主专利权,是国内彩票网站系统中彩种最全、开奖彩种最全、走势图表最全、玩法最全、功能最强大的彩票合买代购软件代码。晓风彩票网站源码基于晓风自主研发的全新数据通信架构,融合社交分享体验、网罗移动购彩群体、突出专家专业荐号等热点,助力彩票推广难题。 晓风彩票代购合买系统彩种齐全,CPS推广、社交分享、API扩展一应俱全,是行业选择的一个绝佳彩票网站。晓风彩票代购合买网站标配25种彩票玩法,支持彩票类型最多高达79种,没有你买不到的彩票类型,只有你想不到的彩票玩法。轻松一键下载晓风代购合买网站源码,马上获得这种体验,让多彩的生活更加绚丽。 想了解更多到官网查询: together to buy lottery purchasing management system v5.0 version _ together to buy lottery ticket purchasing system source code download Xiaofeng Lottery website source by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Co., Ltd. English Smythe culture developed independently, complete with source independent franchise, is the lottery system Lottery Web site of the most complete, the most comprehensive lottery lottery, trend charts the most complete, the most complete gameplay , the most powerful purchasing software code together to buy lottery tickets. Xiaofeng Xiaofeng lottery website source based independent research and development of the new data communications architecture, the integration of social sharing experience, the quest for mobile lottery groups, highlighting the recommended number of professional experts and other hot spots, booster lottery marketing problems. Xiaofeng purchasing together to buy lottery lottery system is complete, CPS promotion, social sharing, API
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.44mb Publisher : 灵星雨

NITC企业智能营销系统V4.0是由杭州梁杉科技有限公司于2013年12月份上线的最新产品。系统建于2008年,由多位资深网站设计师与SEM整合营销大师倾力打造,截止目前均有10多年网络经验。该产品经历无数中小企业营销需求,不断完善,实属经典之作,国内屈指可数。 一、系统具备“企业自助建站、SEO优化、在线购物、手机网站”四合一功能。 二、专注用户体验度,系统的框架结构、操作界面由国内顶尖设计师精心设计。 三、拥有先进的企业自助建站功能,网站栏目及内容全部可后台控制。几乎可满足98 以上的企业建站需求。 Tags: NITC 企业智能营销系统-Intelligent NITC enterprise marketing system V4.0 is on the line from Hangzhou Liang Shan Technology Co., Ltd. in 2013 December to the latest products. The system was built in 2008, built by a number of senior web designer and SEM integration marketing master Qingli, up to now have 10 years of experience in network. The product through countless small and medium enterprises marketing demand, continuous improvement, it is classic, China can be counted on one s fingers. One, system with "company website, SEO optimization, online shopping, mobile phone website" four in one function. Two, focus on the user experience, the frame structure of the system, the operation interface of the nation s leading designer. Three, advanced company website, website and content all background control. Almost can meet the needs of more than 98 enterprises website. Tags: NITC enterprise intelligent marketing system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.66mb Publisher : 冰雪

近年来,随着科技和网络不断进步和普及,智能手机已经成为网络时代的寻常之物,随之而来的移动终端也进入人们 的视野,人们在使用手机时下载的app 不尽相同,那么app 开发后如何营销获得市场成为运营商必须面对的一大问题,本文主要 通过宏观分析app 营销的发展状况和营销模式,从微观角度分析“触点餐”的营销方式,并讲述我们在做app 项目过程中的收获和 创新,着重用户需求、用户体验、用户反馈,从用户的角度开发和运营app,同时app 的营销带动用户的增长,开辟属于触点餐的营 销之路,使得触点餐又好又快稳健发展。-In recent years, along with advances in technology and the network and the popularity of smart phones has become an unusual thing the Internet age, the mobile terminal attendant also entered people Vision, people use mobile phones to download the app not the same, then after app developers how to market to gain market has become a major problem operators must face this paper Through macro-analysis app marketing development and marketing model, the microscopic point of view of food contact marketing approach, and we are doing about the process of harvesting and app projects Innovation, focusing on user needs, user experience, user feedback the user s point of view the development and operation of app, app marketing while driving subscriber growth, open up their contacts camp meal Pin of the road, so that the contacts meal fast and steady development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : 小哥啊

使用PHP+Mysql开发的分享赚平台源,低头族日益增多,移动营销趋势,势不可挡~!你想成为流量王吗?选择我们的产品没有错的。犹豫是留给那些看不到商机的人~!暴风微赚微这套系统可以帮您: ①短时间内拥有大量会员/粉丝; ②短时间产品曝光率上千万; ③整合大数据营销; ④可以接商家广告/联盟广告/自主广告/微店/公众号等等,广告收费形式多,点击量/展示量等;(承接广告点击平均盈利0.3-50元不等) ⑤增加现金流。短时间内赚几万到上百万; ⑥可以助你发展团队; ⑦短时间内微信朋友圈/微信群/各大网站出现您大量信息;(The use of PHP+Mysql development flat source share make, bow increasing, mobile marketing trend, a trend which cannot be halted! Do you want to be a traffic king? There is no mistake in choosing our products. Hesitation is left to those who can't see the business opportunities. This system make the micro micro storm can help you: a short period of time with a large number of members / fans; the short time exposure of millions; integrating large data marketing; the advertisement alliance can / advertising / advertising / public / independent micro shop, etc., form of advertising fee, hits / display quantity; (undertake ad Click average profit ranging from 0.3-50 yuan) and cash flow increase. A short period of time to earn tens of thousands to millions; the development team can help you; the short time WeChat / WeChat / friends group websites appear a lot of your information;)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.69mb Publisher : 琥珀樱桃酒

DL : 0
优壹车险微信营销系统,助力车险业收割微信8亿用户红利、快速拓展新客户,是专为车险行业量身打造的移动营销解决方案。(Best car insurance WeChat marketing system, help auto insurance industry harvesting WeChat 800 million user bonus, rapid expansion of new customers, is a vehicle insurance industry to build a mobile marketing solution.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.73mb Publisher : 4ygrsff
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